NHL Winter Classic draws all-time low viewership


Super Star

Wow, I didn't even know it was happening.
NYE?!?!? Who at the NHL thought that was a good thing? Nobody is watching sports on NYE.

The novelty of these outdoors games died a long time ago.
NHL got greedy with the Stadium Series, and killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
I knew the game was on but just didn't care, especially on NYE. Agreed on the novelty wearing off and a very hard watch in massive stadiums. I want an outdoor game Mystery, Alaska style :)
two teams no one outside of Illinois and Missouri care about - playing in yet another outdoor game on a day with 12 other games to pick from - who wouldn't want to watch that? (<<sarcasm) The thrill of the outdoor games wore off for me about 8 years ago....except the one in Mammoth where the sun melted the ice. I had it on until it was 3-1, then I went outside to play with my granddaughter.

I'm guessing more people tuned in the the Kings/Devils game on New Years Day.
I had it on and actually fell asleep watching it. The camera angles felt like they were from a blimp and the announcers were warm and safe in a studio with zero emotion for the game. For the most part they just jibber-jabbered and weren't even paying attention to the play on the ice. Of course, they didn't even make it half way through the first period without bringing up Crosby. It was just bad all around.

I'd blame TNT more than the NHL. Just a horrible production. It looked like people at the game had a good time.
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I started looking for the game on New Year's Day... then realized it already happened the day before. Oh well, NHL scheduling sucks. I didn't really care to watch those 2 teams play anyway, and probably would've stopped watching after the first 5 minutes of the game.
Maybe it's running its course and people will just be glad it's over.

So this is how the Winter Classic dies? With thunderous applause. Lol. ;)

revenge of the sith episode 3 GIF by Star Wars
Same , I had no idea it was on NYE .
Took it for granted that it was on NY day as per usual
I worked till about 10pm NYE anyway so would've missed
it had I known .
1) It should have been on National TV. The fact that it was on cable was already a huge fail.
2) If they wanted it to be "special", don't schedule other games on the same day.
3) Stop having the same teams play in the Winter Classic over and over.
3a) Both of them sucking certainly doesn't help I'm sure.
^^ True, but no national TV broadcaster wants to carry it. NOBODY is watching.
It's why it's on cable no-man's land.
^^ True, but no national TV broadcaster wants to carry it. NOBODY is watching.
It's why it's on cable no-man's land.
I realize the Tahoe rink was a disaster, but people would watch for a spectacle. Everything about this game was played out already. Smashing Pumpkins were the perfect symbolic opener.