
well, the Super Bowl is coming, and this thread is lost at sea yet again. So ve vill reschtardt!!!

My fave recent 'mmercial, not sure why...but it always makes me giggle.

Agree. That was part of watching the Super Bowl in the past was getting the initial reaction of the commercials. Bad form product sellers, bad form!
Ok, let's start this with some SuperBowl pregame...

Gonna be using a VISITORS field computer...will try to post as many of the good or BAD ones as I can find. Feel free to play along brothers and sisters. Go 'HAWKS.
All I took from the ads is that those freemium games(Clash of Clans, Game of War) must be making bank to be able to afford Superbowl Ads. The Clash of Clans and Doritos ad were probably my two favorite.

One of the only ads I actually missed was the vilified Nationwide ad.
Ron Swanson almost made me want to watch Nascar.


Now Chirping

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