The Hockey News has an interest post on KIngs prospect



Well if they are ready to make the jump. I say put them in the Kings line up and trade the so, so d-men they have.
I think patience is going to pay off for Blake if he does decide to trade for Chychrun because his value is ebbing due to injuries and middling play when he does get into the lineup combined with the value of certain Kings prospects cresting as they're developing faster than expected. Chychrun certainly fills a hole on the Kings roster but his game style isn't exactly defense first. Which can be fine if the entire team is committed to responsible defensive play in general.

Anyway all this to say that Blake has the assets to make the deal. He has the need for the deal. Does he have desire? Is Phoenix finally willing to let him go?
I think patience is going to pay off for Blake if he does decide to trade for Chychrun because his value is ebbing due to injuries and middling play when he does get into the lineup combined with the value of certain Kings prospects cresting as they're developing faster than expected. Chychrun certainly fills a hole on the Kings roster but his game style isn't exactly defense first. Which can be fine if the entire team is committed to responsible defensive play in general.

Anyway all this to say that Blake has the assets to make the deal. He has the need for the deal. Does he have desire? Is Phoenix finally willing to let him go?

I would like a strong big player that is defense first, however if we had a defenseman that could hit the goal once in a while with his shot, it would be nice. We know once playoffs hit, defense plays a big role and how the Kings did it last year was amazing.

[Captian's log] Game 11 on the message board: there has been a (low key)fire the coach and Chychurn to the kings thread. Good times.
if we had a defenseman that could hit the goal once in a while with his shot, it would be nice.

What's perplexing is that for the last two years our defense seems to play to a higher potential every time Doughty gets injured.
Chychrun can skate and score, obviously, but as noted above, it might pay more dividends to get really big NASTY type defenders to play along side guys like Doughty, Durzi, Clarke, Spence. Not suggesting specifically these players but guys like Oleksiak, Soucy, McNabb. I want defenders that opposition players truly fear, and will constantly have their heads up every single time they are on ice.
The Kings developed these kids and if they are NHL ready put them in the line up and let them play. Why give them away for a player that is injury prone and so far really hasn't done much to help his current team. I would give Spence , Fegamo and the other player a chance to see what they can bring to the kings first. Good teams don't develope and then give them away.
I can make a Vilardi for captain thread, kopi already says hes their best player
Hmmm, I have notes. First, I'd wait for the thirteenth game (obvi), second, I'd give thirteen reasons why Gabe is better than Anze (and if one of them isn't, because 13 is more that 11- math burn- you've failed)and add a poll where one of the options for "Who should be the next Kings captain ?" is Robert Shaw.

Spence or Grans + AK or Kupari + Fagemo or Chromiak, does that get you an elite left sided dman on a manageable contract?

By elite, I don't mean Chychrun.
Spence or Grans + AK or Kupari + Fagemo or Chromiak, does that get you an elite left sided dman on a manageable contract?

By elite, I don't mean Chychrun.

No team that has an elite d-man will trade him away. Have the Kings traded DD. No right.
No team that has an elite d-man will trade him away. Have the Kings traded DD. No right.

I think they might give him away for free honestly. No team would give up assets for that contract. I f'n love Drew but he's aging and injury prone and frankly, our D usually looks better without him. So no, they haven't traded him. 11 million a year in '24, '25, '26, '27...that's DICEY!!!
Think of what has worked trade-wise in the past. Jack Johnson (with Voynov waiting in the wings) traded for a need -- a top-6 forward. We have Durzi (with Spence/Clarke teed up and ready) who should be traded for a need -- a defensive LHD. We should trade Durzi at his higher value right now as part of a not-too-big package to get the D-man we need.
If (but I hope when) Walker gets to playing more consistently, he's up next to go.

Blake has sat on his hands too long with the blueline. I applauded the Edler signing as he brought size (and became the team's biggest defenseman) and brought veteran experience back there. But now Blake needs to stop fiddling with the forwards and fix the defense. (Lombardi worked from the the d-zone out. Blake's been doing the opposite and this season is showing it)
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What would it take to pry Bowen Byram away from the Avs? They already have an elite defender that commands huge money in Makar, and lots of money in elite forwards, so will they be able to pay that guy? He is an RFA after this season, and given the current trends, I suspect he will be due for one of those 7 year deals at 7 mill per.. or the Kings can sit pat and wait for Devon Toews to become a UFA. Point is, I don't think the Avs can keep BOTH of these players after this season, and both are LD. However, it's more likely they go the Vegas route and try to give Sammy Girard away for free(or pay to move him). Then again, Erik Johnson's 6 mill is coming off the books at the end of the season, so that's Byram's new contract right there.

Back to the Toews/Byram question, these guys are BOTH animals, and I'd essentially give the Avalanche whatever they want, including Byfield(he's just not going to be the guy that you are all hoping he becomes). There is only so much tread left on Drew's tires, and I think either Byram or Toews can be a 1st pairing left side defender on pretty much any team.

Then again, this is probably just a pipe dream, as teams ALWAYS find a way to wiggle out of a cap squeeze. I'm sure they'll come up with the money somewhere to keep all of the above

Now Chirping

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