***LA Kings @ Chicago Blackhawks GDT 3/15/24 5:30pm on NHL Network & BSW***


jammer's overlord
Staff member

Game Day Thread
Game #66 -- 3/15/24
5:30pm on NHL Network & BSW


LA Kings vs. Chicago Blackhawks
United Center | Chicago, IL

Last Season's Meetings

01/22/23 -- Kings 2, Blackhawks 1
11/10/22 -- Blackhawks 1, Kings 2 (OT)
11/03/22 -- Kings 1, Blackhawks 2 (OT)


**Game Time 5:30PM**


TV: NHL Network & BSW
Radio: LA Kings iHeartRadio

Please remember, DO NOT post links to Live Game Streams in the GDT or anywhere else on LGK

Check Out More Articles & Video on LA Kings Insider Here
Jordan Spence (video) & Jim Hiller 3/13 Post-Game Quotes:

Jim Hiller
On his takeaways from the first period, going into the intermission down a goal

Yeah, that was disappointing because we thought we came out ready to play. We were in and around their net, I don’t know how much we tested them, but we were around, pucks were just kind of rolling past. So, we felt we’re going pretty good and then yeah, to come in down one, that’s not a great feeling, but still we were calm. We knew we were playing pretty well, we had to get one before we got it and it was too late.
On if he felt the team’s precision was lacking in the offensive zone tonight
That was it. We had lots of pucks in and around their net, I think we maybe tried to overpass in that area and the times that we did shoot and there were deflections or it just missed our stick, that’s not execution, that’s just the way the puck bounces sometimes. There were definitely opportunities to execute a little cleaner around the net [though] that we weren’t able to do.
On dropping momentum after the power paly in the first period
We have to review it, but I thought we had time with the puck on the outside and for some reason, we ended up under pressure, where we should have just skated a little bit, brought it up, got a reset and we never got to reset on the second time after Juice’s shot. That was part of the execution piece that was maybe a little bit lacking all over the ice. The effort was fine, the execution wasn’t where it needed to be.
On the team’s forechecking game tonight
The times where we got in trouble is when we dumped the puck to Binnington. They went D-Center-Out, that happened 10 times. He handles the puck really well, it’s hard to forecheck when you give the puck to the goaltender. Sometimes you’re under pressure when you’re putting it in, but it’s a skill to get it to an area where somebody, F1, can get on the puck and actually put pressure on the D. They did that very well tonight, they broke out with their goaltender extremely well.
On Alex Turcotte’s game tonight and the energy he brought up front
He was buzzing on the forecheck for sure. Again, I thought close, he had a couple close calls in and around the net. There was a few things he did that we didn’t particularly like but you know, his effort’s there. He’s working and he’s playing the type of game he needs to play to play in the league.


Subject to Change

Lineups Courtesy of DailyFaceoff.com









Former King

Andreas Athanasiou




Players to Watch

Last 5 games



***Play the VBookie BETTING THREAD HERE***

***Today’s Poll Question***

Part 1 - At what TIME of the game will the FIRST KINGS GOAL be scored?
Part 2 - At what TIME of the game will the FIRST BLACKHAWKS GOAL be scored?
you can take 3 guesses PER PART

(use min:sec of the ___ period format or choose SO)
+/-2:00 = 1 pt, +/- 1:00 = 2 pts, +/- :30 = 3 pts
correct guess of SO = 3 pts

*only your closest guess counts for points

Take your best guesses in your post below.
The only Prize is the glory of seeing your name in the next GDT if you get it right.


Congratulations to the following posters who correctly guessed within +/- 3 mins of 1:57 of the 2nd period for the Game Winning Goal:

0:57-2:57 (3 points):


19:57 of first to 3:57 of second (2 points):

18:57 of first to 4:57 of second (1 point):

King of the Mountain with 48 points - forum gold

43 pts = Angel Eyes

42 pts = Cross Traffic

41 pts = hornman, notbob

40 pts = jammer06, Rusty, SirJW

39 pts = VegasHockey

38 pts = beady eye

37 pts = Nyssa42, VCRW

36 pts = Randdog

35 pts = Guinevere, mugs, pray4mojo

34 pts = KernCoKingsFan, Shackleford

33 pts = Chateau Bow Wow, puckoff

32 pts = katydid213

31 pts = Jerram, Rogie-Vachon

30 pts = dannybuoy1, Dr Tran, Liz4LA

29 pts = DRGinLBC

27 pts = Bill Hicks, Byron, DRice

26 pts = Kurisu, Rog or Reg?

25 pts = Rinkrat

24 pts = empire, sonnyboy11

22 pts = Drums4Pigs, KHenry14, symbology, TooCool

21 pts = clif

20 pts = JayWells24, Madness20721, waynet

18 pts = JETS GARAGE

17 pts = CIrvine

14 pts = hihocarp, Salty Puck

12 pts = Sevenhole

9 pts = cokingsfan, fake_it_make_it

8 pts = Ice24

7 pts = HiFi, rfischer

6 pts = Busted Chops, Dexter, JC6388LAKings

4 pts = beedee

2 pts = Ragbone, Tiranga

1 pt = PuckMaster, STONE


photos courtesy of LA Kings on X
Last edited:
Kings goal:
5:45 1st period
14:45 1st period
8:30 2nd period

Blackhawks goal:
18;25 2nd period
3:40 2nd period
11:45 3rd period

Kings - 4:32 of the 1st, 10:27 of the 1st, 2:15 of the 2nd.
Hawks - 11:17 of the 1st, 6:52 of the 2nd, 14:29 of the 2nd.

Go Kings Go!
Thanks for the GDT! My son and I are going to be at this game!!! He saved up money to buy his own seat... and not a cheap one at that! LETS GOOOOO BOYS!!!!

For the poll question:
  • Kings Goals
    • 5:57 of the 1st
    • 13:31 of the 1st
    • 1:13 of the 2nd
  • Blackhawks
    • 11:53 of the 1st
    • 7:19 of the 2nd
    • 3:31 of the 3rd
12:00 of the 1st
14:30 of the 1st
4:00 of the 3rd


16:00 of the 1st
10:00 of the 2nd
14:00 of the 3rd
Kings goal:
3:00 1st period
7:35 1st period
13:17 1st period

Blackhawks goal:
10:00 1st period
3:45 2nd period
16:00 2nd period

Why is VBookie closed for this game?
3:15 of first
7:15 of first
11:15 of first

3:15 of first
7:15 of first
no goals

06:33 of the 1st
12:19 of the 1st
01:27 of the 2nd


of the 1st
of the 2nd

Now Chirping

  • No one is chatting at the moment.