Fiala Trade


4th Line Grinder
Obviously, nothing can be done now, but I was watching the Wild game on Sunday and watching Brock Faber who is looking like the possible ROY. It got me thinking did we give up too much, (19th Pick and Faber) at this point I would say yes, although Fiala has done a nice job and is definitely one of our top offensive players, it would have been nice to have worked out another player instead of Faber. The Wild were not going to pay him at the time. I think we knew at the time Faber was going to be something special after his play with the U20 USA team. I'm beginning to buy into what I have known for a bit, Blake is not a good negotiator, and I'm sure many of you agree. I think we got fleeced in the Dubois deal as well as Fiala. Yes I understand you have to give up something to get something, but the Dubois deal was reckless, based on his past both performance and locker room. Anyway, can't cry over spilled milk, but I think Blake needs to be on a very short leash.
I'll need a few more beers to be your huckleberry but the tldr version
Blake offered him a chance to have a roster position in the playoffs, he said no, Blake maximized assets.
I really don't think people understand how strong his position was in Minny with NIL happening
Ideally, Faber stays and succeeds. However, reality is, it’s still way too early to judge the deal. (Injuries; did Faber even want to be here?; consistency, etc.) I mean, we can’t know just yet how this trade plays out.
Seems like a fair trade for both teams involved. Blake new what he was getting in Fiala, and Fiala has delivered since coming to LA. Faber, on the other hand, we knew was special but there was, and still is, risk that he wouldn't develop into the player many thought he could be. Faber, however, is over-delivering thus far.

Still, there was low risk for LA and a much higher risk for Minn. As such, the 1st round pick was also sent to solidify the deal.

As others mentioned, Fiala actually signed below market value so that is another plus side (in regards to the trade) for LA.
You got to give up something to get something. Still to early to call. But as of now, I take that trade all day.
we cant even give brandt clarke playing minutes ... i am okay with the trade as well .. we needed a game breaker more than we needed another Right Handed D (our most solid position)
It was about team need…a dynamic offensive winger with a reasonable cap hit on a contending team that needed offense NOW…or yet another RH defenseman we wouldn’t be able play regardless and with Clarke waiting in the wings who’s talent is obvious and has a ceiling higher than Faber’s. This was simply a good hockey trade. Blake made the right move here. Now don’t even get me started on Dubois. Two steps forward…one giant leap back.
The true verdict of the PLD trade can't be made until the conclusion of this season. If he is a beast in the playoffs and help them get through a round or two, I think most of us will forget about the pathetic reg season showing and optimistic about year 2 of 8. HOWEVER, I think this is very unlikely.

Despite that, Blake has made some REALLY solid moves over the last few years and deserves credit for such. He addressed the Kings biggest issue two years ago which was scoring and acquired a 1st line player in his prime -- when most fans were clamoring for him to stop hording picks and prospects. It was a good trade, give the dude some credit.
Once again, not making the Fiala trade would have been incompetence on Blake's part. When Faber wouldn't sign a contract that was a huge red flag indicating he would just stay in school until he became a FA.
Blake only had one more year to sign Faber, before he became a FA. There was no path for Faber to make the team, and PLENTY of rumblings Faber was happy to wait it out then sign for Minnesota the following season. You realize Minnesota is his home state right? Faber had virtually no value to the Kings at the point.

All that considered it was a masterful trade by Blake and a great term on the contract extension. There was no team in the NHL that would have touched Faber, everyone knew he was going to Minnesota.

Frankly I'm surprised Minnesota just didn't wait it out a year and move Fiala for someone else. They are the ones that F'd it up really.
Blake only had one more year to sign Faber, before he became a FA. There was no path for Faber to make the team, and PLENTY of rumblings Faber was happy to wait it out then sign for Minnesota the following season. You realize Minnesota is his home state right? Faber had virtually no value to the Kings at the point.

All that considered it was a masterful trade by Blake and a great term on the contract extension. There was no team in the NHL that would have touched Faber, everyone knew he was going to Minnesota.

Frankly I'm surprised Minnesota just didn't wait it out a year and move Fiala for someone else. They are the ones that F'd it up really.
They could have waited it out but as the saying goes...a bird in the hand...