***LA Kings @ Minnesota Wild GDT 10/19/23 5:00pm on BSW***

Can't forget that Jacob Middleton was a Kings draft pick as well!

Anyways, 1, 2, or 4 points by the D.
ack! I always forget him. Thanks for being the Knower of All Kings Draft Picks.

When this season's picks start being on other teams I'm not gonna know any of them - had family health drama (better now) this summer so I know nothing of what happened between May-August in the hockey world - I literally couldn't remember who the VGK beat in the Finals a couple weeks ago - and I remember nothing of the Finals games even though I sort of watched them all.
I really liked Kaliyev’s game against Winnipeg. He seems to fit well next to Danault and Moore.
I did too and he’s my whipping boy/trade target this year.
You and me both! I was pleasantly surprised by his performance in Winnipeg. Jury is still out though, as he has had trouble stringing together his good games back-to-back. If he can upgrade his puck possession, passing/receiving skills and defense on a nightly basis, he will become a valued asset. The Frkn shot isn't enough.
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