
Quite a lucky goal for him tonight, but considering he only had three last year, this is a great start. Doesn't matter how it goes in!
We need a countdown timer!
This the top of my ability. I hope you like it ;)

It was a lucky bounce but absolutely not a lucky goal!
A lucky bounce but a well deserved goal. Driving play to the net like that at all costs is what I expect to see from a 2nd overall pick with his physical skills.
It was a lucky bounce but absolutely not a lucky goal!
Agreed. Definitely a lucky bounce, but a well deserved goal! Driving play to the net like that all night long is what I expect to see from a second overall pick with his physical skill level.
Give Byfield 15 games and if he has not improved place him on the 4th line.
For a variety of reasons, I have remained optimistic through Byfield’s first 3 seasons. But that tankful of tolerance is now close to empty. I just don’t see the natural talent and physical attributes that a #2 overall should possess. I think Chromiak or Turcotte may soon be a better fit.
I’m gonna talk a little sh*t here, because usually it works -against- me, so hopefully the fates are listening closely..

Byfield is not a natural scorer, and never will be. While he will always be a great forechecker, awesome work ethic, and hustle that is top tier, this kid will never be a goal scorer at the NHL level. His physical ability and skill allow him several premium looks per game, but he’s like a deer in the headlights when he’s staring down that goalie jersey crest. The Talking Heads for the kings try to assure us that it’s because he defers or has a past first mentality, but I’ve been watching this kid get premium shot opportunities from within 10 feet since his inaugural season, and they’re all going the same place.. NOT the back of the net.
For a variety of reasons, I have remained optimistic through Byfield’s first 3 seasons. But that tankful of tolerance is now close to empty. I just don’t see the natural talent and physical attributes that a #2 overall should possess. I think Chromiak or Turcotte may soon be a better fit.

I was gonna say weren't you the staunch Byfield supporter.

I thought he looked good the first 2 games, then disappeared. I honestly don't know what he's doing out there half the time. He literally can't hit the net and has no creativity. I think if a coaching change was made, #55 would be scooted quickly down to the 4th line and he'd be a big body grinder for the rest of his career, which I have no idea how that translates to a 2nd overall draftee. He has no business being on the top line. Kopitar said "if you know hockey, you know what Byfield does" - well, sorry Kopi, I guess I don't know hockey. I think he's on Team Todd and is lucky for it because his play just.. sucks.