Helene Elliot Leaves LA Times


Ixnay Uxday
Staff member
Arf Arf
Screenshot 2024-02-16 at 11.41.44 AM.png
I wasn’t the biggest fan of her work but total respect for the career she made for herself. Congrats to a hall of famer.

She mentioned her husband and for anyone who hasn’t read this piece yet check out his article in the LA Times about this life and works:

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I've disagreed with a lot of her angles over the years, especially when she tried to be the Toronto/Montreal kind of reporter. But that said she absolutely would have been a hofer in those markets too. Definitely set a standard of reporting that aspiring journalists male or female could aspire to. Hopefully she finds the end of the grieving process in a peaceful way.
There goes the last remaining hockey writer for the largest newspaper in southern California.
From now on, only A.P. reports only, unless another reporter takes over the beat.

LA Times is dissolving in front of our eyes.
As are all newspapers. They either aren't being bought anymore or what they print is opinion rather than news.
I am sad to see her leave. I didn't always agree with her but she was a true journalist. Now we will only get word salad garbage from people like Dooley.
I am sad to see her leave. I didn't always agree with her but she was a true journalist. Now we will only get word salad garbage from people like Dooley.
And further tantrums from Andrew Knoll. All for calling out the team on good faith but the moment he made it about how he was treated was the moment his word lost all value.
Like most others, never much cared for her opinions. But at least she did decent reporting. A loss for LA sports, as its unlikely she is replaced.
Newspapers are so yesterday and I admittedly never was big on Elliot but thanks for your contributions on the Times, Elliot.
Wow - didn't realize how many dicks we have on this site.

"crotchety old bitch"?
"thanks for your contributions, Elliot" - when her name is Helene?

She's "only" the first female journalist to be honored by the Hockey Hall of Fame...

Mature of you

Now Chirping

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