Eh can't see myself paying $30 for this

I just read that if someone purchased the movie, it is not a one time view. It is available on demand anytime you want to view it as long as you are a subscriber to Disney+. A slight improvement on the price paid but I will probably wait 6 months when it will be free with subscription.
Dunno. Would have considered seeing in a theater. Looks, at the very least, visually amazing.


2 tix, 30 easy. Concessions, etc. It's not a bad deal. And, they really are only doing this because...International market, who this was really made for, are SOMEHOW good enough at this Trump virus(delete my post, DGAF) to return to a reasonable approximation of GREATNESS. We are the short bus country now. MuRiCAAAAAAAAA. Anyway, pirate market would have been ripe. When you can pay 30 for a full transfer, instead of 13 for some creepy dude with a hatcam occasionally managing to get a decent shot, well...
Dunno. Would have considered seeing in a theater. Looks, at the very least, visually amazing.


2 tix, 30 easy. Concessions, etc. It's not a bad deal. And, they really are only doing this because...International market, who this was really made for, are SOMEHOW good enough at this Trump virus(delete my post, DGAF) to return to a reasonable approximation of GREATNESS. We are the short bus country now. MuRiCAAAAAAAAA. Anyway, pirate market would have been ripe. When you can pay 30 for a full transfer, instead of 13 for some creepy dude with a hatcam occasionally managing to get a decent shot, well...

Maybe, 10 bucks more than it should be. It really isn't a bad deal, I mean people, at least some, have been clamoring for earlier VOD releases for major films and it can only work if the price is adjusted accordingly.

This is movie is too expensive to just dump somewhere, and obviously, different people are in different financial situations, but 30 bucks isn't going to make or break most people. It's a luxury to watch a brand new movie and one that cost a lot of money to make. And going to the cinemas also reflects that it is a luxury because of how much it costs too. Take it or leave it like a lot of entertainment options.

I think streaming services with movies have made people expect to pay cheap prices to watch movies at home, but, it's should only be for SOME movies.

I don't know if I would pay 30 to see Mulan, haha, but Wonder Woman and Dune? Probably.
Maybe, 10 bucks more than it should be. It really isn't a bad deal, I mean people, at least some, have been clamoring for earlier VOD releases for major films and it can only work if the price is adjusted accordingly.

This is movie is too expensive to just dump somewhere, and obviously, different people are in different financial situations, but 30 bucks isn't going to make or break most people. It's a luxury to watch a brand new movie and one that cost a lot of money to make. And going to the cinemas also reflects that it is a luxury because of how much it costs too. Take it or leave it like a lot of entertainment options.

I think streaming services with movies have made people expect to pay cheap prices to watch movies at home, but, it's should only be for SOME movies.

I don't know if I would pay 30 to see Mulan, haha, but Wonder Woman and Dune? Probably.

Hey Orph. No bs, although we have never you my friend. Not ashamed to say.

Your opinion is completely rational. Nice to see. But if SUICIDE SQUAD gets squeezed, I would pay forty bucks. It's supply/demand at its finest
I just hope this didn't drive up the price for Bill and Ted 3...
