WTS: Nickelback Torture - St.L 11/18


Super Star
Overall similar sentiments as from Flyers fans: would like to see their team tank harder.

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St. Louis today

Blues News Forum


-I think we will do well in the first period and take the lead 1-0 or maybe 2-0. However we will be clobbered the next 2 periods and let in like 4. The kings are a good team
-No playing down to these guys. KINGS Off to a middling start
-The Blues vs. the **** the 405s.
-We could use a good ass kicking tonight to get back in the lottery hunt.


-OMG this got ugly real quick....
-It's gonna be a long night.
-Beautiful. We come out absolutely dominating them first shift…imaginary penalty call. Kings score on the PP. Then the guy who should get called for slashing Schenn’s stick out of his hands scores. What the ****?
-The 405s have 2 goals before the Blues have a shot.
-Next goal determines the chance we can win or lose. If we make it 1-2 the game is still winnable but if we go down 0-3 I think this game is a definite loss.
-Talbot is not that good. You have to score there.
-This is why I wanted so badly for The Blues to get the 2 points vs. The Sharks.
—I wish we didn't get points against Tampa and Arizona.
—0-3, ballgame
-Kings on a different level than the Booze
—I mean, yeah, the Kings are a better team than us right now. They are no longer the rebuilding team of the past 3-4 years.
-Wow now they're streaking the wrong way again. Oh well.
-Well . . . I picked the Kings 4-0 in the PTS but that was for the WHOLE game, not one period!
-I could be doing so many things much more fun than this. Like, getting sacrificed to Cthulhu, or listening to Nickelback
-There's torture and then there's midevil, Spanish Inquisition type torture. Nickleback falls into the second category.
-I will not stand for this nickelback slander
—San Quentin is the only Nickelback song I can stomach.
-thank god the mcrib's coming back. best news of the night
—Ah yes. mystery meat with bbq sauce slathered all over it.
-I don't want to work tomorrow.
—Sounds like a McRib is in order
-Oh lord. we gonna get beat by freaking Talbutt????
-Binny beaten like a rented mule and a red-headed stepchild on goal #5. On the other hand, their goalie has been great
-Pulling the goalie?


-Being a .500 team doesn't cut it in the NHL. It's honestly the worst place to be. Fringe team with maybe a chance at the playoffs and no draft position.
-Kyrou should be in a no contact league.
-Kings are a good team. We aren’t. We needed to play our best game to beat them. We didn’t.
Always a joy to read. Thank you! It's kind of weird to be once again following a team that has a legitimate shot of winning every game they compete in.
lol @ "I could be doing so many things much more fun than this. Like, getting sacrificed to Cthulhu, or listening to Nickelback"
The 405s? Lol what. I suppose they just show pics of the 405 before the game if it involves the Kongs? I don't know any freeways in St Louis... maybe I'm not cultured.

I do appreciate they call em "The 405s" most people outside of California drop "the" or call it I-405, drives most east coasters nuts the way angelinos say it.

When I moved to Oregon I continued to call everything "the 5" or "the highway" and everyone, mostly my dad, knew I was a "transplant" right away (never heard that before) and also was like what the hell are you saying? It's Interstate 5! Now I'm on the east coast.. and there's a sh*t load of highways, people just say "the 308" again. In my experience in this pointless area it seems based on highway density and town size, with the larger referring to highways as "the" and smaller referring to the literal name.

Sad news: My wife likes nickelback. Currently working with our great overlord Cthulhu to remedy.
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The 405s? Lol what. I suppose they just show pics of the 405 before the game if it involves the Kongs? I don't know any freeways in St Louis... maybe I'm not cultured.

When I moved to Oregon I continued to call everything "the 5" or "the highway" and everyone, mostly my dad, knew I was a "transplant" right away (never heard that before) and also was like what the hell are you saying? It's Interstate 5! Now I'm on the east coast.. and there's a sh*t load of highways, people just say "the 308" again. In my experience in this pointless area it seems based on highway density and town size, with the larger referring to highways as "the" and smaller referring to the literal name.

Sad news: My wife likes nickelback. Currently working with our great overlord Cthulhu to remedy.
Not so in Chicago, here its all based on names, which represent segments of certain highways "Dan Ryan, Edens, Jane Byrne" but if you do refer to a number, there's no the. We'll need a NYC or Boston native to weigh in.

ps As a confirmed swiftie I can say there's nothing wrong with your wife's love of Nickleback. Besides Trevor Lewis is also a huge fan.
Not so in Chicago, here its all based on names, which represent segments of certain highways "Dan Ryan, Edens, Jane Byrne" but if you do refer to a number, there's no the. We'll need a NYC or Boston native to weigh in.

ps As a confirmed swiftie I can say there's nothing wrong with your wife's love of Nickleback. Besides Trevor Lewis is also a huge fan.
I simply cannot fathom why they do that name thing for roads in Chicagoland. I really hate it. It's like you have to know the secret menu to translate from someone's name to the actual highways when you're looking at maps, especially when listening to radio traffic updates. And am I right that the name thing only applies to certain stretches of the same highway? It's just bonkers.

Now Chirping

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