I was wrong, we’re not good at all! Please continue complaining…


The Swedish King
EDIT: I’ve changed the title again, no need to be optimistic right now… ;-)

So let me see if I understand this correctly?

- First we bitch about that Blake is a lousy gm until he seems not to.
- Then Talbot is crap, until he’s not.
- Byfield was a bust and the whole draft crew had no clue what they were doing, until Byfield developed EXACTLY as projected by the said draft crew and became a stud.
- Then it’s Kaliyev or Laferriere that is not good enough and must be traded or sent down, because as we all know all good teams have 4 lines made up of only McDavid, Panarin and Kucherov like players…
- Now it’s PLD that is horse sh*t and brings absolutly nothing to this team!!
- And let us not forget that we can only beat lousy teams and are doomed when the playoffs starts and we have to meet good teams…

From the sound of it, you may think Kings are at the bottom of the league and the best we can hope for is a good draft position. A draft pick our allegedly crappy GM of course still will mess up …

I know this is LGK and that we of course should discuss both the good and bad about the team we all here love. I’m also exaggerating a bit just to have some fun, but come on!! Enjoy the season, we’re a effin good team!!!

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So let me see if I understand this correctly?

- First we bitch about that Blake is a lousy gm until he seems not to.
- Then Talbot is crap, until he’s not.
- Byfield was a bust and the whole draft crew had no clue what they were doing, until Byfield developed EXACTLY as projected by the said draft crew and became a stud.
- Then it’s Kaliyev or Laferriere that is not good enough and must be traded or sent down, because as we all know all good teams have 4 lines made up of only McDavid, Panarin and Kucherov like players…
- Now it’s PLD that is horse sh*t and brings absolutly nothing to this team!!
- And let us not forget that we can only beat lousy teams and are doomed when the playoffs starts and we have to meet good teams…

From the sound of it, you may think Kings are at the bottom of the league and the best we can hope for is a good draft position. A draft pick our allegedly crappy GM of course still will mess up …

I know this is LGK and that we of course should discuss both the good and bad about the team we all here love. I’m also exaggerating a bit just to have some fun, but come on!! Enjoy the season, we’re a effin good team!!!

Wouldn’t be LGK without bitching and moaning. Hasn’t changed in 30 years, I don’t expect it to 30 years later.
anyone who has been a Kings fan longer than 12 or so years is incapable of believing our team can actually be good. (those 2 Cups were flukes! complete luck!!) The memory of 1996-2010 is too strong. (and other years before that....but those are the most recent years of complete pain)
anyone who has been a Kings fan longer than 12 or so years is incapable of believing our team can actually be good. (those 2 Cups were flukes! complete luck!!) The memory of 1996-2010 is too strong. (and other years before that....but those are the most recent years of complete pain)

anyone who has been a Kings fan longer than 12 or so years is incapable of believing our team can actually be good. (those 2 Cups were flukes! complete luck!!) The memory of 1996-2010 is too strong. (and other years before that....but those are the most recent years of complete pain)
Agree! The days of Dimitri Khristich, Ray Ferraro, Vladimir Tsyplakov and Doug Zmolek are still haunting us… :)
Me neither! And I’m not sure I want it to change either… :)

But sometimes it gets just a tiny bit tiresome…

My wife's relatively new to the Kings fandom, she's kind of side watched for years. She doesn't do forums because who does anymore, but I've seen her leave 3-4 facebook groups this season because the negativity that was a lot worse than on here. LGK shenanigans are more..


anyone who has been a Kings fan longer than 12 or so years is incapable of believing our team can actually be good. (those 2 Cups were flukes! complete luck!!) The memory of 1996-2010 is too strong. (and other years before that....but those are the most recent years of complete pain)

I think 2 cups in 3 years spoiled us a bit (almost 3 of 3 :D). Regular season means nothing. We are, at all times, prepared to watch playoff domination, even if it's been 10 years. But I would say without whining sports forums would be rather boring. Just.. talking about highlights? I don't know how this would even work. Quick someone start a trade rumor.
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I enjoyed the first two months of the season. The Kings played great hockey. They built a sizable lead. Yes, they were terrible at home, however on the road they were lights out. In the month of December, besides the early Colorado game, they beat the teams they should beat and lost to teams they should lose to.
I enjoyed the first two months of the season. The Kings played great hockey. They built a sizable lead. Yes, they were terrible at home, however on the road they were lights out. In the month of December, besides the early Colorado game, they beat the teams they should beat and lost to teams they should lose to.

I wouldn't say they "should" lose to those teams. However...most hot teams eventually slump, and I'd much rather see the Kings slump sometime before the playoffs. Not just that...I'd almost hate to see them NOT slump for entire RS and steamroll the entire league in RS. I'd be considerably more nervous for the playoffs in that case as I don't think this team is AS stacked as those RS dominating forces that have later also won Cups (in the same year, of course) in the past decade.

In fact, I was curious and looked it up...the last time a RS best record team won the Cup after was Blackhawks in that 12-13 season that was lockout shortened...earliest it happened properly with full 82 games season it was Detroit in 07-08.

Basically I WANT this team to struggle at some point in RS for a meaningful period of time. ;)

EDIT: and to add to the fun assumptions...the best playoff record ever by a team in the post-lockout era was...the Kings in 2012. And we all know how well they played in RS that year.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is...as long as they don't s*** the bed for the rest of the season (which they really shouldn't, considering their schedule), being worried for slumping in December is totally pointless.
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I'm sure I've mentioned this before.

When I'm asked "How are the Kings doing this year?", I respond, "They are good enough to break my heart".
And I have “liked” this question and answer many times thru the years. My Kings fandom began during the 1976/77 season - heartbreak is definitely the predominant emotion experienced in those years. But we did have elation and ecstasy for 3 seasons to make it all bearable.
I've been a Kings fan since the 60s... my grandpa worked for Jack Kent Cook so we had Senate seats at the Forum for years. Then I worked for Tim Leiweke and the LA Arena Company while Staples was being built (and even broke my neck building a ticket office at 865 Figueroa with a mock-up of a luxury suite).

Even through the dark days of the early 70s late '80s and mid-90s, I always remained a die-hard fan and always enjoyed going to the games regardless of our record.

So I kind of reserved the right to bitch and moan as I please. But I've always tried remain as optimistic as possible about the team, even if I have questioned Blake's moves recently.

Right now I'm very pleased with the team, although it would be nice to see a game in person that we actually win. I'm kind of streaky in that regard. At one point before our cup year I had seen 10 losses in a row in person and the year we won the cup I saw 10 straight victories.

I got a four game losing streak going now... three at home and one on the road... but I fully expect to get a winning streak going soon.

In the meantime I'm thoroughly enjoying all the young kids playing so well. And equally happy that vets like Kopi and Doughty are still playing at a high level.

But most of all I'm sgrateful we're playing meaningful games late in the season with a chance to make a deep playoff run.

And as for the bitching and moaning, well that's one of the reasons this place exists, isn't it? All that means to me is we have passionate fans.
Recency bias is definitely at work here. Two straight losses (ok, one was a shootout, but still the Kings were outplayed for over half the game), one of which was against the defending champions, the other against the team that's eliminated the Kings the past two seasons. Both were opportunities for the Kings to make a statement, and the only statement they made was that they're not quite there yet, coming up just short in both games.
To steal a quote from Vin Scully, "in the history of this franchise, nothing has ever come easy."

This fanbase is conditioned to expect the worst. I mean they have more Cup wins than Division titles. The fans will always be ready for the bottom to fall out no matter how good the team looks.

Now Chirping

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