Superman v Batman/DC movies

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Couldn't find the old thread. I really hope this is good. Great cast but the jury is still out on the director.
Henry Cavill Goes Shirtless in New Images from Immortals and Man of Steel

Russell Crowe Tweets About Fighting General Zod on 'Man of Steel' Set

Not for some of us. I dig the guy, but this will probably suck. Supes is just too pidgeonholed of a character. People don't want to see the same movie over and over, but whenever anyone tries to tinker or flat out change the dynamics of his story it just DOES NOT WORK. Batman has succeeded because there are layers to that character that allow for different interpretations. The origin with his parents death is really the only untouchable part of his story. From there it's fair game. Supes is too one-dimensional. It's latherrinserepeat or folks will simply stay away. Already with the beard...I can see Superman fans recoiling in sheer fanboy fear. Feel bad for anyone who tries to take this on. It was done once and that will forever be the benchmark.
Not for some of us. I dig the guy, but this will probably suck. Supes is just too pidgeonholed of a character. People don't want to see the same movie over and over, but whenever anyone tries to tinker or flat out change the dynamics of his story it just DOES NOT WORK. Batman has succeeded because there are layers to that character that allow for different interpretations. The origin with his parents death is really the only untouchable part of his story. From there it's fair game. Supes is too one-dimensional. It's latherrinserepeat or folks will simply stay away. Already with the beard...I can see Superman fans recoiling in sheer fanboy fear. Feel bad for anyone who tries to take this on. It was done once and that will forever be the benchmark.

It's not that I can't appreciate what ZS can do. He's great when it comes to visuals. I just don't think he's been able to prove himself when it comes to putting a good story with good acting together. Part of it is that he only does movies based on other source material but even then, I haven't seen any movie of his where I was really emotionally invested. I haven't seen Sucker Punch and from what I hear, I made the right choice. I'm still waiting for him to make something that really blows me away.

As far as Supes goes, you're right on the money as far as him not being an interesting character goes. The one thing that I am holding on to is the fact that the story for this is supposed to go in a direction that we haven't seen on film before and that there will be conflict that will be more than just Lex Luthor using Kryptonite. In fact, I don't even know if Luthor is in this movie. Also, like I said before, the cast is outstanding. I won't even mention the certain name that's attached to this movie as a producer.
Sucker Punch was a fail, but man it was an impressive fail. I can't say it was great, but I guarantee it was more visually entertaining than a Transformers flick, and those have zero storytelling too. You may want to give it a try knowing that it isn't going to be mistaken for English Lit 101 any time soon. AND it has Scott freakin Glen in it.

As far as Superman...well, it has Zod. I love Michael Shannon, but aren't you setting yourself up for fail by trying not only to supplant peoples ideas of Supes AS WELL AS one of the best comic book movie villains ever? And the plot rumors of Clark Kent going to Africa to escape the Superman thing and finding hisself, well that just sounds like something that could have fit in Singer's flick that everyone hates. It's a real tough thing to balance venturing out of the safe confines of what everyone loves and not simply aping the Reeve movies. And yes, you have Nolan attached...but how much of that is just for clout and WB licking the boot? God when he fails(Nolan, and he will) you Nolanites are going to have your faith in the universe shaken.
I will go see this when it comes out.

I will complain about how much it sucks.

I will then buy the Blu-ray disk so it can sit next to the previous Superman movies.

How can they lose?
Sucker Punch was a fail, but man it was an impressive fail. I can't say it was great, but I guarantee it was more visually entertaining than a Transformers flick, and those have zero storytelling too. You may want to give it a try knowing that it isn't going to be mistaken for English Lit 101 any time soon. AND it has Scott freakin Glen in it.

As far as Superman...well, it has Zod. I love Michael Shannon, but aren't you setting yourself up for fail by trying not only to supplant peoples ideas of Supes AS WELL AS one of the best comic book movie villains ever? And the plot rumors of Clark Kent going to Africa to escape the Superman thing and finding hisself, well that just sounds like something that could have fit in Singer's flick that everyone hates. It's a real tough thing to balance venturing out of the safe confines of what everyone loves and not simply aping the Reeve movies. And yes, you have Nolan attached...but how much of that is just for clout and WB licking the boot? God when he fails(Nolan, and he will) you Nolanites are going to have your faith in the universe shaken.

We'll see, as far as me seeing Sucker Punch goes. No promises.

I'll agree that Terence Stamp was amazing as Zod and it'll be tough to top him but then again, most people said the same for Nicholson's Joker. With Supes, I feel the only way to really make him a vulnerable character IS to create internal conflict. Of course you need a great bad guy with superpowers to match him (Zod), but the most interesting parts of Superman 2 (my favorite in the series) were the parts where he became a normal person. In that sense, I think even Singer had the right idea. I just think it was executed horribly.

And excuse me. Nolan failing? Never. :nono:
I disagree with the idea that Superman is a one-note character.

In the traditional version Adgy. No way a movie like Red Son gets made. Yes, a lot has been done with Supes in the Elseworlds variety, but moviegoers are not going to buy it and WB ain't gonna sell it. Like the character himself(see The Dark Knight) Superman is inflexible. And one-note may be a little rough. How about narrow?
In the traditional version Adgy. No way a movie like Red Son gets made. Yes, a lot has been done with Supes in the Elseworlds variety, but moviegoers are not going to buy it and WB ain't gonna sell it. Like the character himself(see The Dark Knight) Superman is inflexible. And one-note may be a little rough. How about narrow?

I'm still not sure I agree, but I guess that depends on what you mean. At the risk of sucking his dick on this board yet again, I think someone like Grant Morrison has managed in the past to do something completely different and imaginative with the character. And I'm not talking about the reboot.

Certainly, it's a character that has not been given much in the way of flexibility and a lot of the Superman comics from before the reboot are very similar, so I completely and fully understand why anyone would think of him that way. I did as well until I read All Star Superman.

Having said all that, I seriously doubt any Superman move is going to deviate much from the well worn script, as you mentioned. But we'll see.
‘Superman’ iOS Is The First Man Of Steel Game That Isn’t Awful

The iOS "Superman," which bears an all-caps description on iTunes dubbing it "THE OFFICIAL SUPERMAN GAME," sort of came out of nowhere. The game was mentioned quietly about a month ago, and frankly, when I see the name Superman next to a videogame, I'm inclined to mash down my teeth much like a captured agent with a secret cyanide pill.

Fortunately, this short mobile game really isn't half bad. The basic premise has Superman facing off against Lex Luthor, since someone in Metropolis thought it would be a great idea to let a bald psychopath launch a weather-controlling satellite into orbit above the city. As you may have guessed, Luthor is actually going to be a jerk, sending mechanical spiders, falling space debris, and a whole assortment of other chaotic items into the helpless city.
