NEVER would have thought this!

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I?m a teacher. If I gave my class a test with this math problem to solve:

?You start the season with a very young team + You have missed the playoffs for several years, where you have been one of the worst team in the league + Your older star players seems to be on a serious downhill trend + During the season your team will have some extrem bad luck with injuries, leading to several of your best players being out for a long time + You?ll dress one of the most inexperienced group of defensemen ever + Your powerplay and boxplay absolutly stinks + Your presumed starting goalie has been at the best avarege.

That?s the problem, now answer the question: How will this season end??

And if one kid wrote this answer:
?With a team on it?s way to make the playoffs?

I would first laugh at the stupid answer, question my ability to teach them logical thinking, give him/her a big fat F as a grade and then call for the special needs teacher to help out because this kid have some serious difficulties? :-)

Love this team! GKG
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Retired Teacher (as of 2020) of 37 years...

If they were my students - they're already been indoctrinated into believing that the LA Kings might not be the most talented squad but they have young hungry players willing to work their rears off to improve & make the playoffs.

Of course - I'm also an ANGELS & UCLA they're disappointed.
If they were my students - they're already been indoctrinated into believing that the LA Kings might not be the most talented squad but they have young hungry players willing to work their rears off to improve & make the playoffs.

There is a difference between teaching and deceiving… ;-)
I?m a teacher. If I gave my class a test with this math problem to solve:

?You start the season with a very young team + You have missed the playoffs for several years, where you have been one of the worst team in the league + Your older star players seems to be on a serious downhill trend + During the season your team will have some extrem bad luck with injuries, leading to several of your best players being out for a long time + You?ll dress one of the most inexperienced group of defensemen ever + Your powerplay and boxplay absolutly stinks + Your presumed starting goalie has been at the best avarege.

That?s the problem, now answer the question: How will this season end??

And if one kid wrote this answer:
?With a team on it?s way to make the playoffs?

I would first laugh at the stupid answer, question my ability to teach them logical thinking, give him/her a big fat F as a grade and then call for the special needs teacher to help out because this kid have some serious difficulties? :-)

Love this team! GKG

Hmmm. So you're saying there is NOT a mathematics-creative writing hybrid class? weirdsies.

All jokes aside (lie), there are a bunch of factors that make this playoff push a possibility, all but one (in my head) are "shade" based; here's the (positive) one I'm sticking with: If you've worked your whole life to get this shot as a young athlete, despite the circumstances of how you got it, you make the most of it.

Random thought (bonus): Every time I see Trevor Moore smile I know for a fact he's been kicked out of Jack in the Box for being too high to order curly fries and ranch dressing.
Hmmm. So you're saying there is NOT a mathematics-creative writing hybrid class? weirdsies.

All jokes aside (lie), there are a bunch of factors that make this playoff push a possibility, all but one (in my head) are "shade" based; here's the (positive) one I'm sticking with: If you've worked your whole life to get this shot as a young athlete, despite the circumstances of how you got it, you make the most of it.

Random thought (bonus): Every time I see Trevor Moore smile I know for a fact he's been kicked out of Jack in the Box for being too high to order curly fries and ranch dressing.

Hehe, there may be some inaccuracies and exaggerations for comical effect in my story. :-)

And you may be correct about what drives our younger player to succed. Combine this with the drive from our older players to once again get to play the fun games in May and you get a good foundation for this overperforming team!
Hehe, there may be some inaccuracies and exaggerations for comical effect in my story. :-)

And you may be correct about what drives our younger player to succed. Combine this with the drive from our older players to once again get to play the fun games in May and you get a good foundation for this overperforming team!

Honestly, trying to stay positive but you mentioned the vets and my fingers (apparently) wont stop typing; it feels like if this happened two years ago(or even last year) the vets would have viewed it (playoffs) as a "chore". Whereas today (in my mind) they are kind of fighting that mind-set. Our new guys and the youthful enthusiasm has to be a factor, right?

Aside: Proof-reading my posts for the first-time in a long time, teachers make me nervous (still? really?ugh.).
No worries, I’m actually a special ed teacher so if you need some help with your spelling just let me know! But only if it is in swedish, my english sucks… ;-)
No worries, I?m actually a special ed teacher so if you need some help with your spelling just let me know! But only if it is in swedish, my english sucks? ;-)

A swede you say?! Awesome. Not to reduce your entire culture to a TV show but I found "Gosta"in 2020 and have been dying to discuss. Even wrote a review in the media section on this board, total glowing review. Love that dude.

Do you as a Swedish school teacher have any pull with the possibility of a Gosta season 2? (joke, kind of)
A swede you say?! Awesome. Not to reduce your entire culture to a TV show but I found "Gosta"in 2020 and have been dying to discuss. Even wrote a review in the media section on this board, total glowing review. Love that dude.

Do you as a Swedish school teacher have any pull with the possibility of a Gosta season 2? (joke, kind of)

To be honest I have totally missed that show, but just by viewing the trailer I now need to see it. I tried to find any info about a season 2, but no luck. The director Lukas Moodysson even said that he thinks that it will only be one season.

Unfortunally given I haven’t seen it I can’t discuss it that much, but just from the trailer he actually portraits us swedes and our personalities spot on a couple of times. One example I thought about is when a woman tells G?sta that ”he should not believe that he is something”, that’s 100% swedish. It’s not accepted to say that you’re good at anything! That will upset people and we have even a word for that, ”Jantelag” meaning ”the Law of not to praise yourself”! This comes from our firm christian history 200-300 years ago where the priest had very much power and it actually still affects our community. Less and less over time of course, but this is the reason so many swedes still have problems with Zlatan Ibrahimovic, because he REALLY speakes highly of himself and especially the older population are having problems accepting that… :-)

Another is when an immigrant had stolen his bike (if I understod correctly) and G?sta would not be angry on him for that by saying ”but he may have had a tough life and gone thru some tough things”, like that should give him a free pass on stealing. That is also typical swedes in actually two ways. We shy away from conflicts ALL the time and this has also lead to that we (and our politicians) can’t even discuss the negative sides of recieving MANY immigrants from Syria, Somalia and other countries efter 2015. We just don’t do that, and that is what Moodysson describes. He’s really good at capturing the swedish people, even when we don’t like to admit it!!
To be honest I have totally missed that show, but just by viewing the trailer I now need to see it. I tried to find any info about a season 2, but no luck. The director Lukas Moodysson even said that he thinks that it will only be one season.

Unfortunally given I haven’t seen it I can’t discuss it that much, but just from the trailer he actually portraits us swedes and our personalities spot on a couple of times. One example I thought about is when a woman tells G?sta that ”he should not believe that he is something”, that’s 100% swedish. It’s not accepted to say that you’re good at anything! That will upset people and we have even a word for that, ”Jantelag” meaning ”the Law of not to praise yourself”! This comes from our firm christian history 200-300 years ago where the priest had very much power and it actually still affects our community. Less and less over time of course, but this is the reason so many swedes still have problems with Zlatan Ibrahimovic, because he REALLY speakes highly of himself and especially the older population are having problems accepting that… :-)

Another is when an immigrant had stolen his bike (if I understod correctly) and G?sta would not be angry on him for that by saying ”but he may have had a tough life and gone thru some tough things”, like that should give him a free pass on stealing. That is also typical swedes in actually two ways. We shy away from conflicts ALL the time and this has also lead to that we (and our politicians) can’t even discuss the negative sides of recieving MANY immigrants from Syria, Somalia and other countries efter 2015. We just don’t do that, and that is what Moodysson describes. He’s really good at capturing the swedish people, even when we don’t like to admit it!!

Whoa. Your post gave a lot of useful information and some serious context for that show. The window into your culture is helpful (Does it explain Kempe in a contract year? Probably not.) Especially the Syrian refugee information, without context it was seen through my eyes by housing Hussien (a Syrian refugee) as the depths of Gosta's kindness. Thanks for the write up, you've made me want to re-watch (hbomax) a show about a person who is kind to a fault (or maybe just Swedish?).

Emso, as an educator in Sweden, "Gosta" feels like a must watch, if you do, I hope you like it. Thanks for humoring me about the discussion of a tv show you did not watch. Lol, Gosta would approve.=)

Aside: Ibrahimovic would fit right in as an American athlete; dude's a beast and knows it. [commentary] =)

Everyone else: Sorry for the thread hijack.
Whoa. Your post gave a lot of useful information and some serious context for that show. The window into your culture is helpful (Does it explain Kempe in a contract year? Probably not.) Especially the Syrian refugee information, without context it was seen through my eyes by housing Hussien (a Syrian refugee) as the depths of Gosta's kindness. Thanks for the write up, you've made me want to re-watch (hbomax) a show about a person who is kind to a fault (or maybe just Swedish?).

Emso, as an educator in Sweden, "Gosta" feels like a must watch, if you do, I hope you like it. Thanks for humoring me about the discussion of a tv show you did not watch. Lol, Gosta would approve.=)

Aside: Ibrahimovic would fit right in as an American athlete; dude's a beast and knows it. [commentary] =)

Everyone else: Sorry for the thread hijack.

Just glad to help and I had fun while doing so!! Will for sure see that show!

Yes, Zlatan is a monster and someone I admire!

Now, GKG and crush those ducklings!!!!
I am a teacher in Ottawa - grades K - 6. The only Kings conversations ever had are - why do you like the Kings? Nobody likes the Kings etc etc. And it's not all Senators, it's Leafs, Pens and the damn Golden Knights for some reason. There's one kid in grade 4 in our school who really shouldn't be a Knights fan - my son. Ugh.
I am a teacher in Ottawa - grades K - 6. The only Kings conversations ever had are - why do you like the Kings? Nobody likes the Kings etc etc. And it's not all Senators, it's Leafs, Pens and the damn Golden Knights for some reason. There's one kid in grade 4 in our school who really shouldn't be a Knights fan - my son. Ugh.

Ouch! That must hurt… :-)
I am a teacher in Ottawa - grades K - 6. The only Kings conversations ever had are - why do you like the Kings? Nobody likes the Kings etc etc. And it's not all Senators, it's Leafs, Pens and the damn Golden Knights for some reason. There's one kid in grade 4 in our school who really shouldn't be a Knights fan - my son. Ugh.

This made me laugh harder than it should have.
I am a teacher in Ottawa - grades K - 6. The only Kings conversations ever had are - why do you like the Kings? Nobody likes the Kings etc etc. And it's not all Senators, it's Leafs, Pens and the damn Golden Knights for some reason. There's one kid in grade 4 in our school who really shouldn't be a Knights fan - my son. Ugh.

Aye! You katz are in the trenches making a difference--Respect.

Illegal, as far as 4th graders loving the Knights, not sure if this is the stone (ha!) I want to throw but it is already in my hand; never underestimate the power of a shiny helmet. To that end in 3-5 years if there are 4th graders from Ottawa in your class that are Kings fans, you'll know Luc did a thing.

Hot take: Sounds like your boy has a solid sense of self and that's a parenting win, you guys made the space for that to happen. Take the W.
Aye! You katz are in the trenches making a difference--Respect.

Illegal, as far as 4th graders loving the Knights, not sure if this is the stone (ha!) I want to throw but it is already in my hand; never underestimate the power of a shiny helmet. To that end in 3-5 years if there are 4th graders from Ottawa in your class that are Kings fans, you'll know Luc did a thing.

Hot take: Sounds like your boy has a solid sense of self and that's a parenting win, you guys made the space for that to happen. Take the W.

Thanks - I'll try to mask my disappointment with a sense of parenting pride :)

---but yes, I agree.