WTS: Past Their Bedtime - ANH 2/24


Super Star
Actually a little sorry to even post this. It is cringe. But they managed 20 pages on HF Boards.


-This is gonna suck. But a 7:30pm start time is nice. Big boys stay up past 10pm!
-Ducks game day. Let’s go. Please give me a reason to be up at 10pm
—To see the stars, after you drive out to the desert.
To experience the full Denny’s experience.
To be first in line for Rocky Horror.
To get more alcohol to watch the game tomorrow.
-I hate the Kings, their uniforms, their building with a stupid name, their announcers, their city, and their fans. I am going to be pissed if they lose this game even though I know they lose all the time to everybody.


-Really glad we always have our own guys at Kings home games, Hazy especially is so much better than Fox
-Is Gibby gonna give a **** this game or what?
-Wow, I had no idea TMac was fired
-Why would you want your team to look like disco balls?
—Cocaine probably
——No, that’s apparently Arizona
———That’s meth
-Rittick or whatever the hell his name is has been lucky so far on two occasions
-Ooh! Ah! Silfverberg!
-ohh ahh!
-Byfield is a house. They cannot move him
-This fourth line is the stuff of nightmares
-Kings definitely are pretenders. Disorganized. They are not Vegas/Bruins/Avs
-not sure if we're looking better or if the kings are actually kinda bad
-Kind of dominating now
-Boys are flying
-John Ritter just swims around and hopes for the best
-Can someone tell me the last game where we had 5 min of domination like this ? I am having trouble remembering seeing puck hunger like this ( I missed sens game) so I dont know if it was like this or ahh shucks we scored types
—Apparently they had a huge meeting..
-Damn, I hope this game doesn't become a "special teams-off"
-Boo. Gibby had no chance as he was screened.
-This ice is ass
—I'm telling you, its the glitter
-Guess since ducks can fly they cannot be tripped
-Knobby knee clarke doesn't want that smoke.
-Chicken**** from byfield. Want to line up a guy who is already engaged? Square up then
—Yeah that was weaksauce but typical Kings CS behavior.
-Lol Clarke should get a dive there…. How you gunna throw first push and get blown down by a gust of wind
-Of course we get the extra
-2 minutes for being bigger/stronger is a Ducks classic.
-I have zero idea who scored, but GOAL!
-Hahaha hilarious
-If this was the consistent product I would be fine with our record. They are skating, hitting, and being generally acceptable to watch. Just do that.
-Lyubushkin couldnt be bothered to even try to move Byfield
-I don't particularly care for Elliott because she never seemed to particularly care for the team she covered.
—I think she never got over the "mighty" thing.
-Leo could have a hat trick today. Brother you gotta finish
-It’s gunna be fun watching byfield vs carlsson in the future.
-God, Doughty gets uglier every year.
—I'm telling you, it's the glitter... and meth
-don’t get why some people are so high on Brandt Clarke…..he’s not that good in my eyes.
—He's good. It'll just be an adventure for awhile
-Five guys cross checking each other. Let’s pick out a Duck for 2 minutes.
-Damn zebras look at the kings jerseys and think they are one of their species
-This goalie is super cocky for being so mid
-nice of gibson to still show up like this once in a while
-By the way, the Ducks have had 4 or 5 shots that the official scorer haa taken off the board similar to the one they just counted for Roy.
—Wonky stats at a Kings game? No, that cannot be.
—Kings org loves doctoring the stats.
-All i asked was a reason to be up @ 10. Mission accomplished
-Omg that ice looks awful
-Maybe if the kings fans boo harder they can pad their shots on goal more
-50 shots my ass. Even their stat keepers are dumb ****ing pigs.
-Two teams that don't know how to play 3-on-3.
-Yep Gibson DGAF anymore now
-Didn’t even need to deke
-Over under two muscles moved for Gibson this shot


-Barely beating a bottom-3 team, grats
-Gibson and dostal both have Ls with 48+ save games lol
-Perfectly good effort tonight, they played hard.
-It’s time to upgrade mintyukovs partner. I’d love for us to go hard on Roy in the offseason… don’t think the kings can keep him(specially with their rhd coming up)…. He’d be a solid fit for Mintyukov or fowler
-I enjoyed that game more than I've enjoyed any Ducks game in the last couple months. I know they gave up a ton of shots, but a lot of them were from outside. If the Ducks are going to lose, this is the type of losing I'm ok with. On the road, against a tough team, where the only thing separating them from a victory is just the kids being like 5% better
Interesting that a fan calls out Rittich considering he is greatly outperforming both of their goalies this season.

This comment was pretty funny "Damn zebras look at the kings jerseys and think they are one of their species" haha
LOL at the "John Ritter" comment. and super LOL-ing at the "Hazy is better" comment....no wonder they all think that all Ducks penalties are never deserved
yet, they managed to win a Stanley Cup before the Kings
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Now Chirping

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