Talbot All Star


Ixnay Uxday
Staff member
Arf Arf
Thousand Island got looked over? Of course he did, likely because of big names like McJesus, Bedard, Eichel, etc.
Really gotta hand it to Cam. He's been better than anyone could've imagined. I can't think of more than a handful of bad goals he's allowed all season. He's making every save he's supposed to and a bunch he shouldn't. Great to see his effort recognized by the league.
Would have liked to have seen Trevor make it but oh well. Fans didn't get out and support him enough...Nucks fans stepped up big time.
Wish the league would put some sort of cap per team on the fan vote in though. Having 4 players from Toronto and 5 from the Canucks seems excessive. The league would likely gain more interest in the game by having representation spread a bit more among the teams.
Wish the league would put some sort of cap per team on the fan vote in though. Having 4 players from Toronto and 5 from the Canucks seems excessive. The league would likely gain more interest in the game by having representation spread a bit more among the teams.
These voting results are a direct byproduct of ‘interest’, in that the Canadian fan base is rabid, and the response from most other markets is tepid, at best. I have no qualms with the all star game being a popularity contest, and I certainly don’t bother watching these things, even being a die hard Kings fan.

Now Chirping

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