WTS: Perds @ Kings


I lost my password
Pre Game
This 9:30 start time is some number one bull****.
?I'm just glad I'm not in the eastern timezone... 10:30PM would be 1000% worse.

I love Arvy and miss him but we are better without him (runs and hides for cover)
?How dare you
But yeah that seems to be the consensus from fans
?I mean, we are obviously doing fine without him- but I would still love to plug him into the top 6 on this team
?Yeah we're doing pretty dang well but I definitely think he would be doing better than Kunin or Tolvanen with Granlund
?In what way would he be doing better than Kunin and Tolvanen? Strictly in points I would assume is what we're talking about here? That is possible but what do you lose with his ineffectiveness forechecking?
Or while injured?
?Arvy could finish. He has nearly as many goals this year as Kunin and Tolvanen combined.
?If Arvy was still here then JOFA would still be a thing and those guys were so freaking complacent the last few years. I doubt any of Forsberg, Johansen, or Duchene's numbers look remotely as good as they have under that stagnant forward dynamic. Good for Arvy for performing well and "bouncing back," but he's still missed about 15 games already this season and his run here was through.

My screen still says event about to start. What the f***!!!
?Be happy. Your screen is saving you from Leah Hextall's call.
?Holy f***! Had to shut it down and relaunch.

Let me just say that this deal with ESPN is not conducive to viewing pleasure. Let me turn on Bally and watch them drop the puck. And don?t get me started on the ESPN announcers.
?ESPN really bought the rights and said let's see how unwatchable we can make this for everyone.
?Commentary is already painful and it hasn?t even started yet
?It's not the best idea to put Leah on a 9:30 start time game

Ah god. Why cant we have Linda?
?She's doing the between the benches.

Oh. Another failure to clear. Thanks Meth Fisher.

Holeeee hannah.

That was a heck of a shot though

Sniped. Not worried yet but got some work to do.

No save Dave

Well this is going great.

So Some Saves Dave?

Damn you Meth Fisher

Time to show these guys why they call a two goal lead the worst lead in hockey!


They score on their power plays, they score on our power plays?

Of course right after espn talks about how good we are and how bad the kings pp is they score twice
?That?s these ESPN announcers for you. They love speaking things into existence and jinxing everything possible

Lol thanks for making the ?should I stay up and watch this game or not? debate an easy call.

Way to show up guys!
?I shouldn?t have taken the boys out for drinks last night. My bad
?Booo, you suck, it's all your fault!!

we bout to get waxxxed

Were they just playing Rocky Top at that stoppage?

Anyone else hear the organ player play a ****ty version of Rocky top?
?To be fair, all versions of Rocky top are ****ty

Make a save, any save Dave

I can't leave you people alone for 10 minutes! 3-0?

?Big save Dave? my arse
??Big save,? not ?Big saves?

Just switched it on...think I may switch it back off. What the hell?!

This isn't good. Boro has had such a tough time staying on the ice.
?Well ****, that hurt my head watching that.

Injury gods, can you please leave Boro alone? I mean damn
?The gods say no

The ice is tilted. Only a matter of time to break through on a couple of our chances. I believe we win this 4-3
?This didn?t age well?

Is Carrier French for clueless?

Guys, we?re playing a ****ing AHL team
?So, trap game?

The LA coach looks like Ronny Garvin.

You mean to tell me I slept through last night's game and remembered to tune in to this one instead?

Well this score looks really ugly now.

This lady sounds like she should be a golf commentator or something.. it's like listening to Siri read the news

I get that diversity and inclusion are being pushed in the NHL, (not a bad thing by any means) but my god could they get a good female announcer? Leah Hextall is ****ing awful dude. Voice is like nails on a chalkboard
?Poor ray for having to be apart of this play by play announcer.
Jesus Christ she is ****ing bad
?I'm pretty sick of seeing the games end up on ESPN+/HULU. It seems like this season an absorbent of games have been aired on ESPN+/HULU, and they've all been in the later half of the season.
?The color commentary is the best Canada has to offer. Ray is incredibly good.
First time hearing this women try to do her job.
Might as well put me in the booth.

This wouldn?t have happened if they would have re-signed Forsberg. Probably

We really should've started Rittich last night and Juice tonight
?Damn you and your sound logic

Can we just sell Rittich for extra Forsberg money?
?And, what, just hold a gofundme for Askarov?

Kings are playing like a bunch of guys that don?t want to be sent back down.

[Kings fan] Are the Preds a good 3rd period team? Asking for somebody?

I flew out to Vegas for this?
?You flew out to Vegas for a game in LA?
?Vegas game tomorrow night

I'm at work. What the hell is happening in LA rn?
?Shhhh look away, don't ruin your night
?Good news or bad news first?
?We suck again.
? and I lied. There?s no good news?

Not sure why anyone is mad at the decision to pull the goalie with 7 minutes to go. Not like him being in net has been all that different

Nice of us to give them the empty netter 5 min earlier than usual

Cool, I?m not going to watch another Rittich game the rest of the season.
?After that showing, I?m not sure any of us will have to.

We got this. Just need to score a goal every 18 seconds.

Also, when did we decide it was time to get back into this ?dump and NOT chase? from prior seasons?

Im going to be hearing about this one for a while. LA fans just dont shut up around here.
?I?ve never met a kings fan. Do you know a bunch?
?Been living in CA since I was a teen. It's Kings or Sharks everywhere I've lived since. Always representing my Preds any chance I get. Makes for some fun ribbing but after tonight it's gonna hurt a little.

Post Game
1. That was a pathetic effort from the Predators
2. We were long overdue for an ass kicking
3. As long as this is just a one-off, burn the tape.
4. But fr if you?re going to get blown out please don?t do it on the 9:30 start.

Gonna throw that one on the "you can't win every game" pile. The kings looked like a team hungry for a playoff spot and the Preds looked like a team who played last night. Rittich wasn't great, but it's not like Saros wins that game either when the team in front of him doesn't score. How they rebound in Vegas will tell us a lot more than this loss does.
no save dave

so some saves dave?

They score on their power plays, they score on our power plays…

we bout to get waxxxed

“big save dave” my arse
–“big save,” not “big saves”

just switched it on...think i may switch it back off. What the hell?!

Is carrier french for clueless?

“We got this. Just need to score a goal every 18 seconds.”
I had to look up Rocky Top. Good job Dieter Ruehle.

Dieter also played "Chattanooga Choo Choo" during his pre-warmups "concert" - I don't think he got that one in during the game, though.
Be happy. Your screen is saving you from Leah Hextall's call. - I was at the game - but watched highlights on NHL Net - and my gawd...when she gets excited - here words just jumble together.

Were they just playing Rocky Top at that stoppage? - YES Go Vols

Kings are playing like a bunch of guys that don’t want to be sent back down. - TRUE THAT

Been living in CA since I was a teen. It's Kings or Sharks everywhere I've lived since. - Never been to Disneyland. Shameful
"we bout to get waxxxed". YUP!!!!!

"The kings looked like a team hungry for a playoff spot and the Preds looked like a team who played last night." Spot on.

Now Chirping

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