Random Thoughts Thread

Da, your English, so... complicate. Invite, invade: not is same word? Yes, yes, I invite Ukraine. With 200,000 of my friends. For chai. And cookie.

Damn it, Claws! You know my intent was just to help the dolphin feel better about himself and it spun out into the possibility of posting memes of Putin offering poison tea to diplomats in less than five posts?!

Zeus.......I like it.......Its good to be the King.....mhihi:
One week and maybe five more physical therapy sessions to go...

Feeling like Dustin Brown on ice...except for the phantom falling part...
Just signed the release papers and got some bad news... I'll be released on Monday...

At least I will get one more day of therapy to keep the rust off...
I'm not supposed to do any unsupervised walking for another month...but the shorter distances aren't what I needed to avoid self help on... It's the 300-500 foot walks up and down the balcony where I need help... Still haven't gotten the new (manual) wheelchair that was promised but doing (sort of) fine around my apartment working with my old office chair...

Still haven't touched much with my new computer build...and will have to call for assistance on that to play it safe... The chip is too new for the MB...and I have offers on the old chip that I'm rejecting for the build but will at the very least make $85 on that old relic... That should get the graphics card I want for heavy video editing... I have estimated a total of $4150 if everything goes at full price... This includes a Ryzen 5 3400G...several tablets...several mp3 players...eight HP Ryzen laptops...three CPU coolers rejected from the builds...four low level graphics cards (end of life to boot)...two LED light strips with remotes...and a half box of other stuff I know weren't listed...

Also weeding out my classical music CD collection by at least 100 CDs... I'll make more if I don't lot this out... Still haven't put a decent enough price to part with these as of yet...but getting there...
Angry Robot
Count Dracula was 412 when he moved to England in search of new blood.

Sauron was 54,000 years old when he forged The One Ring.

Cthulhu had seen galaxies flare into life and fade to darkness before he put madness in the minds of men.

It's never too late to follow your dreams!
“Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” George Carlin
Got the Lenovo Legion 5 running on Linux Mint and man...what a headache... I never had this much trouble converting anything away from the Windows virus to running a decent OS (Linux Mint)... Remind me to never buy another Legion again...as the others were much easier to convert...
It is written, in whatever they write these things, that if you bite the inside of your cheek or lip, there's a 99% chance you'll bite the same spot again within the next 24 hours. no:
The NHL Head Coach thing is like the Melrose Place thing.

Everyone eventually hooks up with everyone.
Got the Lenovo Legion 5 running on Linux Mint and man...what a headache... I never had this much trouble converting anything away from the Windows virus to running a decent OS (Linux Mint)... Remind me to never buy another Legion again...as the others were much easier to convert...

Run the Debian version of Mint on it... It's been nearly flawless... Replacing the default Cinnamon desktop for MATE was a chore though... Lenovo just hates the Ubuntu setups...
Back in the freaking hospital to take care of a couple of ulcers the doctor found in my back on a home visit...

This is coming off a sprained ankle where I finally got rid of the pain...

I'll be calling the surgeon and insurance company to update them on the situation...

Sooner or later they will be cut out...
Those bleeding ulcers were misdiagnosed... They were caused by a loose screw holding my back in place...

Please...no comments from the peanut gallery about me having a screw loose!!!
Another setback... I sprained my ankle Thursday and still feeling the after effects today... It happened when I attempted to get out of a low rider wheelchair to my walker after taking my ID and insurance card an airing at my surgeon's office...because the wheelchair was too wide for their doors... The nurse helped my up and I was suddenly uttering some choice German swear words before I told her it was the same ankle I sprained three months ago (at home)...

Saturday X-rays were taken of my ankle and they were mistakenly added to my back X-rays my surgeon needed Thursday... Yesterday I went in to the surgeon's office on a stretcher and they found nothing wrong (no loose screws or other equipment damage)...but I will be on antibiotics until 8/5 to keep the infection the L4 implant caused under control...

Ankle is still tender and I can't put more than jus a slight hint of pressure on my right foot without swearing... Therapist thinks it's a sprained ligament causing this... Might be on light exercises to strengthen the ankle more until I can put more weight on it...
Another setback... I sprained my ankle Thursday and still feeling the after effects today... It happened when I attempted to get out of a low rider wheelchair to my walker after taking my ID and insurance card an airing at my surgeon's office...because the wheelchair was too wide for their doors... The nurse helped my up and I was suddenly uttering some choice German swear words before I told her it was the same ankle I sprained three months ago (at home)...

Saturday X-rays were taken of my ankle and they were mistakenly added to my back X-rays my surgeon needed Thursday... Yesterday I went in to the surgeon's office on a stretcher and they found nothing wrong (no loose screws or other equipment damage)...but I will be on antibiotics until 8/5 to keep the infection the L4 implant caused under control...

Ankle is still tender and I can't put more than jus a slight hint of pressure on my right foot without swearing... Therapist thinks it's a sprained ligament causing this... Might be on light exercises to strengthen the ankle more until I can put more weight on it...

I say six months of complete bed rest and a full-time massage therapist will do the trick. You might miss the start of the season; however, you will be ready to go for the second half.
Welp, it happened. Went into Starbucks to grab a coffee and Master of Puppets was playing. Yup.

...I'm switching to beer. Oof.
Some pain in the ankle...but not sure which is the pain and which is the neuropathy...

Doctors found some abnormalities in my blood which means two years of antibiotics at the least to get rid of that infection from my L4 implant... My surgeon said August 5th that I can kiss those horrid tasting meds goodbye... The in house doctor said otherwise... The October 5th release might be in jeopardy by at least two weeks if cleared by physical therapy...

The only thing tasting worse than those added meds is the food cooked by the kitchen staff...
Were they playing it on Napster? mhihi:
*laughing* Fair. No, it just gave me "The Onion '' article vibes. Corporate coffee chain plays Metallica to increase ticket sales for the upcoming "Total Sellout" tour.
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