WTS: Season’s Over - OTT 11/2


Super Star
Sorry I missed for TOR - no time with Halloween.

An absolute ton of OTT posts and about 70% of them are calls to fire the coach.


-Interested to see how they start and ffs can we please adapt to a 1-3-1 and turn over some pucks
-The Kings are the type of team that will just sit on the first goal and then score more as we gamble to get it back.
-Do it for Dorion.....
—Lets get the PD initials stamped on the players crotch area of their shorts for the rest of the year.
——I was hoping we'd put Dorion's face in the urinals.
-I’m not gonna lie. I might Matt Roy fanboy tonight. Still think he belongs in Ottawa. Kempe too.
-Stupid Kings. They were good, then they were bad, now they are good again. Meanwhile we never stopped being awful.


-Nice to see the refs get us started with a soft call
-I blame Dorion
-LMAO who was that genius with a giveaway?
-Unreal pass by byfield.. thank god it's not 2-0.. yet
-When does Ottawa get the puck?
-Omg how did batherson miss
—He didn’t miss. Unbelievable stick from D man.
-Team is MIA just like Dadonov’s NTC.
-Oh my god they penalized Kopitar. This is like an eclipse
-Talbot is f***ing trash
-PP doing every thing except score. Watch us go down by 2 in a minute
-Why does this keep happening? Why can't all of the Leafs get injured instead?
-DJs system is to play hard and stupid at the same time
—DJ is all about high T, low IQ hockey
-Lmao at people blaming DJ. Who are they going to blame if he gets fired?
—You’re right, for this very reason he should be the coach for eternity. Just so we can’t be wrong on the internet.
-All this excitement over the summer for nothing
-It’s just sad to watch. Even our formerly exciting players, like Stützle, look like duds.
Any sense of excitement from the start of the year is completely gone.
-This team sucks. Another season down the drain.
-LA management is so solid. Kept some solid vets in the rebuild and traded for some solid players but also signed them (Fiala/ Dubois) and also drafted really well
-Guys like Stutzle need tons of tough love.
-For the longest time, Isles were credited with the best fourth line in the league. These LA guys are looking pretty good too.
-When Trevor Lewis, Phillip Danault and Artur Kalyiev are skating circles around your team, it's on the coach.
-When montreal is better than you its the coach
-Sens play with the George Costanza method looking really frustrated and hard-working while actually accomplishing very little
-Doughty can Kubalick my balls
-OK, the boos can wait 20 more minutes.
-Assist to Kopitars beak
-Wow what an adjustment by DJ! Telling the players to shoot Kopitar in the face.
-GAME ON!! Feel bad for a quality guy like Kopitar though
-LA is trapping so hard
—Extremely frustrating to watch as a fan. Brings me back to the Boucher days
—I enjoyed the winning tho. couldnt give a f*** about the other fans bitching about the sens being boring.
—At least they follow a system and execute.
-LA has 36 shots on net....you would think they are the team playing from behind
-After a week of rest, and the GM getting fired, this was our best effort
-Bye DJ


-The worst thing you can do to a young core is let them be surrounded by a losing culture
-LA out skated us all night. Even their old ass players out skated our young players.
-I will say one thing and i would even bet money on it, put Dj on the last 2 cup winners and those teams would not even sniff the cup.
—They might just barely be bubble teams, and I’m not joking.
-Look. The point of a coach is to get this damn team in order. These players aren't any worse than what is on LA. Yet you see the game LA played tonight? Enough said.
-I like DJ, he is a good friend to most of my favourite hockey players.
-Chychrun real good again. On 1200 post game he can’t stop talking about how structured LA is and how they don’t break it.
We need to get other teams talking about us like that.
-I think the problem with defending a 3-2 score is that the game didn't play out like a 3-2 game. This easily could have been about 6-1 for LA.
-Stu needs to cut the embellishments out. The penalty on Doughty was embarrassing to watch
-Stutzle’s play has been worrying. He can look dynamic but so many of his spins and dangles are in low-danger areas like the neutral zone. He just doesn’t seem to be generating many high-danger chances.
-What I saw was a Kings team imposing their will for most of the night. If not for Korpisalo we would have lost by a lot more tonight. Stützle was picked multiple times leaving the zone. LA cycled all night long. We got lucky it was this close a game honestly. We were outplayed badly.
"-Sens play with the George Costanza method looking really frustrated and hard-working while actually accomplishing very little"
That had me laughing!

You know Korpisalo wanted to win bad against LA too. Bwahahaha!!!
"LA out skated us all night. Even their old ass players out skated our young players."

Wait! Ottawa fans criticizing Stützle & praising Byfield?

Talk about an alternate universe....
I mean, look at them praising our management as well...

"-LA management is so solid. Kept some solid vets in the rebuild and traded for some solid players but also signed them (Fiala/ Dubois) and also drafted really well"
It's always fun to read comments from what you know have to be hard-core & knowledgeable hockey fans - they tell it like it is. Even more fun when they are praising your team!!
Wait! Ottawa fans criticizing Stützle & praising Byfield?

Talk about an alternate universe….
It’s one game and they were outplayed but there were negative comments about Stutzle on multiple forums. I’d imagine as pressure mounts to make the playoffs so will their criticism of him as a star player if the team doesn’t deliver.
What a nightmare of an organization - I didn't know about all the stuff going on with them. Hope their new owner president gm whatever all in one can turn it around. When you got a Tkasuck as your captain though I don't know what to say to ya.

I hear if you listen close, you can still hear the boos echoing across Canada as the Kings sweep across.

Having said that I watched both games on away feeds and I love Canadian commercials/broadcasts.

Now Chirping

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