Who will next year's goalie be ?


K-Man #32

Who do you guys think will be our starting goalie next year?

I'm unsure if Korpisalo will be back? I think he was exposed big time, shooting high etc

Do you think Copley will get the nod or another free agent? Jarri? A trade for someone like Hellabuck?

Curious of your thoughts...

Great to see everyone back, I missed LGK and all of you ! HF boards sucks lol

Go Kings Go!
Ok, I know the Kings will not even think about Lehner, but I will be realistic here....
What is Hill's current situation? I have to think the guy is up for a HUGE raise in payment.
I think Brossoit, though he got injured, played pretty good, has to be affordable for the Kings.
Much like when Lombardi waited over a MONTH to sign Willie Mitchell there’s a LOT of goalies on the market but no teams to play for!!!

Blake is gonna get a pissed off goalie for 1 million dollars and they’ll have something to prove

- Anderson
- Raanta
- Varlamov
- Talbot (my choice)
- Jarry
- Brossoit
- Hill
- Halak
- Lyon
Much like when Lombardi waited over a MONTH to sign Willie Mitchell there’s a LOT of goalies on the market but no teams to play for!!!

Blake is gonna get a pissed off goalie for 1 million dollars and they’ll have something to prove

- Anderson
- Raanta
- Varlamov
- Talbot (my choice)
- Jarry
- Brossoit
- Hill
- Halak
- Lyon
Havent seen many games from the goalies mentioned. That said, all other factors being equal, we need a good puck handler with our minion D!
I think they’ll try to resign Korpisalo but I don’t think they’re going to move any salary to do it. So if it’s under $2 million that’s what it is & he’ll either take it or not. If he doesn’t resign then I’m not sure who they go after. Hellebuyck would be great but we’d have to give up salary to get him. Vegas had extra goalies. I think Calgary has an extra goalie. Plus all the UFA’s. But what I wonder is, unless we get a legitimate #1 who can play 50-60 games, why not have a goalie tandem with Copley & whoever like we did with him & Korpisalo last year? It seemed to work. Which then leads to why didn’t they continue the tandem into the playoffs? They took something that was working & abandoned it. And the only reason I could see is that starting 1 goalie is how it’s always been done.
I think they’ll try to resign Korpisalo but I don’t think they’re going to move any salary to do it. So if it’s under $2 million that’s what it is & he’ll either take it or not. If he doesn’t resign then I’m not sure who they go after. Hellebuyck would be great but we’d have to give up salary to get him. Vegas had extra goalies. I think Calgary has an extra goalie. Plus all the UFA’s. But what I wonder is, unless we get a legitimate #1 who can play 50-60 games, why not have a goalie tandem with Copley & whoever like we did with him & Korpisalo last year? It seemed to work. Which then leads to why didn’t they continue the tandem into the playoffs? They took something that was working & abandoned it. And the only reason I could see is that starting 1 goalie is how it’s always been done.
I don't really want to see Korpisalo back in the playoffs, so he's a no for me. That being said, if he's the most affordable/decent option then I'm fine with trying a platoon.... as long as TM learns from his mistakes and is willing to be flexible in the playoffs - not even saying you have to start Copley, but you have to recognize when your goalie has been exposed.
I don't really want to see Korpisalo back in the playoffs, so he's a no for me. That being said, if he's the most affordable/decent option then I'm fine with trying a platoon.... as long as TM learns from his mistakes and is willing to be flexible in the playoffs - not even saying you have to start Copley, but you have to recognize when your goalie has been exposed.
Lost the round and gained zero intel on how Copley would fare in the playoffs. Not good. I agree with anyone who said what a mistake it was not to start Copley in game 5. Probably would have lost that one anyway, but maybe he plays well enough to start game 6 too and you really get a better look.
Quick would have done better than Korpisalo in the playoffs no doubt...
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I'd like to see Korpisalo come back on a 1 year deal and see what he can do with a full season of experience with the Kings. Additionally we may be able to sign him to a team friendly deal as it seems he wants to come back. This would also give us some time to better gauge how Portillo is able to adjust in the AHL and if there is potential for him to become our full timer in the NHL in the future.
Was Korpi "exposed"? Or was it maybe something else? I wouldn't mind giving him another chance.

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I would give Copley another shot depending on who is available. He got a raw deal in the playoffs.
Was Korpi "exposed"? Or was it maybe something else? I wouldn't mind giving him another chance.

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Unless you're saying he was hurt or something (don't think you are) then I would say yes - he was exposed. The Oilers found where to shoot from and how to do it and never looked back. His career playoff stats are remarkable but they're only 15 games. It's not uncommon for goalies to have strong stats in a small sample size. In a series where he had everything to prove, especially as he was about to become a UFA, he started extremely strong and then was a key reason we lost. Nothing against the guy, he's always been a decent goalie. Didn't like the whole Quick debacle, but did think it was a gutsy move and he seemed like the right guy to me too BUT... when you give the guy the chance in the exact situation you are going to need a great goalie for and he just folds - why would you ever want him back?

Now Chirping

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