RIP Capfriendly

Tale as old as time. If you can’t beat them buy them out.

Two best alternatives I’ve found:
Thanks Statue4Deano. I imagine we'll all just move to PuckPedia just like when the Cap Geek guy unfortunately passed away and then CapFriendly became the top site.

It also seems absurd that the NHL can't have a central database which shows all contract AAV as well as the NTC/NMC info. That way we wouldn't have crap fiascos like the Dadonov trade with Vegas which got Ottawa in trouble. I still cannot imagine why a 3rd party has to provide info that the league should be compiling.
Ah, yes, the glory of the world we live in...the advancement of humanity is truly flabbergasting.

Well, maybe AI will take over this, too. You'll ask your phone and it will compile in a proof-¨checked and well readable fashion!

Capfriendly is one of my go to sites. And for what purpose do the Capitals need to buy it? Because it’s called Capfriendly? I guess I’ll check out Puckpedia. I should ask what other sites do people go to for information.

Capfriendly is one of my go to sites. And for what purpose do the Capitals need to buy it? Because it’s called Capfriendly? I guess I’ll check out Puckpedia. I should ask what other sites do people go to for information.
This came up on the Marek show. Teams have been using Cap Friendly for their own purposes. To have their own Cap Friendly would take a long time to build, so why not buy the site that exists? Takes the tool away from other teams also.
This came up on the Marek show. Teams have been using Cap Friendly for their own purposes. To have their own Cap Friendly would take a long time to build, so why not buy the site that exists? Takes the tool away from other teams also.
I don’t care about the other teams. They can build their own cap system. This site was for the fans.
Perhaps but for how long? I doubt it will take long for an equivalent competitor to appear.
It didn't take long for Capfriendly to improve when CapGeek passed away. Puckpedia or a new site will likely fill the vacuum if we give them a bit of time.

Now Chirping

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