Brandt Clarke is the top scoring defenceman in the AHL


Classic player
Just like their big league brothers, the Ontario Reign have been on fire. They are now second in their division. In addition to Clarke, Fagemo and Turcotte are tearing it up lately. Fagemo has been on a goal scoring binge since he was re-acquired and Turcotte is definitely looking like a top-5 draft draft choice.
Going to be tough for Clarke to get some playing time with the NHL team unless there is an injury. Fagemo is another story...I could see him coming up and taking JADs place at some point. The problem with that being that Lizzo will likely be back very soon so even then JAD is the extra forward/scratch each night. I don't think they have any desire to bring Fagemo up and let him sit. Let him continue to contribute to the Reign.
One has to think Matt Roy’s job will become Clarke’s eventual destination next year. Til then, Clarke should continue tearing it up in the A.

But thinking about Doughty, Spence and Clarke on the right side makes me smile.
This makes sense, but I would hate to see Roy go. He and Gavi and have been pretty stellar since they have played together.
This makes sense, but I would hate to see Roy go. He and Gavi and have been pretty stellar since they have played together.
Maybe they will go Gavy/Spence and Englund/Clarke. Kings seem to have found their own “Makar & Byron” on the right side. And then there’s Drew and Mikey!!! That group on D is gonna make matching up to the Kings awesome forward depth even harder for opponents.
Maybe they will go Gavy/Spence and Englund/Clarke. Kings seem to have found their own “Makar & Byron” on the right side. And then there’s Drew and Mikey!!! That group on D is gonna make matching up to the Kings awesome forward depth even harder for opponents.
It's a tough one. I am a big fan of Spence but I don't think it would be wise to move Roy. Roy plays a defensive game that should continue to get better as he ages and seems to be more of what the Kings need should they also run with Doughty and Clarke on the right side. Roy also has 41 hits so far this season to Spence's 12 (Doughty has 29). If you remove Roy from the right side and insert Clarke it leaves a pretty soft side, especially come playoff time.

Spence has a higher ceiling (if he reaches it) but I still want to see how he does come playoff time, given his size, before passing the baton.
It's a tough one. I am a big fan of Spence but I don't think it would be wise to move Roy. Roy plays a defensive game that should continue to get better as he ages and seems to be more of what the Kings need should they also run with Doughty and Clarke on the right side. Roy also has 41 hits so far this season to Spence's 12 (Doughty has 29). If you remove Roy from the right side and insert Clarke it leaves a pretty soft side, especially come playoff time.

Spence has a higher ceiling (if he reaches it) but I still want to see how he does come playoff time, given his size, before passing the baton.
I totally agree. I've been very pleasantly surprised with Spence but he got destroyed in the playoffs 2 years ago by borderline cheap shots from Kassian. He's filled out but I think you are spot on that we need evidence that his game translates to May and June before cutting Roy loose.
It's a tough one. I am a big fan of Spence but I don't think it would be wise to move Roy. Roy plays a defensive game that should continue to get better as he ages and seems to be more of what the Kings need should they also run with Doughty and Clarke on the right side. Roy also has 41 hits so far this season to Spence's 12 (Doughty has 29). If you remove Roy from the right side and insert Clarke it leaves a pretty soft side, especially come playoff time.

Spence has a higher ceiling (if he reaches it) but I still want to see how he does come playoff time, given his size, before passing the baton.
I totally agree. I've been very pleasantly surprised with Spence but he got destroyed in the playoffs 2 years ago by borderline cheap shots from Kassian. He's filled out but I think you are spot on that we need evidence that his game translates to May and June before cutting Roy loose.
Much depends on how much the cap goes up next year... and whether they want to re-sign UFA Arvy... and how much UFA Roy will want for his next contract. If they want Clarke and Roy on the ice next season, then Spence would be the guy in the press box. Seems like that would be a waste of a trade-able asset. Something has to give...

I agree that Spence's performance in the playoffs will decide his future on the Kings. Regardless of how far the team progresses in the next playoff rounds, the 2024 off-season is going be an interesting story to follow if Clarke keeps tearing up the AHL.
Spence ain’t going anywhere for the time being.

Until he does what he’s doing in the AHL in the NHL, he’s still just a prospect.

We’re winning, don’t touch it.
Spence ain’t going anywhere for the time being.

Until he does what he’s doing in the AHL in the NHL, he’s still just a prospect.

We’re winning, don’t touch it.
Oh... I completely agree for this year. As long as Talbot/Copley are getting it done, there is no need to change anything this season. LTIR is our friend!
Does Clarke have a size issue? It seemed like at camp he was not close to ready. It didn’t even seem like a hard choice to send him to the AHL. Are we saying he has figured something out in 15 games that he didn’t in camp? I am suspicious.
I believe letting Roy walk or trading Roy will take away the physicality of the Kings. Losing his physical presence will have teams running over the Kings. He is a true shutdown defensemen that is only getting better. Isn't Clarke more of a Spence type? I’ll take your thoughts off the air.
Does Clarke have a size issue? It seemed like at camp he was not close to ready. It didn’t even seem like a hard choice to send him to the AHL. Are we saying he has figured something out in 15 games that he didn’t in camp? I am suspicious.
My Clarke comments are, and have been, about next season, 2024/25. I don’t think anyone believes he should leave the Reign this season. Injuries would be the only reason he might get a brief call up this season.
I believe letting Roy walk or trading Roy will take away the physicality of the Kings. Losing his physical presence will have teams running over the Kings. He is a true shutdown defensemen that is only getting better. Isn't Clarke more of a Spence type? I’ll take your thoughts off the air.
Clarke is listed at 6’ 3”, 200 lbs. on the Reign website.

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