***LA Kings @ Edmonton Oilers GDT 3/28/24 6:00pm on BSW***

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A lot of teams made moves. He didn't do anything at all. Kings need a LHD...there were a few that got moved. Blake.Did.Nothing.
Alright, your name is Robert Bowlby Blake, and you’re the general manager of the Los Angeles Kings. What’s your move? Which players do you trade/eliminate from our roster to bring in this LHD we so sorely need, and who is it? To preemptively halt your obvious response of ‘well I’m not a GM and dont profess to know such things’, I’ll make it even simpler. Feel free to omit the name of this upgrade LHD, and just give us the names and salaries on the current roster you plan to ship out in order to make the space?
Alright, your name is Robert Bowlby Blake, and you’re the general manager of the Los Angeles Kings. What’s your move? Which players do you trade/eliminate from our roster to bring in this LHD we so sorely need, and who is it? To preemptively halt your obvious response of ‘well I’m not a GM and dont profess to know such things’, I’ll make it even simpler. Feel free to omit the name of this upgrade LHD, and just give us the names and salaries on the current roster you plan to ship out in order to make the space?

I'm just a fan. Not going to even try to make something up.
I'm just a fan. Not going to even try to make something up.
Which is precisely the point which some of the more discerning fans here are trying to make. There was no room fiscally, contractually for him to do anything at the trade deadline. If you want to bemoan the previous moves he’s made over the last two seasons that put us here, by all means. But to grouse about him doing nothing at the trade deadline clearly evinces to the rest of us that you do not understand how the salary cap works.

I’ll follow up with this. Rob Blake fired his coach this season, less than three weeks after telling us the very same coach’s job was absolutely secure. If that doesn’t show you that Blake realizes he’s on the hot seat, I’m not sure what else would. You can rest assured though, if there were trades to be made to improve this team in order to save his own skin, he certainly would have made them. You should be thankful that he didn’t feel compelled to make trades in desperation, for that same reason.
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Which is precisely the point which some of the more discerning fans here are trying to make. There was no room fiscally, contractually for him to do anything at the trade deadline. If you want to bemoan the previous moves he’s made over the last two seasons that put us here, by all means. But to grouse about him doing nothing at the trade deadline clearly evinces to the rest of us that you do not understand how the salary cap works.
Yes I know how the salary cap works. Lots of us fans wanted Blake do do something. Why are you singling me out for being unhappy with Blake? Stop insulting my intelligence or I'll have to report your posts as abusive and against the terms of this message board.
Yes I know how the salary cap works. Lots of us fans wanted Blake do do something. Why are you singling me out for being unhappy with Blake? Stop insulting my intelligence or I'll have to report your posts as abusive and against the terms of this message board.
Go ahead and report them as ‘abusive’. They clearly are not, and I’m sure there is recourse for those who use that as a tool to cry wolf.
Stop being a dick. We're all fans here.
Honestly, not trying to be a dick here. Definitely not my intention. I thought perhaps you didn’t understand the salary cap constraints we were up against, as I see numerous posters on Reddit and other forums who don’t. I get that you’re frustrated, I too am frustrated by the Kings apparent inability to take a step forward this season. All signs actually point to regression from last season, but I think we all need to withhold judgment until we’ve seen whether they even make the playoffs, and beyond. I feel the same about PLD, extremely frustrating and disheartening to watch his ineptitude this season, but I’m not going to lambast the guy until we see what happens in the playoffs. Never forget 2012, fellow Kings fans.
Alright, your name is Robert Bowlby Blake, and you’re the general manager of the Los Angeles Kings. What’s your move? Which players do you trade/eliminate from our roster to bring in this LHD we so sorely need, and who is it? To preemptively halt your obvious response of ‘well I’m not a GM and dont profess to know such things’, I’ll make it even simpler. Feel free to omit the name of this upgrade LHD, and just give us the names and salaries on the current roster you plan to ship out in order to make the space?

Blake Lizotte makes 1.65. For that money, he could have got someone with size & grit.
Everyone loves Lizotte's heart, but come playoffs he's rendered useless.
He is not a difference maker. Last night he went balls out for this team and what effect did it make?
He got run and rag dolled and it made zero difference for us. None. No one followed his lead.
This isn't baseball where a David Eckstein (Angels & Cards) can make a dramatic difference and influence
outcomes. Aside from England and maybe PLD, who is gonna physically make the other team pause?

It's simple physics.
What moves would you have liked him to do? The team is completely capped out. We've got 2 goalies basically making league minimum with Rittich as an emergency call-up. The PLD signing (along with Gavrikov) pretty much put the financial handcuffs on the Kings.
Blake wasted many assets over the last few years. He could have traded away some small parts that do not fit this team, plus a pic for some size on the 4th line. Teams could have retained cap. He could have gotten something done.

The Kings lack the ability to move the puck up ice and out of their zone. Gavi is great at what he does and fits the current system pretty well. The cost to acquire him and his cap are both a problem. The Kings front office (in their attempt at another cup run with Kopi and Drew) have really f&(&(ed this team over.

I do not see this team being any better next year. This was the year for Blake to go all in with what ever ammo he had. He did nothing. This team will probably do nothing in the playoffs. Again, due to the cap issues, this team will be much the same next year. A team with some holes, and no cap space.
Which is precisely the point which some of the more discerning fans here are trying to make. There was no room fiscally, contractually for him to do anything at the trade deadline. If you want to bemoan the previous moves he’s made over the last two seasons that put us here, by all means. But to grouse about him doing nothing at the trade deadline clearly evinces to the rest of us that you do not understand how the salary cap works.

I’ll follow up with this. Rob Blake fired his coach this season, less than three weeks after telling us the very same coach’s job was absolutely secure. If that doesn’t show you that Blake realizes he’s on the hot seat, I’m not sure what else would. You can rest assured though, if there were trades to be made to improve this team in order to save his own skin, he certainly would have made them. You should be thankful that he didn’t feel compelled to make trades in desperation, for that same reason.
It is possible that he was not allowed to. He needed to do something, either buy what little he could, or sell some parts this year and go after it next year. Standing pat like he did I think has sealed this teams fate for this and next year. He was already "all in" for this year with the PLD move.
Alright, your name is Robert Bowlby Blake, and you’re the general manager of the Los Angeles Kings. What’s your move? Which players do you trade/eliminate from our roster to bring in this LHD we so sorely need, and who is it? To preemptively halt your obvious response of ‘well I’m not a GM and dont profess to know such things’, I’ll make it even simpler. Feel free to omit the name of this upgrade LHD, and just give us the names and salaries on the current roster you plan to ship out in order to make the space?

Blake Lizotte makes 1.65. For that money, he could have got someone with size & grit.
Everyone loves Lizotte's heart, but come playoffs he's rendered useless.
He is not a difference maker. Last night he went balls out for this team and what effect did it make?
He got run and rag dolled and it made zero difference for us. None. No one followed his lead.
This isn't baseball where a David Eckstein (Angels & Cards) can make a dramatic difference and influence
outcomes. Aside from England and maybe PLD, who is gonna physically make the other team pause?

It's simple physics.
I agree with you about Lizotte, and said pretty much verbatim what you did in the lizotte specific thread that is posted. The issue is, who’s taking Lizzo in trade, and who are we acquiring instead? I’ve posted before that it’s curious Blake didn’t try and acquire Bjugstad in the off-season purely for his size, rather than keeping the combo of Lewis and Lizotte aboard. Perhaps he did? We can’t really know, but if you look hard enough through my previous posts, you’ll see I’ve been asking for Tom Wilson for several seasons. I would absolutely -love- to have that dirty POS on our side. I don’t care who’s grandma he pushed. The bottom line is, I am fully aware that the Kings lack both size and ferocity, and the last several posts I’ve made it abundantly clear that the Kings should at least be taking runs at opposition players of would be playoff matchups, should we be losing. Namely Dallas and Edmonton. Might as well set the tone, if you’re going to lose the game, I say.
Which is precisely the point which some of the more discerning fans here are trying to make. There was no room fiscally, contractually for him to do anything at the trade deadline. If you want to bemoan the previous moves he’s made over the last two seasons that put us here, by all means. But to grouse about him doing nothing at the trade deadline clearly evinces to the rest of us that you do not understand how the salary cap works.

I’ll follow up with this. Rob Blake fired his coach this season, less than three weeks after telling us the very same coach’s job was absolutely secure. If that doesn’t show you that Blake realizes he’s on the hot seat, I’m not sure what else would. You can rest assured though, if there were trades to be made to improve this team in order to save his own skin, he certainly would have made them. You should be thankful that he didn’t feel compelled to make trades in desperation, for that same reason.
Yep, his hands were tied AND I think there was a certain level of confidence that they would play better once guys came back from injury.
What moves would you have liked him to do? The team is completely capped out. We've got 2 goalies basically making league minimum with Rittich as an emergency call-up. The PLD signing (along with Gavrikov) pretty much put the financial handcuffs on the Kings.
Imagine if Blake traded for PLD he had signed him for $7 million instead of $8.5 million. We could’ve had a little wiggle room to make a depth trade at the deadline. If Blake didn’t have the cap space to make a deal that’s all on him. But that’s over.

My problem with the Kings performance this game was they were way more physical. McDavid was hitting everything he could & nobody had a response except Lizotte. Our most physical guy shouldn’t be 5-1/2 feet tall. And the thing is guys like Kempe, Fiala, & PLD all play better when they’re engaged physically. When McDavid is running around hitting or guys he should get knocked on his butt.
I just find it so hard to believe how low scoring this team is. 36 year old Anze Kopitar is back on top of the team lead in points with 64 (24g 40a) in 72 games.

Kings are very likely to have zero 30 goal scores. The league leader on the team has just 10 PP goals (Fiala).

I understand that the teams identity is defense but it’s a fools errand to think a team with this anemic offense can beat any team 4 games out of 7 when they feature an above average to elite offense.
Stop being a dick. We're all fans here.
Nobody is being a dick here. Criticism without some level of alternative ideas is a target. You admit to not wanting to make something up? That’s what many of us in our own minds have been doing for years on this forum. That’s what it is about so participate or dont, but blind criticism is not going to fare well for you
I just find it so hard to believe how low scoring this team is. 36 year old Anze Kopitar is back on top of the team lead in points with 64 (24g 40a) in 72 games.

Kings are very likely to have zero 30 goal scores. The league leader on the team has just 10 PP goals (Fiala).

I understand that the teams identity is defense but it’s a fools errand to think a team with this anemic offense can beat any team 4 games out of 7 when they feature an above average to elite offense.
Which is amazing and yet they are +35 this season
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