
Top Forward
Been a few years since I’ve run one of these.
Predict whether the Kings will win or lose each game on the upcoming seven game road trip.
Your predictions for all seven games must be made on this thread before the first game starts. Please do not change them once posted.
You may duplicate anyone else’s picks.

PRIZE: The winner wins a $50 Amazon gift card, unless that person predicts all seven games correctly, in which case they win a $100 Amazon gift card.
The winner is the poster who predicts the most games correctly.
If there is a tie, the winner will be chosen by random draw from among those who tied for most correct predictions.
If more than one person correctly predicts all seven games, I might give the 7-for-7 non-winner(s) a $50 Amazon gift card.

Happy Holidays and Go Kings Go!
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Ok this is easy. I'm a little disappointed at 3-4 but hey it's gotta happens sometime and December on the road seems about right, they'll recover and show up strong at home after.

Islanders: Kongs Lose
Devils: Kwongs Win
Rangers: Konggs Lose
Penguins: Kings Lose
Flyers: Koongs Win
Predators: Kiings Lose
Capitals: Kingz Win

Tiebreaker: Ducks suck

Thanks for the contest!
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Islanders: Win
Devils: Lose
Rangers: Lose
Penguins: Win
Flyers: Win
Predators: Win
Capitals: Lose

4-3 for the roadie. Happy Holidays!
Thanks @jcwla! This could be fun!

I'm feeling pretty confident so giving the Kings a 5-2 road trip:

Islanders: Win
Devils: Lose
Rangers: Win
Penguins: Win
Flyers: Win
Predators: Win
Capitals: Lose (I really want to go to this game, but last year, despite wearing a face mask on the metro and at the game, I still caught the flu!
Islanders: Win
Devils: Win
Rangers: Lose
Penguins: Lose
Flyers: Lose
Predators: Win
Capitals: Lose
Islanders: Kings Lose
Devils: Kings Win
Rangers: Kings Win
Penguins: Kings Lose
Flyers: Kings Win
Predators: Kings Lose
Capitals: Kings Win
Islanders - Lose
Devils - Win
Rangers - Win
Penguins - Win
Flyers - Lose
Predators - Lose
Capitals - Win
Islanders: Loss
Devils: Win
Rangers: Loss
Penguins: Win
Flyers: Loss
Predators: Win
Capitals: Win
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Nice contest. Kudos.

Islanders: Kings WIN
Devils: Kings lose
Rangers: Kings WIN
Penguins: Kings WIN
Flyers: Kings WIN
Predators: Kings WIN
Capitals: Kings lose
Islanders - Kings Lose
Devils - Kings Lose
Rangers - Kings Win
Penguins - Kings Win
Flyers - Kings Win
Predators - Kings Win
Capitals - Kings Lose
Islanders: Kings win
Devils: Kings Lose
Rangers: Kings Win
Penguins: Kings win
Flyers: Kings lose
Predators: Kings Win
Capitals: Kings win
Woot! A Road Trip Contest!!! Something to get us through these long 2 weeks! Thanks, jcwla! Playing lots of tough teams on this roadie....I used to be good at this...hmmmm....probably overly optimistic here

Islanders - WIN
Devils - WIN (OT or SO)
Rangers - LOSE
Penguins - WIN
Flyers - WIN
Predators - WIN
Capitals - LOSE