***Playoffs GAME 7 LA Kings @ Edmonton Oilers GDT 5/14/22 7:00pm on BSSC & ESPN***


jammer's overlord
Staff member
***Playoffs GAME 7 LA Kings @ Edmonton Oilers GDT 5/14/22 7:00pm on BSSC & ESPN***


PLAYOFFS Game Day Thread
Playoffs Round 1, Game #7 -- 5/14/22




Los Angeles Kings @ Edmonton Oilers

Rogers Place | Edmonton, AB


Round 1 Scores

05/12/22 - Oilers 4, Kings 2
05/10/22 - Kings 5, Oilers 4 (OT)
05/08/22 - Oilers 0, Kings 4
05/06/22 - Oilers 8, Kings 2
05/04/22 - Kings 0, Oilers 6
05/02/22 - Kings 4, Oilers 3

Playoff Series Stats


**Game Time 7:00pm**



Radio: LA Kings iHeartRadio app

Please remember, DO NOT post links to Live Game Streams in the GDT or anywhere else on LGK


Check out articles on LA Kings Insider Here

Matt Roy (video), Anze Kopitar & Todd MacLellan 5/12 Post Game Quotes

Link to Matt Roy Post-Game Video


Anze Kopitar
On what he feels the Kings need to do better heading into Game 7

Just be a little bit more resilient. I think maybe the thought of ending the series kind of creeped into our mind and we started off a little tentative. Credit to them, they obviously had a good start, but just spend more time in the offensive zone and send more pucks to the net.
On why he thinks the team was a bit tentative to start the game
I mean, the older guys haven?t been there in a few years and we have a few guys that haven?t experienced this at all. It?s natural, but if you told us that we had to win one game to advance, we?d certainly take the opportunity. It?s not all that bad, we?re going to fly up there tomorrow and get ready for Game 7.
On the differences between closing out a series, versus another game
Somebody a few years ago said that usually the fourth game is the toughest one to win, I?m pretty sure you know who that is. Obviously there?s something to it. We would have liked to close it out, but it didn?t happen and we?ve got to move on, look ahead to Saturday.
On the pushback with a power-play goal late in the second period
Yeah, it?s the playoffs, it?s going to be tight. We were down 2-0, it didn?t phase us too much. We knew we needed to get one on the power play at some point, so that was big and then obviously tied it up pretty early in the third. We just couldn?t push it over the line.
On if there?s anything that needs to be said to the younger players for a Game 7
I think the younger guys have done a really good job of stepping into roles the whole season, certainly this series. I think, as of right now, they know what it takes and I?m not worried about that at all.

Todd McLellan
On the notion of Edmonton flipping the scripts tonight with a good start and puck possession

Well, they?re a pretty good hockey club, they?re allowed to play to their best and I thought they got to a level that they weren?t at in Edmonton, which is fine. I thought we responded well throughout the night. This reminded me a lot of Game 1, where it was pretty even back and forth, there wasn?t anything lopsided about the game. Our quarterback-receiver connection wasn?t where it needed to be, it was erratic, and obviously when we went to pass, the passer was not real clean and the receiver sometimes wasn?t handling the puck real well. When you do that, we go back to Games 2 and 3 when we didn?t pass the puck well. We?re not a real good offensive juggernaut when that happens and it was a big part of the game tonight.
On if there are any ?young players? at this stage in the season
I think there?s logic to that, but there?s also experience under duress that some of them haven?t experienced. Obviously Kopi, Phil Danault, Brown, the big four that are here and some that have played a lot of playoff games, they get the moments, the mood swings if you will. The younger players, sometimes they adapt really quick to it, sometimes it?s a bit overwhelming for them, but they have to experience it, it?s a different monster.
On special teams building momentum late in the second period
I think that special teams in this series haven?t won or lost games, per say, but they?ve created momentum a lot, for different teams, in different situations. I thought that did it for us tonight, the special teams.
On how he felt the group handled McDavid and Draisaitl tonight as a pair
I thought we were fine, we had to double-team them, we knew that was going to happen, whether it was Phil or Kopi, for the most part they were on the ice. I look at the goals that they were involved in, the wraparound a real good play by Connor early in the game, so psychologically, they got what they wanted. Then, a huge error on our behalf on the winning goal, it?s preventable, it?s avoidable, but we made it, it?s why we play the game. Somebody?s going to make mistakes and the other team is going to capitalize. When you?ve got those offensive weapons that they have, you?ve got to minimize them.
On reestablishing and focusing the team ahead of Game 7
We were that today, so we?ve had a dress rehearsal. We?ll be that again two days from now and we have enough experience, guys that have been through this before. Again, I talked about pressure this morning, we like this situation. If somebody said hey, the LA Kings against the Edmonton Oilers, go play for one game, we?re not particularly happy with how we got to it tonight, but we can?t do anything about that now, so let?s look ahead. We?ve won there before and we can win there again.



Subject To Change




Kings Injuries

Viktor Arvidsson
Drew Doughty (IR)
Sean Walker (LTIR)



Oilers Probable Lineup
courtesy of dailyfaceoff.com





NO Former Kings







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I've got no hate for McDavid, but I'd really like to deny the next round to Kane, Smith and a couple others in that squad.

Lets see how much these tired old guys and freshly minted playoff warriors have left in them. GKG.
Go Los Angeles!

Win or lose, at least we'll be together, you with me, and me with you. I think I win that exchange, haha.

Do it, Kings! For yourselves, for your fans, and do it for McGarnagle!


Game Freaking Seven. Game Mother Freaking Seven. Going into the season, most people thought the playoffs were more a wish than reality. Especially when we kept losing guys to injury. And taking a team like the Oilers to 7 games would probably be considered a success. But I’m greedy. I want to win this. And it would be devastating to lose this game.

I've got no hate for McDavid, but I'd really like to deny the next round to Kane, Smith and a couple others in that squad.

Lets see how much these tired old guys and freshly minted playoff warriors have left in them. GKG.

I don’t really hate Dave McConnor either. Other than the fact that Oilers fans call him McJesus with no irony. But yeah, I do hate Kane, Kassian, & especially Smith. Mostly I hate their fans. They are some of the most whiny, entitled, & classless fans out there. They don’t deserve any happiness from winning a series & I hope it’s a Kings win that brings them misery.

Go Kings Go!
I'm not feeling confident that the Kings can win a third one in Edmonton, but it would be great if they did. I did pick the Kings to win this series in 7 in the bracket challenge, however. Even if the Kings fall, this season has been far more than I expected, and I look forward to next season with a full and healthy roster.

And thank you Brownie for 2 Cups and 18 seasons!
Let’s keep Nyssa doing GDTs!

It’s been a ride this season considering the injuries for this team, then making the playoffs.

Go Kings! Thank you Brownie!
the best possible outcome of this series .. you cant replicate the type of pressure game 7's bring ... love it .. win or lose :) Go Kings Go
I'd drop Lemieux & AA....insert Gabe & QB...but that's just me
Thank you Nyssa!! I'm really hoping this isn't the last GDT of the season!

Lets Go Kings!!!!
Both have won 2 on the road and 1 at home, so that pattern offers no clues. Optimistically I’d think the Kings would have shaken off the nerves last game and will give it all tonight.

Expecting big games from the heart and soul guys in Danault, Moore, Lizotte, and Anderson. Let’s hope the rest of the team follows and go Kings!
I'm very optimistic. Kings are better on the road. Have more to play for. Flat feet on first close out opportunity. Come out ready to roll tonight. Fingers crossed. Made an offer on a house today. GKG!
No matter the outcome, i just want to see the Kings come out hard and play a consistent 60. That's all you can ask for.
I'm very optimistic. Kings are better on the road. Have more to play for. Flat feet on first close out opportunity. Come out ready to roll tonight. Fingers crossed. Made an offer on a house today. GKG!

How much over on your offer? Make sure to waive all contingencies and offer the seller a free back massage �� Good luck!

Please no Hextall and Moore on the broadcast……

Just win! I want more playoff hockey at The Crypt!
Can... can we sign Justin Williams for one game?

Umm, he's 40 now. I think McDavid would eat him alive. I like the sentiment though!

One week ago, after two blowout losses, I would have thought the idea of a game 6 would have been preposterous, let alone a game 7. This Kings team has been bouncing back from blowouts and injury all year. No reason to think that they can't do it one more time. Go KINGS!
How much over on your offer? Make sure to waive all contingencies and offer the seller a free back massage �� Good luck!

Please no Hextall and Moore on the broadcast……

Just win! I want more playoff hockey at The Crypt!

Only 40k over. Less then what we got for our house 3k miles away. It's all so crazy.
We can shut them down in their own playground.....yes


I think tonight karma bites Smith in the ass for embellishment and spearing AA. That was out right evil. The oilers will pay for all their cheap shots and dirty runs they took on us. We will be roughing up Mcchokid and Drypsycho. Leon looked banged up last game time to break him. Go kings go

Now Chirping

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