WTS: A solid playoff bound team - 1/15 CAR


Super Star
Not to rub it in, but it’s been about a month since I’ve done one of these.

Non-hfboards and reddit content pulled from:
Canes vs Kings 3pm


-Justin Williams was a real one, glad he’s getting honored.
-God damn that crowd was loud when he took the podium.
-game will be up on my 2nd monitor at the office. make it worth the risk canes please, otherwise there will be rioting
—btw, not having a job will give me even more time to riot, so you know what's at stake boys


-Oof. Don’t get stuck in the D zone boys. I hate to say it LA out muscled you there.
-Long ceremony. I was worried that we would be flat.
-Hip check or trip?
-I don’t put that goal on Raanta. LA has had a good forecheck this game so far and that rebound was hard to find.
-Strong possibility of getting goalied today…
-We need a big reset during the first intermission so far LA has been out playing us.
-Took 19 minutes and 50 seconds, but they did manage one good chance this period...
-Kings were ready. We were not. I expect a more even period this go round but their goalie looks to be on point and they are putting 2 guys in front of him as a screen at all times over the middle.
-Now this is more like it boys. MARTY PARTY!
-I mean LA’s PK is the 2nd best in the league
—Super aggressive.
-Decent period, now time to bury 'em in the 3rd.
-What a stupid goal.
-Four passes break any defence.
-We can’t expect to win 1-0 either but that’s rough for morals
-A couple loose clears and now game over
-lol from .906 in ECHL to NHL. pulling for him but man...
-Justin Williams isn't proud of this
—Scholars will argue for years over which effort was worse, jwilly hof game or jstaalsy 1000th game?
-This game isn't on Raanta. They came out with some lazy BS in the 3rd.
-Ah to be on the other side of the dreaded 3 goal lead.
-Drury gets 1 back. not completely over yet
-All the cheers for perets is pretty cool
-The kings have been excellent at getting the puck out of their defensive zone quickly, nullifying the canes forecheck.
-Dough Boy got away with a cross check.
-Perets pulled. Thank you for your service.
-Kings are playin g with 5 goalies…
—Can we have one of them?
-So did Perets do alright?
—1 save on 1 shot. It was a hell of a save though


-Oh well at least you lose to a solid playoff bound team (EDIT: bold is mine) instead of a bottom feeder which are the ones that really p*ss me off…
-LA was on an 8 game losing streak. They played with grit and desperation.
—Which was crazy, considering they started the season by winning some ridiculous amount of games on the road. I wanna say 11?
-We got our asses whooped. It’s not often we get out forechecked.
-Kings are a good team and the bounces are with them this game, and some canes defensive lapses.
-Not worried about it. We just played a good team who was on an eight game losing streak. They were desperate and we were lazy. Rants did enough to keep us in it, the guys in front of him did not.
-They’re a good team on a losing streak motivated to win today and play tough against the canes. Canes aren’t going to beat them scoring only 2 goals and having defensive lapses, and a goal or 2 that should have been stopped.
-The biggest takeaway I had was LA neutralized our forecheck better than any team I've seen this year. Our forecheck didn't do sh*t all game. They moved the puck out quickly and caught us pressing several times. On the flip side, LA didn't forecheck us *at all*. They calmly waited all 5 men back in the neutral zone while we took our sweet time getting ready. It was remarkably different from most teams I've seen play against us.
-Let's start with basics. Canes were beaten to loose pucks, lost board battles and allowed cross ice passes in both the 1st and 3rd period. They were sloppy passers, no puck support behind the goal and guys running into each other like they've ever been on the ice together. The Canes didn't belong on the ice with an NHL team today.
Not to rub it in, but it’s been about a month since I’ve done one of these.

Non-hfboards and reddit content pulled from:
Canes vs Kings 3pm


-Justin Williams was a real one, glad he’s getting honored.
-God damn that crowd was loud when he took the podium.
-game will be up on my 2nd monitor at the office. make it worth the risk canes please, otherwise there will be rioting
—btw, not having a job will give me even more time to riot, so you know what's at stake boys


-Oof. Don’t get stuck in the D zone boys. I hate to say it LA out muscled you there.
-Long ceremony. I was worried that we would be flat.
-Hip check or trip?
-I don’t put that goal on Raanta. LA has had a good forecheck this game so far and that rebound was hard to find.
-Strong possibility of getting goalied today…
-We need a big reset during the first intermission so far LA has been out playing us.
-Took 19 minutes and 50 seconds, but they did manage one good chance this period...
-Kings were ready. We were not. I expect a more even period this go round but their goalie looks to be on point and they are putting 2 guys in front of him as a screen at all times over the middle.
-Now this is more like it boys. MARTY PARTY!
-I mean LA’s PK is the 2nd best in the league
—Super aggressive.
-Decent period, now time to bury 'em in the 3rd.
-What a stupid goal.
-Four passes break any defence.
-We can’t expect to win 1-0 either but that’s rough for morals
-A couple loose clears and now game over
-lol from .906 in ECHL to NHL. pulling for him but man...
-Justin Williams isn't proud of this
—Scholars will argue for years over which effort was worse, jwilly hof game or jstaalsy 1000th game?
-This game isn't on Raanta. They came out with some lazy BS in the 3rd.
-Ah to be on the other side of the dreaded 3 goal lead.
-Drury gets 1 back. not completely over yet
-All the cheers for perets is pretty cool
-The kings have been excellent at getting the puck out of their defensive zone quickly, nullifying the canes forecheck.
-Dough Boy got away with a cross check.
-Perets pulled. Thank you for your service.
-Kings are playin g with 5 goalies…
—Can we have one of them?
-So did Perets do alright?
—1 save on 1 shot. It was a hell of a save though


-Oh well at least you lose to a solid playoff bound team (EDIT: bold is mine) instead of a bottom feeder which are the ones that really p*ss me off…
-LA was on an 8 game losing streak. They played with grit and desperation.
—Which was crazy, considering they started the season by winning some ridiculous amount of games on the road. I wanna say 11?
-We got our asses whooped. It’s not often we get out forechecked.
-Kings are a good team and the bounces are with them this game, and some canes defensive lapses.
-Not worried about it. We just played a good team who was on an eight game losing streak. They were desperate and we were lazy. Rants did enough to keep us in it, the guys in front of him did not.
-They’re a good team on a losing streak motivated to win today and play tough against the canes. Canes aren’t going to beat them scoring only 2 goals and having defensive lapses, and a goal or 2 that should have been stopped.
-The biggest takeaway I had was LA neutralized our forecheck better than any team I've seen this year. Our forecheck didn't do sh*t all game. They moved the puck out quickly and caught us pressing several times. On the flip side, LA didn't forecheck us *at all*. They calmly waited all 5 men back in the neutral zone while we took our sweet time getting ready. It was remarkably different from most teams I've seen play against us.
-Let's start with basics. Canes were beaten to loose pucks, lost board battles and allowed cross ice passes in both the 1st and 3rd period. They were sloppy passers, no puck support behind the goal and guys running into each other like they've ever been on the ice together. The Canes didn't belong on the ice with an NHL team today.
I’ve missed these…
Right? These guys seem more well adjusted than pretty much any and every Canadian fan base, when it comes to game commentary
Can confirm. These are always a limited sample size but did not come across one comment that was unhinged or homered-out. Some legit arguments on how well or poorly Raanta played but no hyperbole either way. Pretty impressive.
Good that Canes fans aren't as backhanded-complimentary or snarky compared to the fanbases of other teams, but I've noticed one wrong thing in one of their posts: they claim that LA's PK is the second best in the league this season. They're a bit off in that statement, as the Kings' PK is number one in the league.
Good that Canes fans aren't as backhanded-complimentary or snarky compared to the fanbases of other teams, but I've noticed one wrong thing in one of their posts: they claim that LA's PK is the second best in the league this season. They're a bit off in that statement, as the Kings' PK is number one in the league.
If you look at the GDT for the Carolina game, at that time the Kings were 2nd in the league. At the end of that game, they were back in 1st.

Now Chirping

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