The Random Thoughts Thread

When you like Supergirl, but sometimes, at least for a second, you realize that she's an Alien.

And you know, lol, Aliens freak me out, man. 😩
It's funny that there is a movie out where a Mitchrock joins a boy group. Not a boy group of monkeys, BUT of humans. So like if Mitchrock had joined the New Kids of the Block. :mhihi: :coolmonkey:
It's funny that there is a movie out where a Mitchrock joins a boy group. Not a boy group of monkeys, BUT of humans. So like if Mitchrock had joined the New Kids of the Block. :mhihi: :coolmonkey:
Wait. Mitchrock is Robbie Williams?
I live my life through the principle of "bark."

Be somebody
Act like somebody
React like somebody
Collect your rewards

I miss seeing physical media of movies all over, but at one point there was so much physical media that you had the luxury of complaining about snap case DVDs. :LOL:

When I was a kid, I found those Twilight Zone eps where some guy is alone to be completely terrifying. But now as an adult, I think that scenario sounds like a dream. :LOL:

Someone found me crying in my room and asked, "Is it because you are a Smelly Dolphin?"

And now I am crying for two reasons. :mhihi: :crying: