Hey guys, just wondering if we have any music/art nerds out there who would like to share works with other artists on the boards. (merge if there is an existing buried somewhere)
Figure why not throw this thread out there. It's always good to have a community to share your works and ideas around with! It can be anything from songwriting, to painting, your own band..poetry...what the **** ever! Just get in here! Don't be shy. Try to keep the criticisms to the constructive nature if there are any. This is peoples art we might be talking about here.
I'll start it off.
Personally I am trying to break in as a composer for T.V./Film/Video Games. Just building a portfolio of personal works. Pulling from my influences...like Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, and John Powell. Working out of Sibelius6, Logic, and then using some nifty plug ins for the crisp orchestral stuff.
Stuff like this is pretty Elfman influenced..
Myst?re by Jason Lewis on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Then I have some stuff where I definitely was listening to Zimmer
When Idols Fall by Jason Lewis on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Feel free to check out my other stuff. Some of it I wrote with concepts in mind..others just on a whim and it has no other purpose then I thought it sounded good. Heh.
Post your stuff! Don't be shy!
(Rinkrat you don't count...even though your photos ARE an art in themselves )
Figure why not throw this thread out there. It's always good to have a community to share your works and ideas around with! It can be anything from songwriting, to painting, your own band..poetry...what the **** ever! Just get in here! Don't be shy. Try to keep the criticisms to the constructive nature if there are any. This is peoples art we might be talking about here.
I'll start it off.
Personally I am trying to break in as a composer for T.V./Film/Video Games. Just building a portfolio of personal works. Pulling from my influences...like Danny Elfman, Hans Zimmer, and John Powell. Working out of Sibelius6, Logic, and then using some nifty plug ins for the crisp orchestral stuff.
Stuff like this is pretty Elfman influenced..
Myst?re by Jason Lewis on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Then I have some stuff where I definitely was listening to Zimmer
When Idols Fall by Jason Lewis on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Feel free to check out my other stuff. Some of it I wrote with concepts in mind..others just on a whim and it has no other purpose then I thought it sounded good. Heh.
Post your stuff! Don't be shy!
(Rinkrat you don't count...even though your photos ARE an art in themselves )