WTS: Columbus Special - CLB 12/5


Super Star
If there’s one fanbase I don’t want to give a hard time it’s Columbus. They’ve had a rough go most of that team’s existence. But, that’s sports.

Non hfboard and reddit posts from:



-The Kings are a master class on how to rebuild/reset. Rob Blake has done what Jarmo could only dream of. Gavrikov is 7th in the league among defenseman in xGF%. Some of us thought he just wasn't that good anymore. It turns out that terrible coaching and a poor supporting cast was the problem in Columbus. I know the Kings are a couple of years ahead of the Jackets in rebuilding, but I just can't imagine this team being anywhere close to them two years from now.
-This could be ugly.
—That's typically my expectation going into "any" game. Hoping for a surprise, expecting ugly.
-That Fantilli line is going to get caved in by this Kings team.
-This organization, more than all others except perhaps Pittsburg, galls me the most. The jackets incompetence is on display each time we play them. Seeing Kopitar illustrates our drafting ineptness in our history. PLD illustrates how many of the most talented players leave for greener pastures. And then to cap it off, JFC, who gave the jackets the ultimate middle finger, wins two Stanley’s and ultimately killed the jackets every time he played against us.
—You forgot about Marion Gaborik who spent half his time in Columbus on IR and who we basically gave away, suddenly
became healthy in LA and led them to another Cup.
-I'd like to point out that, back when I had seats in 103, at a Kings game in Nationwide in probably 2001 or 2002 or something like that, I noted that Nelson Emerson, Rob Blake and Ziggy Palffy were all on the ice together at the same time for LA, and I exclaimed "Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends." And like 2 people got it. Jackets lost that game 1-7.


-Lol, screw you Byfield.
-Solid period against a great team.
-Dima it’s not soccer
-In Russia, the puck kicks you
-Johnny didn’t miss that one. BOOOOOOOM!!!!!
-Stopping the Kings streak would be grand.
—Shhh. Long way to go
-Who is this team and what have you done with the Jackets?
—Save it until they have a good third as well.
——Yea lol, they need a full 60 for sure.
———Heh, I'm still mad at the last game and I thought they had a great first two periods against the Bruins.
-Good job Olivier! (Hmm, will LA switch goalies?)
-Well this has been fun. Two best periods we’ve put together all year, against a very good, heavy team. Let’s close this out boys.
-thats a bummer
-Oof we trying to make it interesting I see.
-Call the time out.
-Ffs this team
-It's been 8 minutes and we've not had any sustained zone time.
-There are no words
-I have 6 games left on my quarter season tickets if anyone is interested. I can't take this **** anymore.
-Merzlikins there reminded me of the scene in Saving Private Ryan where the solider is looking around for his arm after it was blown off.
-I really need to start taking advantage of these in game bets on DraftKings when the CBJ take a lead into the 3rd period.
—Pretty sure Kings were at least +1025 down three goals. Even worse...the #CBJ have trained me to take a peek.
-One last kick in the nuts
-What are they doing in the second intermission?
—Hookers and blow
——They'd probably be flying in that scenario
———What's the opposite of hookers and blow?
————75 year old nun giving out communion...
-At least it was quick and it wasn't PLD
-Columbus special is complete. Another choke job.
-t's a tradition. It might be our only tradition. Besides the Chili chant I guess.


-There was no luck involved here. This was a cat playing with a mouse.
-What's Darryl Sutter doing? Did I really say that?..
-A friend of mine texted to ask if I was at the game at the end of the 2nd. He said it was a great game to be at. I said "yeah, so far."
The moment we let in goal #1, I said to my wife "only question now is if we lose in OT or regulation."
-On the other hand, Celebrini?
—Why, so we can watch this team suck the life and talent out of him like a Dementor and leave him a cold lifeless husk?
"Save it until they have a good third as well."

Rest In Peace GIF by Kochstrasse™
I feel for Lumbus fans. They are too pure to suffer as they have.
This is great as always, Clif, but I think a more hilarious read is our own GDT for 180 degree Kings fan drama.
I'm very curious if any other fanbase forum does WTS threads like this...I'm very curious to see what comments they pick out from our lamentations and celebrations.
This is great as always, Clif, but I think a more hilarious read is our own GDT for 180 degree Kings fan drama.
You got it! And I actually need to go back through that thread myself - I only got home time for the second intermission. Which means I spared adding my own drama I otherwise would have if I watched from the start.
I'm very curious if any other fanbase forum does WTS threads like this...I'm very curious to see what comments they pick out from our lamentations and celebrations.
I honestly never see any threads like that on the forums, but then again I’m only going there after Kings wins. They could be farther down the line - I’ll look.

Now Chirping

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