All Things: Drama

‘Demolition’ Trailer: Jake Gyllenhaal Rebuilds His Life

Fox Searchlight has released the first trailer for Dallas Buyers Club and Wild director Jean-Marc Vall?e new drama Demolition. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a successful investment banker who unravels after losing his wife in a tragic car crash. He begins sending complaint letters to a vending machine company that soon spiral into a series of letters that reveal startling personal admissions. A customer service rep played by Naomi Watts notices the letters and forms an unlikely connection with the stranger.

It’s tough to figure out what to make of this, tone-wise—it appears to have shades of earlier James L. Brooks—and the apparent undertone of “wife dying makes guy’s life better” is troublesome, but Gyllenhaal has been making some really interesting films lately, so I’m curious to see what he does with this character. Moreover, Wild was one of last year’s best films, so Vall?e makes Demolition a promising prospect as well.
Bill Hader to Star in ‘Empress of Serenity’ From ‘Me and Earl and the Dying Girl’ Writer

There’s already a lot to like about Empress of Serenity. Jesse Andrews, the guy wrote Me and Earl and the Dying Girl and the screenplay for its movie adaptation, is making his directorial debut on this film, which he also wrote. Though it’s an original concept, it’s loosely inspired by A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again by the late David Foster Wallace. To make this film even more appealing, funny man Bill Hader has been announced to star in the film.

Wallace’s book stems from an essay he wrote about his experience traveling on a luxury cruise ship for a week in 1955. Andrews’ story, however, centers on a man (played by Hader) who goes on a cruise to bond with his father, who in turn offers his son advice on his intimacy issues. Deadline included more details on the story, which sees this man as an animal rights lawyer who is shocked over the news of his mother’s death.
The ’13 Hours’ Paradox: Michael Bay’s Benghazi Movie Is His Least-Propagandistic Yet

You know, I am no fan of Michael Bay in general, but there are a lot of snarky reviews of this movie where they seem to want to say it's not without merit...but they cannot help but bash, based on the man's body of work. If he made a good movie. SAY IT. Don't confuse things by letting your personal agenda get in the way. Some people are counting on the review to CLEARLY let them know if a movie is worth seeing or not.
‘Nocturnal Animals’ Review: Stories of Your Life | TIFF 2016

Nocturnal Animals didn’t hit me with the same emotional gut-punch as A Single Man, and yet it feels like a richer, more complex, and ambitious film that I think will stay with me long after this morning’s screening. Ford has taken the fatalism of the revenge genre and spun it into a reflection of regret and bitterness. It’s a movie that gets under your skin, into your bones, and leaves you feeling as trapped as its two doomed protagonists.

Rating: A-

In a bit of news that’s probably in no way timed to the unfortunately (and very personal) news that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, Paramount Pictures has released a new trailer for Allied, the action/drama/romance flick that stars Pitt opposite Marion Cotillard. The World War II-era picture directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Steven Knight sees Pitt’s intelligence officer Max Vatan encountering French Resistance fighter Marianne Beausejour (Cotillard) in Northern Africa in 1942. The war follows them both home to London where their reunion is further complicated.

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