WTS: Idaho Russet Potato - BOS 2/17


Super Star
Surprisingly little for the Bruins other than HFboards, but they post a lot, so all is from there. Weird stuff. Not much game analysis. Mostly talk about the refs, in-arena music, the broadcast, PK Subban, people’s looks, etc.


-Hopefully they show up to this matinee, I swear to god I’ll pull the trigger on a nap so fast if they look like **** early
—To paraphrase Roger Ebert's infamous review of the film North, "I hate, hate, hate, hate matinees. I hate them." I'll tune in with a hair trigger.
-I hope Helene gets a new gig asap. Excellent hockey writer.
-I think this is a W. Gonna say OT.
-I didn’t know ABC had a C broadcast crew for hockey.
-Hard to overrate a mid February game, but this is a team that really needs a solid win today.


-Little jealous they still have Kopitar
—I’m shocked he was a -6 against the Sabres. Probably the worst plus minus he’s had in a game.
-These sluggish starts are becoming a thing, like me taking forever to pee in my late 40’s
-Dirty goals is just what the doctor ordered
-I don't see them winning this challenge!
-Oh brother that’s going to be called back. Soft chicken league strikes again……
-How was he not pushed in, he was obviously pushed in
-Here we go again. I hate the NHL.
-Bruins need to just push Kings players into Ullmark every time a shot is coming.
-Its a good goal, and I’d feel the same way if Carlo pushed Kempe slightly into Ullmark too.
-Every defenseman does it, shoves the guy toward the goalie. It discourages guys from going to the net in the first place, unless you're an absolute tank that no one can budge.
-Forbort is garbage
-Challenge it! Turcotte touched Ullmark!
-Frederic can't fight
—Englund had his punching arm tied up good with that grip. Veteran move.
-Interesting move hammer fisting the arm like that
-I really wanted Englund as a UFA this summer. Would have been such a nice addition
-Imagine if I could just watch hockey today and not officiating
—A 1230 national broadcast and the NHL desperately needs ratings.
-This is why I don’t even get mad at losses anymore, the league is farce so what’s the point in getting mad at
-Think what you want but marchand will never get the benefit of the doubt. its just the way it is.
-A lot of egos in the new generation of inexperienced officials. All sports.
-I want the JVR Hatty!!!!!
-Where’s Andy Ference to slap Kempe around. (EDIT: same poster who complained bitterly about the refs. Wait, that’s also all of them.)
—McAvoy is going to catch him with his head down.
-Sell high on one of our goalies after this game, LA needs a tender and has some grind we could use.
-Kempe would be great on the B’s. Was always a player I wish they were able to sneak out of LA before he became more known.
-Feels like LA should have a better record
-Poor drew, eat a bag of dicks
-That was some, uh, interesting defending by the kings lol
-I don’t want to jinx it, but I feel good about this one.
-Forbort is such a god damn liability out there. Slow as ****
-There's a goal the Bruins would never score and get away with.
-Forbort just sucks.
-What no "GI" there LOL.
-Probably gonna be a clenching last minute or two.
-Arvidsson flop artist, boy who cried wolf!
-Marchand might sit a couple for that one.
-I guess Marchand isn't allowed to brace himself. Arvidsson put himself in that position
-yeah happens. Missed calls happen too. Win some lose some.(EDIT: their entire board needs to read this post about 50 times and really think about it. Then read it 50 times again.)
-No one is afraid of you Doughty
—His dentist is.
-2 minutes for a puck battle
-Gotta kill this, pivotal point in the game right now.
-Kopitar all alone in front.....
-Nice play Forbort
—Him failing to clear led to 2 goals today he is an Idaho russet potato
—That is too good of a potato. . .
-Anze is WC Bergy for a reason
-You could make a strong argument that Forbort has been Sweeney’s worst signing.
-And my kid ate all the polenta...What a horrid thirty second interval of life.
-Ok boys......now's the time!!!!
-Everything but scoring.
-I cannot believe how slow they move it in the PP vs what you see other teams do…….
-p*ss poor awareness. Infuriating.
-This team is garbage.
-Hahahahahahahaahah pathetic
-I'm gonna shake my head into a concussion here.
-A new low
-1-5 on your season long homestand. Someone ought to be fired over this
-A+++ for creativity in losing another home game.
-Of course that’s his first career goal
-It’s time for the coaching staff to start feeling some heat.


-Hope Sweeney takes a long look at what he can move out this year. Yeah yeah I know lots of hockey left, but this team isn’t beating Florida in the playoffs and they are the team to beat to win the east and the Cup. And can we please add some toughness?????
-I always get a kick out of hearing opposition, broadcasters talk about the Bruins talent and depth. For someone who has watched every minute of every game I am still looking for it
-This LA team has been abysmal for quite some time now. To lose to them when you are this desperate for a win is completely and utterly embarrassing.
-I need to go find a neighbour's cat to kick.....or maybe just a neighbour.
wow, do they hate Forbort. Lol.

They also seem to hate their 2nd-Place-in-the-entire-league team a whole lot, too. Sheesh.

Gotta agree that goal called back for GI was a weak call.

Now Chirping

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