

Ok...Adgy and I have had sort of discussions regarding not starting threads for every oddity that comes about. We both want to keep a wholesale purge from happening again. So, in an effort to keep to that, while still posting every interesting pseudo-project that we read about...I offer up this thread, basically a Miscellaneous or, like on Jeopardy, PotPourri thread. If you like reading about stuff in it's infancy...check here, or, if you are like Doc Naysay...don't.

So, here goes.

Mitch Glazer And Mr. Beaks Discuss The Vicissitudes Of PASSION PLAY (And A Forgotten Collaboration With Michael O'Donoghue)!

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Mitch Glazer's PASSION PLAY is a labor of love two decades in the making, a go-for-broke piece of magical realism that brings together Mickey Rourke, Bill Murray and Megan Fox as, respectively, a washed-up jazz trumpeter, a murderously possessive mobster, and a beautiful carnival freak with big feathery wings sprouting out of her back. It's certainly one of the more least-expected love triangles you'll ever encounter. Add in some gorgeous neo-noir cinematography from the great Christopher Doyle, and you've got a one-of-a-kind movie to which attention must be paid.

This is Glazer's first go as a director, and it's a long way from the kind of caustic, pitch-black comedy he once wrote with the late Michael O'Donoghue. PASSION PLAY is a fearlessly sincere film about the redemptive power of love; from its forthright title to the writ-large symbolism of Fox's angelic character, the movie gives you no choice but to embrace its delirious romanticism. It's got the wild earnestness of a Sam Shepard work, only not quite as savage and far less ambiguous; Glazer knows precisely what he wants you to feel by the end of the movie, and it's to his credit that he makes the climactic big gesture in an attempt to summon those emotions. Budget limitations aside (which mostly impact the quality of the CGI), this is undoubtedly the movie Glazer set out to make.

That Glazer managed to complete the film without much of a hassle seems a minor miracle; more experienced directors have been steamrolled by the intimidating likes of Rourke and Murray. Fortunately, Glazer has a long history with both actors: he attended the same high school as Rourke, and came up through the late-'70s/early-'80s comedy ranks with Murray. There's a mutual trust here, and it's especially apparent when Rourke and Murray share the screen. Surprisingly, Murray mostly dominates Rourke in their scenes together; it's reminiscent of the dynamic from John McNaughton's MAD DOG AND GLORY - only unlike De Niro, Rourke has the bulk to bump back if he so chooses. But he allows himself to be ground down; Rourke's as vulnerable here as he was in THE WRESTLER, and his sadness brings out a real performance from Fox (who, as she showed in the unjustly maligned JENNIFER'S BODY, is capable of more than mere summer-movie adornment).
One thing that might help to save this from the purge is a sticky. It would be nice to get stickies on some of these on-going threads to make sure they don't disappear.
One thing that might help to save this from the purge is a sticky. It would be nice to get stickies on some of these on-going threads to make sure they don't disappear.

How many things can you sticky though...I am loathe to speak for Adgy, but I think what we have both been doing is to throw as much stuff at the wall and what, what doesn't...gets relegated to the back pages. It's a work in progress. The best thing in my opinion, is that a ton more folks are on this forum and are taking up the torch. Hey, we get pruned back, it just means that a crapload of information/participation is going on, and that's a great thing.
SEINFELD Writer David Mandel to Write FLETCH Reboot

Warner Bros. has hired screenwriter David Mandel to write the reboot of Fletch. As we reported back in February, Warner Bros. picked up the rights to Gregory Mcdonald?s mystery novels for what they?re calling not a remake but a ?re-imagining?, which is studio-speak for remake. However, since two of the Fletch novels were previously adapted (1985?s Fletch and 1989?s Fletch Lives, both starring Chevy Chase as the eponymous reporter), I?ll call it a reboot. But whatever you want to call it, Warner Bros. says that this new version ?will be a smart action comedy that plays out on a bigger canvas than the previous movies.?

Per THR, ?The 11 mystery books, the first of which was published in 1974, center on a reporter named I.M. Fletcher who juggles writing exposes while avoiding headaches caused by his two ex-wives.? Since I?ve never read any of the Fletch novels, I don?t know if Mandel?s the right guy for the job, but his credits include Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sacha Baron Cohen?s upcoming comedy The Dictator, and the underrated EuroTrip (that?s right: I?ll go to bat for EuroTrip), so I think Warners at least has a talented writer on board. The project is a high-priority for the studio and they?re looking at it as a vehicle for an A-list comedy star. Hit the jump for a synopsis of the first novel.

They have been trying to get this going forever...Kevin Smith with Jason Lee was the best chance for this...I am not a huge Chevy Chase fan, but , damn if those flicks aren't still REALLY good. I would love to see Norm McDonald as Fletch...won't happen.

[nomedia=""]YouTube - ‪THIS MUST BE THE PLACE - HD-Teaser - Paolo Sorrentino‬‏[/nomedia]

Watching the first clip from the upcoming drama This Must Be the Place, I can?t help but think that star Sean Penn was re-watching I Am Sam and though to himself, ?Yeah, I can top that.? So instead of going full-retard, Penn is going full old-rock-star parody. We?ve already seen his Robert Smith-inspired attire, but wait until you hear how Penn decides to deliver dialogue. It sounds like a cross between a nerdy teenager and present-day Ozzy Osbourne. It?s awful and I can?t tell if co-star Frances McDormand is embarrassed or just trying really hard not to laugh.

Oh, for those that don?t know about the plot, it?s about an aged rock star who decides to follow in his late father?s footsteps and become a Nazi hunter. I?m not making that up. Hit the jump to check out new images from the film along with the glorious clip. This Must Be the Place also stars newcomer Eve Newsome as a gothic-punk music fan who is close friends with Penn?s character, Cheyenne.
i think it's a great idea. the only thing i'm hesitant about is back when you'd start a new thread, if the thread title caught my eye, i'd click. i suppose i could make an effort to check in on the thread every now and then to see what new things are going on in the general media world. it would definitely be better than the alternative of the media forum being so backed up that the active threads get pruned. still pretty bummed the vinyl thread and all its sweet photos, links, etc. got snipped. but oh well, we've still got an active discourse with new stuff going on in version 2. :)
Good Idea, you were adding a whole new page a week with the mass amounts of movie threads.

BD Horror News - 'Ghostbusters' Firehouse Being Shut Down, S'more Stay Puft!

John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell Making ‘Step Brothers’ Rap Album, Possibly a Sequel

Talk turned to the modern cult comedy favorite Step Brothers when John C. Reilly recently spoke to MTV cameras over in Cannes. In the interview Reilly confirms that there is indeed work being done on a rap album written and performed by he and Ferrell’s fictional characters Brennan Huff and Dale Doback. Reilly says, “We have not recorded the album yet, but we’ve begun to write it … Hopefully we’re going to come [back to Cannes] and premiere the record on a boat, on a yacht.” While the idea of French people having to bear witness to Reilly and Ferrell performing “Boats and Hoes” live is pretty dang hysterical, I don’t know if we really need an entire album of ironic rap songs released outside of the context of any film work. Will anybody really take the time to listen to this? And has anybody asked Weird Al for his approval?

What I’m more interested in is the possibility for a sequel to Step Brothers, and Reilly indicates that this might be exactly where the rap album will lead. “That was the idea for the album,” he said. “Let’s get the band back together. We’ll do this record, and that’ll be a way to start talking about the movie again.” He wouldn’t want to do a sequel just for the sake of cashing in again, though. It would have to be for the right reasons.
Boborci Says Initial Prep Work For STAR TREK Sequel Is Based On 70+ Page Outline - Full Script Pending Abrams' Feedback!!

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Producer/scripter Roberto Orci - known to Talkbackers 'round these here parts as 'Boborci' - offered TrekMovie an update regarding the status of the script for the TREK sequel.

Here's a slightly abridged quote from Orci, which appeared TrekMovie message boards...

Just been waiting for JJ to be free to really decide if he likes the story and hear his suggestions before we finish the script. Once he says go, we?ll have it in no time. Meanwhile, our outline is detailed enough (70+ pages!) to do some prep :)

Orci's follow e-mail to TrekMovie continues the thought...

In the meetings we?ve had with JJ, he?s already given us amazing input and ideas, and that?s been while he?s been up to his eyeballs in Super 8.

Although J.J. Abrams has not formally committed to direct the long-in-development STAR TREK sequel, it's widely presumed he will do so. Abrams has recently indicated that more formal announcements regarding the project should be coming soon.

Boobytrap will NOT be amused.
Rumor: Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro to Reunite for THE COMEDIAN?

Let?s keep this one in the rumor mill for now, but it?s possible that Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro could reunite for The Comedian. Showbiz411 reports that producer Art Linson co-wrote a script with comedian Jeffrey Ross about an insult comic who?s described as a cross between Don Rickles and Joan River. According to Showbiz411, Linson would like Scorsese to direct. I bet he would. I bet producers the world over would like Scorsese to direct their movie as well. If the project were to move forward (and that?s a big ?If?), it would draw an obvious comparison to Scorsese and De Niro?s 1982 film The King of Comedy, even though the characters sound very different.

The reason this all sounds slightly dubious (or at least incredibly hopeful on the part of Linson) is that Scorsese has a wealth of other projects he could choose.
Tempting to start a new thread, but... we'll wait for it to graduate.

Early Buzz: Jonathan Levine’s ’50/50′ – “If It Wasn’t So Funny, And Occasionally Crude, I’d Call This An Oscar Contender”


Yeah, that's Seth Rogen and Jospeh-Gordon Levitt.

50/50 (originally titled I’m With Cancer) is an autobiographical story based on the experiences of Will Reiser, a producer on HBO’s Da Ali G Show and VH1′s Best Week Ever. Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as Adam, a 27-year-old who is diagnosed with cancer, and his sometimes funny “struggle to beat the disease.” The film, funded with Summit Entertainment’s giant pile of Twilight money, co-stars Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Bryce Dallas Howard and Anjelica Huston. 50/50 won’t hit theaters until September 30th 2011, probably after a film festival run. We should see a trailer next week.

Dat cast!
One thing that might help to save this from the purge is a sticky. It would be nice to get stickies on some of these on-going threads to make sure they don't disappear.

This is true. I never delete the stikies, I learned to filter them but now other threads. I've tried filtering by replies. last post time and other stuff and still delete the wrong threads.

Matbe a forum where nothing gets deleted like a Hall of Fame threads forum?

Now Chirping

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