PLD and how I learned to quit worrying about the bomb

Gheez, who cares? Really... We are fortunate enough to have PLD as our third line center. Even with only 5 goals and - rating we play at a 690% tilt. Has anyone seen him in the playoffs, you know, something ZERO analysts have complained about? He's a friggin' force when it counts. We don't need him to be Kopi 2.0 now, but, he needs to show up big-time in the playoffs.
As much as I want to agree with you, one needs only to look back at the Jet’s series vs Vegas last year. PLD was money in game 1, then completely disappeared for the remainder of the series, which seems consistent with his MO. If they make the playoffs this year, it will be an uphill slog against teams they haven’t fared well against in games past. Time will tell which PLD shows up, I guess
You're right. It's over. He's done.
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OK. Let's see what he does in the playoffs
(we're gonna make the playoffs, right?)
IMO there haven’t been many players that have proven themselves to be a worse fit for the Kings than PLD.

The “buyout” talk begins to sound appealing. $1.13 mil cap hit for 14 years to free up $7 mil in cap space? Yeah…there’s prcedent (Richards).
Still not giving up on PLD. New team, constantly different linemates, weather changes.😒
...time of the month...
(sorry ladies, I mean no offense...)
(because there's no defence, of course...)
(just like PLD, really.)
As much as I want to agree with you, one needs only to look back at the Jet’s series vs Vegas last year. PLD was money in game 1, then completely disappeared for the remainder of the series, which seems consistent with his MO. If they make the playoffs this year, it will be an uphill slog against teams they haven’t fared well against in games past. Time will tell which PLD shows up, I guess
I'll gladly eat crow on this one. WTF happened to this team's character when it counts? Kopi is tearing it up, but the room needs to get this team going, and FAST! It sure ain't coaching.
I still think PLD will turn it around once we bring in a coach with a strong presence and veteran experience, along with strong on ice leadership - but it's sad that a player making $8.5m per season needs such strong support and isn't able to be a leader and positive example for others.
Has anyone seen him in any post-game interviews? Is he sweating at all?

He plays like he went to a 2 hour public skate session.

Would be nice if Byfield and Lizzote could teach him a thing or two about hustle.
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Has anyone seen him in any post-game interviews? Is he sweating at all?

He plays like he went to a 2 hour public skate session.

Would be nice if Byfield and Lizzote could teach him a thing or two about hustle.
PLD hustling for an entire game…
The word to me that best describes the whole PLD situation is ridiculous.

Ridiculous that he spent so much of the season without two quality wingers on his line.

Ridiculous how little effort he puts in at times.

He did improve significantly during his second season in Winnipeg. I can only hope he repeats that here. But the contract he got was never justified and the biggest error of Blake's tenure.
I know it’s tedious to talk about Dubois after every single game but it’s undeniable he’s currently playing in his most productive stretch as a King.

1g 10a 11p +10 over his last 11gp. 10 out of 11 of those points have come 5 on 5.

Since Hiller took over:

19p (4th on the team)*
9.8 Sh% (career 12.5 sh%)
49 hits (4th on the team)
+7 (4th on the team)

*Over that same time span Kopi, Fiala and Kempe are all tied with 25 points.

Maybe it’s time to stop focusing on what he isn’t and seeing him for what he is. These stats track with who he has been as a player and what I assume he was brought in to be. The 4th or 5th most productive forward on the team.

He was never going to outscore Fiala or Kopitar. He probably wasn’t expected to outscore Kempe coming off his 40+ goal season. So where does that leave Dubois? #4. #5 if Byfield’s production were to meet his talent.
I know it’s tedious to talk about Dubois after every single game but it’s undeniable he’s currently playing in his most productive stretch as a King.

1g 10a 11p +10 over his last 11gp. 10 out of 11 of those points have come 5 on 5.

Since Hiller took over:

19p (4th on the team)*
9.8 Sh% (career 12.5 sh%)
49 hits (4th on the team)
+7 (4th on the team)

*Over that same time span Kopi, Fiala and Kempe are all tied with 25 points.

Maybe it’s time to stop focusing on what he isn’t and seeing him for what he is. These stats track with who he has been as a player and what I assume he was brought in to be. The 4th or 5th most productive forward on the team.

He was never going to outscore Fiala or Kopitar. He probably wasn’t expected to outscore Kempe coming off his 40+ goal season. So where does that leave Dubois? #4. #5 if Byfield’s production were to meet his talent.
Wow! A thoughtful...logical post that uses actual numbers and well-reasoned observation to support its position. Are you sure you are on the right site?

Now Chirping

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