Anybody going to the game tomorrow in Seattle?



Was going to post in Home Ice but figured it would be better here. Anybody going tomorrow?

I decided to do a full send and do a solo trip for this one since I've never been to Seattle. Went to the first home game against them so figured why not go to the first road game there.
Wanted to see if anybody had any good food or beer spots near the Arena or Space Needle area. Since the guys clinched a playoff spot, wondering if they'd be in a good mood to toss a puck over during warmups...

Also, long time no see ;)
Have fun up there shaddy, hope the kings didn't party too hard last night.

Thanks Jam! Was hoping they would clinch with this game but now I can enjoy it without worrying about that lol. Still need to get my game ticket and I?m about to board the flight haha.
Thanks Jam! Was hoping they would clinch with this game but now I can enjoy it without worrying about that lol. Still need to get my game ticket and I’m about to board the flight haha.

well thats ballzy for sure! enjoy the game.

Now Chirping

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