
Today I learned: It has been calculated that Rocky IV is 31.9% montages, nearly a third of the film. During the second half of the film, or the last 50 minutes, it is approximately 50% montage.
Today I learned: It has been calculated that Rocky IV is 31.9% montages, nearly a third of the film. During the second half of the film, or the last 50 minutes, it is approximately 50% montage.

and it's glorious

I just watched Donnie Darko(circa 2001), last weekend, hey you have fun your way... Thinking of Jake Gyllenhaal being adorably goth or sad for a 2001 reason, maybe his mom would not buy him a Von Dutch hat, perhaps? But, what in the actual F? It was set in the 80's? Dukakis 88 was a plot point?! Weird but fine. It was about time travel but didn't tell us how it works? Nor show the person time traveling?!! It was about a guy being schizophrenic with a history of arson and violence but left to just figure things out (as teen) that literally has a doctor that just making shiz worse!? Wha--???And, why? Why? Why was Drew Barrymore in that movie? She gave a homework assignment then in one scene...then 40 minutes later got fired for..something, that was not explained? And was Seth Rogan and the other brown haired guy who insuating raping the new girl on her first day, going to her house in ski mask with knives for funsies? Or to finish the job? And there was a pedo motivational speaker for some reason that duped a private school into giving him access to promote his book in a P.E. class?

So confused.

Bored?... Make it make sense. =)

edited: Sorry, it was a type and send kind of post (draft 2 is a little cleaner).
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