WTS: Hide the Salami - NYI 3/11


Super Star
A tale of two boards. Optimistic, boring stuff pulled from: NY Isles Talk. Cynical and sometimes funny stuff from HF Boards.


-Well the first part of the mission is over and that was to catch a playoff spot. Now the real challenge comes against much tougher competition. Isles need to ride the wave and I see no reason why we can't win this game.
-I want to catch Tampa and Philly so bad I can taste it LGI
-64th must win of the season.
-I’ll be impressed if they get two points
-Would be an impressive W tonight.
-This game tonight scares the ish out of me. 2nd of a b2b, LA wanting revenge from the ot loss at ubs. it just scares me.
-Well, one good thing is that LA hasn't played well in LA either lately.
-The best QB (Anders Lee) in the tri-state area will be public enemy #1 tonight based on the crying they did last game between the 2 teams.
-gonna look into hiding the salami at 10:25 PM, Seemed to work the last late game vrs the Sharks
—We’ll hear back from you at 10:28.
-Interesting, Kings board is seeing this as a bit of. a grudge match, with Lee kneeing Gavrikov , and our comeback in that game back in December which was the beginning of their mid-season tailspin. I hadn't realized that. I thought we were the only team that blew 2-0 leads (EDIT: damn right)


-sloppy start
-Pretty bad first 5
-good start to the game
-Dam Holmstrom that was close! Ok boys big PP here.
-Pelech slightly pushed but he could have avoided. Hope Sorokin is ok. 5 on 3. For a minute. Score here.
-ohh high stick there Isles get a 5 on 3
-what a terrible terrible call...
-WTF?? Are you kidding me? Thats the weakest **** ever. He’s going for the puck. WTF
-that is the worst call I ever seen lol
-That Barzal “penalty” was one of the all time great make up calls. Make up for what.. not sure but it was truly terrible
-Watching Kings broadcast. Their color guy has zero hockey knowledge. It's embarrassing.
-Excellent road period
-sloppy period at best.
-Good road first period, we are playing tonight with the big boys and holding our own.
-We can't let down and must keep pushing. I'm feeling a 3 goal period for the Isles
-Holding our own against a real good team.
-Deflected puck into the net, no puck luck.
-yikes.. off of a good rush by the Isles.. Kings come back and deflects off of Reilly's stick.. Kings up 1-0
-Bad luck but clearly getting worked right now
-Generating absolutely nothing 5v5. Need a lucky bounce or PP
-Kings get away with ALOT of interference
-The more physical teams that play well defensively are our kryptonite. We are playing horrible
-Just need to keep it close. Rare game where a loser point is as good as a win
-Good start to the period. Keep the pressure on and a goal will come.
-The more physical teams that play well defensively are our kryptonite.
-Barzal playing scared tonight
-low key game. LAK don't run with scissors, they're an experienced team
-They've picked up their intensity, but the Kings give you nothing.
-Good night Irene
-PLD is a little bitch. Thats 2 penalties he took that were clear as day and he’s crying to the ref both times.
-LA begging us to get back into this game with these penalties.


-We didn’t show up tonight and look timid against a more physical team. Certainly not the sharks or ducks.
-Play a couple of bad teams in a row where the goals come easy and this happens.
-And somehow, it's just a smack in the face to get shut out by a guy like Rittich. He had two pretty good seasons between 2018-20, but hasn't played more than 21 games in a season since. He just didn't really get tested.
-Another bad-luck flukey goal combined with the Isles not finishing the few chances they do get. Kings play a solid game. Could have been entirely different if they had that 5 on 3
-Can’t be too mad, team has played very well of late and took 4/6 on the West Coast. Kings are whiney f***s
-They need to analyze the LA #1 NHL rank PK video clips and learn from the pros. This may give some tips to improve their own PK.
-Kings did look so much better than the way they played in December. They are a very good team. Oilers have a run for their money.
Good night Irene:

wrestlemania iii wrestling GIF by WWE

Isles were about as bad as the Oilers at diving to draw cheap penalties.
Can’t be too mad, team has played very well of late and took 4/6 on the West Coast. Kings are whiney f***s

Your captain just delivered a dirty knee-on-knee hit on one of our D-men last December that took him out for several weeks, yet the refs somehow turned a blind eye on that incident. There's a valid reason why he should have been disciplined by the league after that and the league just standing pat and not doing anything about it speaks volumes of the incompetency and inconsistency of the league's DoPS, what with Parros currently being the head of it. Go screw yourselves and play on a highway, Isles fans. It's posts like this that seriously makes me want to despise [L]east Coast fans, especially those from NYC (whom I really detest the most out of any [L]east Coast city, even more so than Boston and Philadelphia). Typical.
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I really hope Arvidsson can get and stay healthy this season. We’ve got the team to beat the Oilers if he’s anywhere close to 100%.

Hell it would seem any right handed shot would greatly benefit this team, how do they get to a point where they have so few?

Now Chirping

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