Ticket Exchange Guidelines {Please Read}


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Welcome to the Ticket Exchange.

All tickets must be sold for face value or less.

Please post the price of the tickets. It is not acceptable to post tickets for sale without the price.

Please, no links to auctions, other ticket sites and no group sales.

When you have sold or bought your tickets please remove your message. (Just click the edit button below your message).

Thank you for your help and good luck.
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Group sales are when you organize a group on LGK to go in on tickets. I'd say that for the purposes of this forum that > 4 is a group. This is basically a spot for STH to dump their extras and other fans to get tickets at or below face value. It's not a forum for getting people together for group buys or organize road trips.
What about for a non-profit like Long Beach State 49er Ice Hockey? I'm stuck with 50 tickets for Saturday's Kings/Ducks game and it's supposed to be our biggest fundraiser of the year. Help us out?

Face Value

There has been too much confusion about face value.

I want to reiterate the spirit of this ticket forum.

It has always been a place for season seat holders to move tickets they can't use and for buyers to get a deal.

Recently the spirit has gotten out of hand for the buyers IMO.

I have rarely seen any tickets here going for "scalper" prices.

However there have been a few buyers here that will call out anyone who is even a few dollars over the face value even if they don't know the circumstances or exactly what the real price is. In other words I feel they are just calling them out because they can't get the tickets for pennies on the dollar.

Ticket prices for Kings games have gone up 20-40% in the last few years not to mention that this season the playoff tickets are almost double what was paid last year. Many seat holders are feeling the pince, have lost money this season and are just trying to recoup the costs.

So please be reasonable when calling out people for charging more than what you have been accustomed to paying. The demand for the playoff tickets is much higher than the regular season when some games the tickets can't even be given away. This is not the case right now so I feel most here are charging what is fair face value. If you see a problem just tag the post and let the moderators deal with it.

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Please remember to post the price of the tickets. It is not acceptable to post tickets for sale without the price.
Just wanted to say thanks to all who do post tickets for sale on this site with the price clearly stated. This is the FIRST place I go when I am looking to go to a game and have had an excellent experience every time with fellow LGK members. GKG
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A new query about listing the ticket price. With the advent of Flash Seats my digital tickets no longer have face value price listed, and I know Duck games are far pricier than Blue Jacket games. What's the easiest way to figure out what list price is for a given seat at a given game? If I sell I want to make sure I'm not making an error, and as a buyer I want to make sure I'm not being over-charged. Thanks.
A new query about listing the ticket price. With the advent of Flash Seats my digital tickets no longer have face value price listed, and I know Duck games are far pricier than Blue Jacket games. What's the easiest way to figure out what list price is for a given seat at a given game? If I sell I want to make sure I'm not making an error, and as a buyer I want to make sure I'm not being over-charged. Thanks.

Sorry for the delayed response.
The price should still be based on the season seat holder fee, not the price on the ticket.
Sorry for the delayed response.
The price should still be based on the season seat holder fee, not the price on the ticket.

Really? Most times the only thing posted is face value. And when I'm doing the buying I have no idea if the person is a STH, HalfSTH, mini-plan holder, or bought it from ticketmaster. I have no idea what I paid for each of my own tickets in a miniplan. When i sell mine (which is really rare) I simply looked at the ticket face and sold them 2 for 1. So Ducks might be $80 face and you get two tickets. Blue Jackets might be $45 face, so 2 for $45. Right now I can't find those ticket prices anymore. Flash seats doesn't show them at all so i have no idea. Do I have to call my rep so he can tell me or is there someplace I haven't found with the prices?
Really? Most times the only thing posted is face value. And when I'm doing the buying I have no idea if the person is a STH, HalfSTH, mini-plan holder, or bought it from ticketmaster. I have no idea what I paid for each of my own tickets in a miniplan. When i sell mine (which is really rare) I simply looked at the ticket face and sold them 2 for 1. So Ducks might be $80 face and you get two tickets. Blue Jackets might be $45 face, so 2 for $45. Right now I can't find those ticket prices anymore. Flash seats doesn't show them at all so i have no idea. Do I have to call my rep so he can tell me or is there someplace I haven't found with the prices?

I have a pdf that has this years prices but can't find it. When I do I will post it. It's not on the Kings site since season seats are sold out for the year. It seems to be the best plan so it's not game to game. Most of us here know the prices so if someone asks for too much they usually get pinged.
Found it.

http://kings.nhl.com/v2/ext/pdf/2016-17 Pricing Guide.pdf

I'd say the 10 game plan is the fair price for each section. As mentioned there needs to be a scale to compare, I think this is best and fair.

As mentioned numerous times b4, this exchange is a place to get your money back not make money, there are plenty of places to do that.

Thanks for that find. I agree on not making money here... I always lose cash but at least someone gets to go. But for sellers and buyers it's really nice to know what the tickets actually sold for so we can make an informed decision on how much to sell them or buy them for. Without a firm price list, when someone list seats we have no idea if they list for $120 or $70. Flash seats really sucks for that purpose. Your pdf price list helps (though not for progressive pricing). Thanks.
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I refer to the link because we know no one with a ticket plan has paid more per ticket than the 10 game plan. Hence that is considered retail.

Personally I have a problem with progressive pricing, for instance the price listed on preseason seats are much less than we actually paid for them. I've always had an issue with having to buy the preseason seats for retail in the first place and now the Kings mock us with the supposed street value of the game. How do The Kings come up with these prices any way? An algorithm or research of past seasons on the open market?

The first Cup run the tickets ended up being much more reasonable than expected, the 2nd run prices where adjusted but still reasonable based on the secondary market.
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