All Things: Asian Film, Vol. III

Where did Adgy go?

I blame Mitchrock. And coconut milk. Always coconut milk.

He is alive and well...just a very busy man. Nobody misses him as much as I do, he was the yin to my yang on these pages.

New Artwork for First 88 Asia Blu-ray Releases
‘Sadako vs. Kayako’ (The Ring Vs. The Grudge) Review: A Goofy, Ghostly Grudge Match | TIFF 2016

‘The Handmaiden’ Review: Sex, Lies, and Books | TIFF 2016 incredibly ambitious work that also tries to tackle identity, nationalism, language, deception, and gender. The Handmaiden is an incredibly rich work of cinema with a lovely score, gorgeous cinematography, and captivating performances from Tae Ri Kim, Jung-woo Ha, and Min-hee Kim. It’s also a movie that would fit in nicely with Park’s trio of revenge pictures, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy, and Lady Vengeance.

The Handmaiden is best viewed knowing none of the twists and turns, and it’s a film I imagine will improve on repeat viewings. It’s thoughtful and complex while also being immensely entertaining, funny, dark, and disturbing. It’s the kind of masterful work we’ve come to expect from Park Chan-wook, and while the subtext can be a bit uneven at times with regards to the sex scenes, The Handmaiden still casts an enchanting spell.

Rating: B+
Haven't seen this thread around in a while, so here is this:

I believe this was shown for one weekend only last year, in order to qualify for oscar consideration. So many people might have missed it. If you get the chance, please check it out.
Bring tissue, as there wasn't a dry eye when it was over.
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