Seeing Double Michigan!


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I wish they'd just called it the lacrosse, but oh well.
Pretty Sick!
Frankly, I hate it.

To limit this type of showboating BS to the ASG/Skills Competition, I’d like to see (in order of preference):

1. Goalies putting the lumber to opposing team players who attempt it
2. Defensemen putting the lumber to opposing team players who attempt it
3. Forwards putting the lumber to opposing team players who attempt it
4. The league adding a sort of “travelling” rule
I agree for that it's a bit over the top, however it is creative and takes a level of skill. I bet many more sports reports around the country showed those hockey highlights than more than usual if ever.
Over time goalies will adapt and make that save. Then we'll see another creative way to score.
The NHL wants more eyes and plays like this help bring them in
(me I could care less if 1 or a million more people watch hockey).

Now Chirping

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