Does Iafallo turn back into a pumpkin come midnight?



It seems the Alex Iafallo experiment is shortly coming to an end on LA as more skilled players are coming up and he is playing to his true potential, which was never a first-line player to begin with.

I attribute our enthusiasm for him to Austin Wagner syndrome, where we are happy to have him because we really had nothing else down the pipe.

Do you think he'll get relegated down to the third or fourth lines or do you think he'll be trade bait?

Either way I wish him the best he seems to have a great attitude and yeoman work ethic.
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Kupari or AK can easily replace his production and add much more upside and value. Rasmus has been trusted on the PK so there's nothing lost there. Trading AI will be somewhat important seeing as Juice is going to get paid a bit more than could have been foreseen.

The question is will there be any demand for AI or will Blake have to add a pick or a prospect and virtually give him away?

It's no secret anymore virtually every player the Kings have traded away the past 3 years has seen increased production on their new teams, I think there will be takers for him.
I want to see a Lemuix Lizotte Iafallo 4th line. It would be relentless and hell to play against
I want to see a Lemuix Lizotte Iafallo 4th line. It would be relentless and hell to play against

Someone get this in coach Todd's ear! Sounds like one helluva tenacious line other teams would hate to play
3rd liner is exactly what he's always been. He's not getting worse, the team around him is getting better. I expect him to play 3rd line next season, and potentially bumpe dback up to teh Kopitar lien if we can't find somebody that meshes well there (a la Arvidsson).
dang, you ARE out of the loop. Juice is Kempe....and he got that nickname from Sutter :)

Actually he got that name in Manchester when as a 18-year old he was lighting it up during the Calder Cup playoffs. Nothing to do with Sutter.
Actually he got that name in Manchester when as a 18-year old he was lighting it up during the Calder Cup playoffs. Nothing to do with Sutter.

I thought it was Biznasty or one of the Manchester veterans who came up with the name. Kempe was the juice that the team needed.

Now Chirping

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