The Yotes trainwreck just keeps getting worse

Hope he sees the light and makes an effort to be a better human.
I agree, and although I think the odds of that happening are long, I sincerely hope that it does. That said, an NHL team had no business drafting this guy in 2020 with zero evidence that anything about him has changed. From everything I've read, his combine interviews DID NOT go well at all.
Sad to say (yes its my grumpy cynical :popo: mentality rearing its ugly head yet again) he is typical of today's entitled new generation. I doubt he will change and he will most likely blame the victim for his NHL misfortune and try to become a victim himself. :fpalm:
I don't know if it was intentional, but the choice of John Lennon to sing about an abusive, narcissistic ******* was inspired. And why is Yoko wearing a blindfold?

It was pretty intentional. Mostly for the song title and content of the song (e.g. the superstar line). What's that brand of crazy when an event happens you hear a song? Well, when I read that AZ walked back their offer to Mitchell, that is the song I heard in my head.

Yoko in blindfold? Hmm. Welp, if it's 1970, my husband/boyfriend is John Lennon and I'm in a music video for this song, I know literally no one is looking at me. That blindfold reads pretty "thirsty" to me. Or, she was the first recipient of lasik and that was the post-op look. It's an either/or, really.
I agree, and although I think the odds of that happening are long, I sincerely hope that it does. That said, an NHL team had no business drafting this guy in 2020 with zero evidence that anything about him has changed. From everything I've read, his combine interviews DID NOT go well at all.

It really does reflect poorly on the Phoenix organization's preparation for the draft. Hard to believe NHL level scouting and management would ignore the red flags. And, of course, the kid has justifiably lost what he wanted most.

My comment was more as a parent than a hockey fan. I just want to believe that a 17 or 18-year old kid can be made to finally see the light of karma that is shining so brightly on him now. Racism and bullying are learned behaviors after all.
It really does reflect poorly on the Phoenix organization's preparation for the draft. Hard to believe NHL level scouting and management would ignore the red flags. And, of course, the kid has justifiably lost what he wanted most.

My comment was more as a parent than a hockey fan. I just want to believe that a 17 or 18-year old kid can be made to finally see the light of karma that is shining so brightly on him now. Racism and bullying are learned behaviors after all.

Was thinking of that also (learned behaviour). Did he learn that at home or in the billets or both? didnt want to speculate but the bottom line is this kid was probably subjected to this behaviour and the scary part is if it was in the billet, then there is an even bigger issue beyong the miller family.
Reviving this 2 year old thread because Boston, for some reason, decided to sign this POS to a contract. There was a huge negative reaction from the media, the fans, the league, & even their own players to this. Now today after learning new evidence (which would’ve been known to them if they bothered to ask the victim’s parents), they just rescinded his contract.

And before anyone says it, because this was all over twitter, no it wasn’t just 1 incident when he was just 14. It happened for years up to 2 years ago. And he doesn’t have the right to play in the NHL. That’s a privilege that he doesn’t deserve.
Are you saying, that even after he was convicted in juvenile court for bullying, he continued this behavior towards this young man, until he was 18?

That’s what the mom is saying.
Wow, Sad deal all the way around. Terrible that he bullied that kid for so long.

Sad that the Yotes top draft pick went for a guy who is not even worth a bag of pucks.

Now Chirping

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