Movies: Your guilty pleasures

12 Monkeys? Guilty pleasure??




This is a bad ass GRINDHOUSE 2fer. High end exploitation flicks played for reals by talented cast and crew.
Wow I forgot all about that one, I remember the sword and that's about it
One thing I've learned in this shelter at home deal is this: Brendan Fraser was a far more formative actor for my generation than I realized.
So my brother sent me a text with a business card for Bill Towner and now I'm gonna be watching this again

Goddamn 1986 killed it for movies
so how do we get it?

The ?Morton-Jankel Cut,? as it?s called, is the passion project of the Super Mario Bros: The Movie Archive team?Ryan Parente, Steven Applebaum, and Ryan Hoss?who reached out to filmmaker Garrett Gilchrist to restore the film after discovering a VHS containing 20 minutes of previously unseen footage.

The extended cut of the movie, which you can watch for free on the Internet Archive, is even wilder than the theatrical version.
I have to say

The Lost City and Bullet Train are bringing me on a full Sandra B cycle. Probably going to watch Speed and Miss Congeniality with the kiddos this weekend since the Mrs is out of town. Lil Miss Jammer already saw While you were sleeping, but I might finish with the Net.

This was a classic, totally forgot all about it. I don't care how campy it is
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