***Edmonton Oilers vs. LA Kings GDT 2/10/24 >>7:00pm<< on NHL & BSW***

They're going to the net now and making the safe play in the O zone--maybe finally stopping those stupid backhand passes across the middle.
Oilers are getting frustrated. The Kings are adjusting well with Hiller at the helm. It's just one game, but I can say this: I don't miss the Walrus TMac. Good riddance.
Interesting D pairings and lines. Hiller not afraid to change things up.

You see that TMac? This is how you properly coach a team. Good thing you're not coaching the Kings anymore because you've been practicing a tired, outdated system that wore thin since 2015 and are too stubborn to hear cries for change. Good riddance.
Rittich is a goofy ass dude lol..

Huh. Kinda funny how Blake traded for PLD to play against the Oilers and he’s having his best game of the season against them…

after a coach firing might have a role in that.
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