WTS: Game 5 - I'm sad, I'm happy, I'm sad


I lost my password
Pre Game
I think the first 5 minutes will tell us a lot about the way the game is gonna turn out.
If we come out flat again then god help us all.

Come out flying, get the lead, and stick to the gameplan. If LA gets the first goal then it's as good as done.
?While not ideal, LA scoring first is not THAT calamitous. Oil can survive a one goal deficit, and have already tied it after being down 2 in this series.

Whoever wins this game likely wins the series.

My girlfriend is sacrificing her Gall bladder to the hockey gods this afternoon, I'm not a superstitious person but a sacrifice is a sacrifice
?The gods demand BLADDERS
?If that works the only logical assumption is that you're going to have to sack up for game 6. Better get that appt booked now.

At least some of you are confident... I sincerely hope those players want to win as bad as we want to see them win. I don't even care how we win. If we can't win tonight, Kings probably win in 6 and it's another year of failure.

To be honest? I'm not 100% confident we can win tonight.
All I know is that my gonadotrophins will badly hurt if they lose, and the stress will likely cause me to **** a litre of blood.
So yeah.. I really hope we win.

Maybe they'll show up for this one.
Better treat it like a game 7 because they're not winning game 6 in LA.
Draisaitl needs to wake up and do something.

I think Struds put it perfectly. You lose tonight and you give Quick 2 chances to stand on his head and win 1 game.
Not something you really want to do at this point.

Despite the standings I just dont see how the Stars are an easier team to play then Kings tbh. Not to mention Kings are missing Doughty.

Oil 4-2 tonight. f*** the Kings.

The last Game 5 loss at home for Edmonton was the Stanley Cup Finals in 1987 vs. Philadelphia. We got this.

Felt good before last game. Very nervous for tonight. What does that mean? Who knows.
Go Oil
?did you eat Taco Bell?

In other news I secured round 2 tickets so that's cool
?Oh no?
?Jinx. Nice.

1st goal has been incredibly important this series. First goal wins

Tonight we have beers, watch the Oilers win and then head to the Mains to laugh at Kings fans , okay?
?You forgot ?burn down their city and steal their women? too?!!

I had a bad feeling about game 1; we lost. Had a good feeling about games 2 and 3; we won. Bad feeling for game 4; we lost.
I have a good feeling for tonight. I think we win this.
?What does your feelings say on me ever getting touched by a woman?
?With a taser and bearspray?
?Magic 8-Ball says ?No?
?Prior to this comment I thought you had a chance. After it, I think you get yourself a hobby and a pet. I hear @Cloned is looking for a wingman, that could be fun?
?Him? Kind of difficult to fly using only one hand.

As long as the refs don't dictate the game, we'll be fine, not to worry

Two goals in 52 seconds maybe I should go talk **** to leafs fans on the mains...

I felt scruffy and shaved today. Forgot what time of year it was. You all can blame the incoming loss on me.
?unless it was my scruff holding the boys back this whole time.

If the fans in Rogers do the f***ing wave tonight... like come up with a chant or something. It ain't that hard.
Probably the cause of all our curses. Who does the wave at a sporting event in the year of Our Lord and Savior 2022.

I?m gonna throw up.
?I had to take pepto because I'm already sick to my stomach.
Maybe I shouldnt watch lol.


I like the crowd so far, hope they go nuts because this might be the last home game this series

This is pathetic
?Horrific start again
?welp thats game, first goal wins.
?f*** this ****
?Boys standing around doing nothing, bunch of idiots
?What a load this team is. Haven't started a game decently all series
?Series is over we don?t win this on home ice.
?Ugh, please Jesse get your head out of your ass

Stecher for Nurse. Sign the papers

Zero intensity or competitive drive.
Kings completely deserve to be winning again, I?d be utterly embarrassed if I was a player on that team.
Shameful effort again, it?s not even being down by 1. It?s the lack of intensity or effort that drives me nuts seeing.

Gesus how does LA get so many shots on net. It's ridiculous

Man McLellan looking like a genius adding Grundstrom and Stetcher into his lineup the last two games.

1-0 Kings means we can all go to bed. I'd eat my hat if we came back and beat them

So now that everyone hates Woodcroft, who should replace him?
?I hear Trotz is available.
?I don?t hate Woodcroft but the only name out there of any interest would be Trotz imo

This team needs a massive overhaul. Not a playoff team. Not really a regular season team, except their final stretch of the season.

What will be higher by the end of the period, our shots or their goals?

stay in your net Smith, ya dip****!
?not tonight, Mike. please just not tonight
?jfc smith lol
?I swear to god Smith

My goodness...kings have insane luck...sticks just happen to hit literally every puck perfectly.

This might be controversial, but they include Ben in the locker room environment and make him one of the team.
The kid is putting up the fight of his life and probably is emotionally invested in this team even more then he was before the involvement with the Oilers.
Then this team goes out and gives a garbage effort in game 4 and it has continued so far tonight. You would think at the very least they would give it 100%, and if they lost at least they could say they tried their best and that?s all you can ask from anyone. He?s the last person on the planet I?d want to disappoint and to me it?s embarrassing.
They couldn?t muster it for Joey Moss and I?m hoping they can pull it together for Ben.
?So.. they?re killing Ben?

lol we had two shots...they took one away. back to 1

Hopkins soft as baby **** as always
?He?s like a Swiss Army knife? right in the nuts.

f*** sakes drai what was that?
?At this point I'm ready to trade Drai lol
?Just awful Leon wake up man
?What a brain dead play by Leon there.
?Awful blind throwaway pass by Drai.
?Hey Drai...f*** off
?Did Drai get paid off to throw the game?

When Archibald is your best player that?s a problem

Lol LA has as many shots on our PP as we have in the game

Dive by Hyman but we need to be doing more of that, not the diving but just skate the puck hard and make them take penalties

Good job barrie you f***ing Pejorative Slur.
Trade both barrie and draisaitl
?Kinda at the point where I say shop for a 3c, promote RNH and move Draisaitl for a true #1D.
The roster as constructed isn't capable of getting it done.

Most important game of the year and we have 3 shots on net.
I'm embarrassed to be an Oilers fan.
?They look awful again. Only can this team score 14 goals in two games and quit doing exactly what was making them successful. What a f***ing joke.

14 min in, McDavid has been on ice for two shifts 5vs5.
?That?s probably a sign that McDavid is sick or injured or something.
?No its a sign of a really bad inexperienced coach.

Fans: Bench Drai
Woodcroft: BeNcHiNg mCdAvId

Nurse is gonna get paid 9 million in a few months.

Scoring 14 goals in 2 was the worst thing that coulda happened to the oilers
?Interestingly enough, the shots are 14-2 as well.

Best not to expend too much energy until your down 3

Sad part is that LA defense is AHL caliber and we still got nothing
Condors group is on par with LA set of dmen
?Getting caved by Stecher who wasn't even a regular on the Red Wings

The crazy thing is the Kings don't even look like they are trying. That's how structure and focused they are right now. EDM looks like they can't wait to go golfing. So embarrassing.

Expected goals for of 0.06 lol

Jesse needs to not avoid Quick there.

They have to hire a new GM and blow it up if they lose this series. Trade core players and hire Trotz. None of the tweaks to the roster have worked, this team thinks they?re better than they actually are

I?m aware that ?trade the top guy(s)? is usually a **** take. But like? weve done everything else.

The only Oiler skater who is playing hockey is Josh Archibald.
?There is no bigger indictment

14 goals in 2 games, 4 periods without now. They clearly spent all their goals

Alright guys this isn?t funny anymore, you can stop pretending to have no nuts

This franchise is just garbage top to bottom. McDavid and Drai can show up anytime now.
That Nurse deal is single handledly going to ruin this franchise. If we can't beat the worst team in the playoffs who work 1000x harder then we do then the team needs to be blow out.

Allowing Danault to eat Draisaitl's lunch all game is a bad strategy.

Really funny how a lot of games you feel like 1-0 is no big deal. These last two it looks insurmountable.

As bad as the Oilers are, this thread is way more frustrating. I?m reading the same posts on every page.

Probably time to start owing Dave Tippett an apology. It ain't the coach folks.
?f*** him as much as possible.
?Woodcroft took his team right out of that period.
Worse coaching I have ever seen by a NHL coach. Wow
You have the best player in the world, and he goes 7 mins between shifts and gets out for a PP, then doesnt see the ice again for another 5 mins, then gets the last shift of period. 5 mins of ice time.

Kind of embarrassing, the kings let that peewee team get 5 shots.

Not sure what a Brunstrom is, but it got 4 shots on goal in 4 minutes of ice time.

Refs are going to get someone serious hurt, if they keep holding Kane in every scrum. They gotta let him fight.
?Kane gets two minutes for getting hit in the face.
?f***ing p***y Danault
?NHL refs are a f***ing joke
?Danault cuts Kane and gets nothing.
?Ridiculous. They hold Kane and he gets punched
?f***in hell. f*** you refs. Every god damn scrum these playoffs is coincidental, until now?
?f*** off how does kane get 4? f*** sakes he got a stick up high
?King's should have got for third man in. Typical.
?Lol the refs taking the momentum away before we can even generate.
?extra 2mins for bleeding
?What a crock. f*** this league.
?Need to kill this atrocious call
?Guy gets jumped by 3 kings. 4 minutes lol. Right on ref
?So why do we just trust the refs on the ice to make the right call when none of them can see the whole picture?
Calls like this should have to go to a third eye in the sky to clarify the call. The oilers getting the extra there is criminal with danault getting nothing.

Please f*** up some Kings.

There it is now open the floodgates
don't sit back WOO
And I was about to scream at McDavid.. he makes me realise he's a savant and I'm an idiot.

Extend Kassian and double his salary.
?This is what gets GMs fired.

I thought Oli Maata retired like 3 years ago, why is he playing well for the Kings? Maybe Holland can acquire him in the off season since he's older than dirt but a serviceable shutdown D.
?This is what gets GMs fired.
?He's 27...

How the f can these two teams completely switch identities over a 15 minute break? It boggles the mind.
?Up and Down, like a toilet seat.

f***ing morons!!! f***ing idiots!!!
?Team is f***ing pathetic
?Fml that is a weak ass goal. Smith has to have it.
?Unfortunately I think Keith is the Kings leading scorer.

If an Oiler goalie doesn't let in a bad goal is it really and Oilers game?

Wherever you are Caleb Jones, whatever you are doing?know this.
I miss you

Moments of skill followed by more frequent moments of ****.

Should have plowed Quick there

Is there any rule against combining first round draft picks..like if we take Puls size and add in Yakupovs shot
?yes, the nazis ruined eugenics for everyone
?Huh. I always thought it was hydra
Hail Hydra
?Human experimentation is frowned upon.
It's not against the rules per-se but it is in the Geneva Convention.

Ugh Smith
?That?s probably game
?That's not just the game, that's the series.
?It's f***ing over. f*** this team
?Goodnight Irene.
?I hate this f***ing team
?Losers, every last one of them.
?Game, set, match. I?m out, thanks for choking again you f***ing losers.
?Are you fking kidding me Hollywood Fking California is beating us in Ice Hockey
?This team continues to be the embarrassment of the NHL.

Those 2 blowout wins sunk us.
?This goddamn organization will never get it right

Well, at least we'll be out in 6.
Better than the last couple playoffs.

Right where we want em. Worst lead in hockey.

So the leafs vs tampa game get like 6 PPs in one period. But we get routinely screwed by the officials.
?Yup, all that zone time and nothing called on the kings of course

Who we gonna blame this year?
?Bad tacos
?I think I need more fibre in my diet.

If we lose this series, I don't know how they aren't forced to do something drastic. this is unacceptable.

The curse of Gretz continues.

Remind me again why we traded Anthanisiou?
?We didn't.
?He was f***ing terrible.

It's why you have to explore moving alot of people this offseason.
McDavid to NYR, Draisaitl to Nashville, Nurse for anything, them hire Trotz

Moore puts the puck in the net.
Oilers stand around waiting for a bus
?Moore puts the puck in the net after the whistle. Hows he still alive???
?Lol they put it in the net after the whistle and no one gives a f***
?So Kings shoot the puck into the net after the whistle, and no reaction at all?
Yeah, why should any of us care....

And yet this time next year morons will predict another easy 1st round win.

How is that a penalty now lol.
I hope durzi is hurt, do something
?Clean hit. That better not be a penalty to Kane.
?Eff these refs by the way
?Kane two minutes for throwing a hit.
?That was a clean hit
?f*** Durzi. Kill these *****
?Refs calling the game differently depending on your name on your jersey.
?So wait why is Kane getting a penalty? That just looked like an awkward hit.. it wasn't late at all
?So 2 guys can jump Kane, and yet we get the penalty. F u ref.
?What a f***ing joke. Typical. Third man in again and nothing.
?That hit is not a penalty. Kane will get suspended
?How does team down 2 goals get the extra in a league that's notorious for game management.
?What a f***ing clown Durzi.
Ofcourse he's on the PP.
?Obvious dive
?Kane throws clean hit, gets attacked by two players. Kings powerplay. Makes sense.
?I just hope they find the sniper that got Durzi. Baby **** soft f***ing dive.

You go Darnell.
?Nurse looked like he tried to headbutt him there

Someone needs to hit durzi in the mouth
?Tough guy Durzi chirping nuge now. What a loser.

It?s a shame this league is more interested in propping up ****ty American markets than star players
?Lol aight.
Reffing doesn't even enter the top 10 of things that have gone wrong tonight.
We've firmly shot ourselves in the foot.

I really feel like Kane is targeted which is unfair considering the rest of the **** the Kings get away with. Oilers have to overcome

Not ideal, going to be alot of changes in the offseason one would suspect.
?You new here?

Looking forward to Craig Mactavish and pierre mcguire at the helm next season

McD baby!!! Save us McJesus save us!
?I pray to McJesus.
?Jump aboard. McSavior time.

No more powerplays I guess
?Kings defenders getting away with murder Now.

$5 says Kings get a chintzy power play soon.
?There you go!
?And there it is
?f*** these refs this is the playoffs

Can't wait until that Brown **** retires
?Such bull****. Nice flop by Brown.
Garbage dive.
?Dustin ****stain can go f*** himself
?Brown diving? That's unheard of!

Hows that a f***ing high stick? Hes at waist level
?The Kings dive at a Avs level
?The refs have announced their presence with authority
?4 minutes in playoff tight playoff series and down a goal. what the hell is wrong with these refs.
?Double minor?
?These refs need to be murdered
?If that?s Kane getting high sticked there Kame would have got 4 minutes for interference
?There?s no discretion is there? If there?s blood it?s not like they can be like nah only 2?
?Cut on that play? Is his skin lettuce?
?Good job refs. You're f***ing finger prints are all over this game.

Dwyer and St. Laurent sure doing their part to make sure LA will leave Edmonton with a 3-2 series lead.
?Just Bettman's dream of the sunbelt coming true. Working exactly as the big boss intended.

Kaliyev is one ugly guy.
Always looks like he just smelled a nasty fart

Welcome to the series Draisaitl!
?These guys are motherf***ers for giving me hope again, 4-3!
?I don?t know how I?m supposed to react anymore
?Hope... there's hope.
?So many ups and downs, way too drunk for this

In addition to being anti-vax, Archibald is also anti-cycle.
?archibald.. what are you doing there?
?Getting off for a good player

f*** YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
?Love it!!!! McDrai is f***ing awesome
?What the f*** is happening?!
I?m both overjoyed and outraged haha.
?I'm still expected heartbreak to come this game. This team has broke me.
Still happy we tied it though.

Calling it right now Smith going to f*** us and f*** us bad

Mike Smith if you f*** this up?.

?f*** that post!

Well, they just answered the " are you a playoff team?" Question with a giant Maybe...
Stand by.

My ass is so clenched I'll be ****ting blood for a week.
?I don?t think clenching causes that?
?Ya, maybe see a doctor?
?Clearly you don't know how hard I'm clenching.

I'm going insane waiting for this OT to start. My palms haven't stopped sweating.

OT! Whatever happens I love you all.

Welp. f***
?There's that. f*** off
?That's not how it's supposed to end?
?Good night Irene.
Lazy f***s.
Great work guys.
f***ing embarrassing.
?It?s the hope that kills you
?Way to show up for overtime you f***ing bums. What an inept, trash hockey team.
?Yet again. Not ready to go at the start of a period. Where the f*** is the leadership on this garbage team?

Keith turnstiled
?Hey Caleb Jones.
I really miss you.

How do you lose to a garbage team like the kings? theres literally no other team in the playoffs that would lose to the kings. It sucks so much being an oilers fan sometimes lol

Post Game

I don't even know what the f*** right now.
This f***ing team, man.

Clean house?
Waive Smith
Buy out Keith
Sign any goalie not named Mikko Koskinen or Mike Smith
New management + Barry Trotz could be interesting

All that hassle in the 3rd to **** the bed within seconds in OT. Awesome.

Just blow up the team, we won't ever win a series with this core.

win the next two.
Just like they drew it up.

And iiiiiii have become?..comfortably numb.
Oh God these fans. At least some of them blame the loss on their team. Which is an improvement on the whining about the refs & the league being against them. No credit at all to the Kings. But that's OK. Trash fans for a trash team.
I was watching the ESPN feed and hearing the color broadcaster alongside Leah (don't know his name) literally recite romance verses regarding McDavid's pure super stardom was actually nausea inducing. Was guaranteeing's Douchesaddle's hat trick before OT started as well. Mass delusion.

For prosperity:
All I know is that my gonadotrophins will badly hurt if they lose, and the stress will likely cause me to **** a litre of blood.
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Chatting in discord its the same thing, they believe the refs have it in for them and don't dive. So delusional.

It makes no sense. Our PP is so terrible you can tell the players have learned to almost accept it and try to not let it affect momentum, and between shorties and our "penalty kill" that the fans would be complaining about reffing at all. Anything special teams is an almost death sentence for the Kings shift at that moment. 5v5 this series is over in 4 IMO.
How the f can these two teams completely switch identities over a 15 minute break? It boggles the mind.

I don't even know what the f*** right now.
This f***ing team, man.

Kempe be like:

Delicious delusional tears.

So weird that they root for the classlessness play of their players. That's the thing that bothers me the most. Just because it's "playoff hockey" doesn't mean the ref and the league should continually allow players to throw cheap shots without consequences.
even after all that I'll still take oiler fans over shark fans
I know every fanbase has some idiotic fans, but there are some really stupid statements in that group, particularly for a Canadian fan base lol.
I was watching the ESPN feed and hearing the color broadcaster alongside Leah (don't know his name) literally recite romance verses regarding McDavid's pure super stardom was actually nausea inducing. Was guaranteeing's Douchesaddle's hat trick before OT started as well. Mass delusion.

For prosperity:

I had to switch back to SN feed. That 3rd period slobber fest guy was giving about mcdavid i thought he was about to cream himself.
I really feel like Kane is targeted which is unfair...

You cannot be serious. Reading these comments, I'd say about half the Oilers fans need to be institutionalized.

The fact is the Oilers (and their fanbase) thought this series was over after those two blow-out wins. The look of shock on the faces of the fans as they filed out of Rogers Place was priceless. It almost reminded me of the Kings OT loss to Montreal in Game 3 a the Forum. LeClair scored a few seconds into OT and the Forum instantly went from frenzied to silenced.

I saw people literally running out of the arena last night when the goal light came on.

Beautiful, just beautiful!
I had to switch back to SN feed. That 3rd period slobber fest guy was giving about mcdavid i thought he was about to cream himself.

Uh, let's not start something we cant finish, Pierre Mcguire was just fired. He's on Indeed now...[dun-dun-dahhhhhh]
I ****ing love the excuses look at this!

"This kind of thing doesn't get mentioned but Edmonton populace is being bombarded currently by any number of infectious stuff going around in what was an extended winter here. LA conversely would be seeing very little flu, colds, other outbreaks. Just another way in which its harder for players in Edmonton. In LA the only reason people would be coughing at all are Smoke and smog.. ;)"

Evander Kane has been a dick in Winnipeg/San Jose/Edmonton.

He cheated on his wife & gambled away a ton.

He’s always been dirty & it’s hilarious how The Oil fanbase defend his sorry ass. He’s trash
I was watching the ESPN feed and hearing the color broadcaster alongside Leah (don't know his name) literally recite romance verses regarding McDavid's pure super stardom was actually nausea inducing. Was guaranteeing's Douchesaddle's hat trick before OT started as well. Mass delusion.

For prosperity:

Dominic Douchbag Moore!!
Evander Kane has been a dick in Winnipeg/San Jose/Edmonton.

He cheated on his wife & gambled away a ton.

He’s always been dirty & it’s hilarious how The Oil fanbase defend his sorry ass. He’s trash

For some time I had wanted him on the Kings. Before that I had also wanted Jeremy Roenick, Anson Carter, and Ilya Kovalchuk on the Kings. I’m an idiot.
Evander Kane has been a dick in Winnipeg/San Jose/Edmonton.

He cheated on his wife & gambled away a ton.

He’s always been dirty & it’s hilarious how The Oil fanbase defend his sorry ass. He’s trash

I said this in the game thread already, I rather loose a playoffs series than win with a human scumbag as Kane on my team. The Oilers should be ashamed of themself for giving him a contact.
I said this in the game thread already, I rather loose a playoffs series than win with a human scumbag as Kane on my team. The Oilers should be ashamed of themself for giving him a contact.

I was just reading a piece in the latest Scientific American about how really smart people in the sciences have been given a pass for decades on douchebag behaviour. There has been a "tolerance" that because they contribute something special to our knowledge base that they should be forgiven for bullying and being sexual predators. When I read this, I immediately thought of Evander Kane and his situation as an elite athlete.

Now Chirping

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