Referee Tim Peel fired by NHL


I was in the pool!!
For saying something we all knew to be true - referees call penalties based on which team they called previously. He got caught on a hot mike saying it and made the scapegoat.

"It wasn't much but I wanted to get a ****in' penalty against Nashville early in the?"
This warrants an award, let's call it the Koharski. In my mind's eye there is a bronze donut on top of the trophy but not married to the idea. =)
It's human nature for refs to have their favs, just like us fans. The just have to be careful and extreemly discreet in how they handle games.
Saying things outload.........

Yea, we all knew. Unbiased referee-ing does not exist. Refs have always "controlled" or tried to "balance" games to a certain degree.
Having been fans of NHL hockey as long as many of us have, we ALL know about "makeup calls." But, the first rule about "make up calls" is "you don't talk about makeup calls."
Having been fans of NHL hockey as long as many of us have, we ALL know about "makeup calls." But, the first rule about "make up calls" is "you don't talk about makeup calls."

Another rule, make damned sure your not talking with a live mic in your possession.
Thinking of Kerry Fraser abt now. He was famous for ruling against the Kings.
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Perhaps the NHL should have their Refs call the games according to the rule book.

A hook in the 1st period is the same as a hook in double overtime.
The way you call regular season games is the way you call playoff games.

Etc., and so on.

However, the NHL's actions yesterday do nothing but throw a guy under the bus, and continue the run of the NHL being "amateur hour" on a bunch of levels.

Now Chirping

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