WTS - ANA @ LAK, Mickey Mouse Org.


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Pre Game
I'm going to be more focused on hydrating tonight so I don't dehydrate from all the crying that will happen tomorrow.

I'm rolling the dice tonight and watching the kings broadcast. Let's see how long I can stand Jim Fox.

no matter what happens, at least our building isnt named the cryto.com arena oooooof

?Fashion statement? helmets is a ****ing understatement.

I know I?m biased because we?re rivals?
?but those silver lids look stupid as hell.

Those helmets are ugly as f***
?Why stop at helmet. Jerseys could have glitter too

Those Tron helmets suck.

So is it confirmed that you say "Moverare" as if you have marbles in your mouth?

Day 1 of shoot first getzlaf. never too late

Damn... is Quick on it again?
?quick playing like prime hasek again. Sweet
?Quick looks like a Vezina finalist against the Ducks.
?most goalies do

3 d on a 5 on 3 is a choice
?A good one!

Mahura swatting the puck away while on his butt was probably the best move he's done, standing or otherwise.

Quick channeling his inner Osgood
Couldn?t happen to a bigger D Bag.
?Not so Quick, were you, Johnny!?
?Muahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha Amazing! Get the puck on the net and sometimes being lucky is better than being good! Eat that, Quick!

LOL. Kings fans have the balls to whine about uneven officiating.

Nice job by Simon to say, "Don't do that to Zegras" to Brunnstrom.
?Zegras got a penalty for what exactly?
?Breaking his stick with a crosscheck.

Jim Fox is such a little bitch. Man he is awful to listen to.
?Jim Fox is insufferable.

Call the blatant trip, zebras
?Man screw these refs
?Absolute joke officiating from the refs.
?Oh hooking is against the rules? Interesting.
?They call that though
we want to lose, but f*** this league.
?How much did the Kings pay the Refs?? F this ****

Wow these refs are pieces of ****.
?One of the worst officiated games I have seen all season
?**** those refs

Weird. Kings' feed always says (insert Duck name) fell over on his own feet, but if you're watching you can see a Duck get tripped which causes the Duck to fall onto the ice.

So in Getz last game here the refs ignore a blatant trip on him. Im sure he?s happy to be retiring

Refs giving the kings a win

F you Quick.

Jim Fox shut the f*** up you twerp.

Lmao of course its kozari. Ducks hater.

No, Fox, that?s a cheap, dangerous call by Kaliev, and he deserved how Getzlaf made sure to welcome him properly to the league.
That should be a match penalty.
?Kayliev is going to be suspended for that.
?Was that Kayliev with the cross check to the head and the classic Dustin Brown turtle?
Guess Ol Brown is passing on his ?knowledge? of the game.

This group of stripes should be hanging up their skates after tonight. Impressive incompetence from start to finish.

If you don't have to listen to Jim Fox, that is a gift from God. Don't bring his dumb comments into the thread.

Jim Fox says hitting the back of Mahura's head was well deserved as opposed to getting facewashed by Mahura. LoL
Kaliyev first started it off when he cross-checked Mahura to cause a turnover. Mahura retaliated with a facewash/smack and skated away. Kaliyev then cross-checks Mahura's head when Mahura was skating away.

Post Game
Good on kings to come shake getzlaf hands

I want Getzy to be as mad at them as I am.

This team needs some beef. Without Getzlaf, Deslauries, and Manson next season they're gonna keep getting pushed around.
Do they really think they were the ones who got jobbed by the refs this game?

My thoughts exactly! How is it possible to see the same game and situations so completly different. Their new pet Zegras broke his effin stick on Grundstr?m, still they say that penalty was wrong… :facepalm:
I don't get this people. The DUCKS have their own homer in Hazy - yet they're watching Jim Fox?
Why aren't they watching their great announcing team?
I don't get this people. The DUCKS have their own homer in Hazy - yet they're watching Jim Fox?
Why aren't they watching their great announcing team?

Hazy is the absolute worst in the league.

I?ve never heard such dumbfounding homer commentary in my life and this isn?t even just Kings at all. Every Ducks game I?ve ever watched that doesn?t involve the kings?woof boy is he delusional lol.
Do all Duck fans sound like these 11-year-old prepubescent boys who know absolutely zilch about hockey?
Hazy is the absolute worst in the league.

I?ve never heard such dumbfounding homer commentary in my life and this isn?t even just Kings at all. Every Ducks game I?ve ever watched that doesn?t involve the kings?woof boy is he delusional lol.

So, you've never listened to the broadcasts of: EDM, CO, FLA, CGY, LV, NASH, MINNY and the absolute worst, BOSTON ?
Hayward is bad but, there are worse announcers out there.
If you ever get a chance to listen to Hall of Famer Phil Esposito on FLA do color commentary - it's a joy.
Vegas guy too

Now Chirping

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