WTS: Used Car Salesman - MTL 12/7


Super Star
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Habs Eyes on the Prize

Special pregame highlight:

-The Kings remind me of those New Jersey Devils teams with Brodeur in net. Suffocating defense and bore-you-to-death hockey, it's hard to watch.
—FWIW, the extra salty Kings forum and their 27 post-GDT have quoted your post as some kind of cringe rallying cry.

EDIT: I don’t think this is us, but pretty funny. We definitely get more than 27 GDT posts. However this Habs game pulled in 800+ on the GDT on hfboards, 100+ on the post game, and 300+ on Habs Eyes on the Prize. It is exhausting, and actually quite repetitive. Main topics are making fun of the helmets, talking about Slafkovsky, PLD, praising Byfield, and whining about the Kings system. Anyway, that means this is another long WTS.


-Need to get this off my chest: "Die Hard" is a Christmas Movie! And, Go Habs Go.
—Yippie Kai Yay Mother....
-THE SILVER HELMETS!! even phil looks good in those!!
-Dubois using the Habs as leverage so blatantly immediately puts him in my prestigious top10 hated current players.
-The Dubois trade still looks really good to me for LA. Quality over quantity. he's just getting started. Vegas added a big piece to their cup winning team when they were able to add a disgruntled Eichel. So did LA in Dubois.
-So do you guys think the Montreal faithful will be kind to PLD whenever he touches the puck?
—Eh this one's justified. Anyways I doubt PLD cares, he's making 8.5 million per year which he would have never gotten here.
——Whenever I'd get booed,it would just charge me up more.
———Doesn’t work in bed or marriage.
-The kings are not winning because of Dubois, they’re winning because their 2020 2nd overall pick is developing into an impact player.
-They’re fully tin-foiled. Their 7 fans will be in awe.


-We wanted more than 1 shot in first period and we get what we wanted, despite being down 1.
-I usually watch the french broadcast but I'm not in the mood for the usual Danault/PLD lovefest.
-Allowed to walk right in
-Doughty skates in so impressively that everyone just stood in awe & watched him score 0-1. Advantage shiny boys
-1-0. here comes the 1-4 trap for 50 minutes
-Slaf seems to be the only Hab capable of winning a board battle against a big, heavy team like the Kings.
-Kings forecheck just destroys us.
-Wow Byfield
-Pure talent. Cutting to the net pays off.
-Take notes Slaf
-People should realize that Byfield also wasn't doing this in his first few seasons.
-Boy Guhle got schooled there
-Saw Byfield play one game with Sudbury Wolves. They lost the game and he was invisible. I thought what is the fuss all about.
-That goal started when Anze got the puck off his zone in the corner. Kopi is one of my favorite player. I wanted Habs to draft him at the time. Anze futur HOF for sure !
-Kings are not playing boring hockey tonight.
-Byfield looking way better than Lafreniere.
—He might also be more impactful than Stutzle.
-These games versus Kings, Florida and other powerhouses really show the how far we are from being a good team. We played a good first period, and yet it felt like the Kings were always under control. They pushed a little and scored two. Unreal.
—It’s been a good game with two young d mistakes being the difference.
-It's impressive how everyone does better away from Anderson. I'm willing to bet those sick kids they visited at the hospital are now all cured as soon as Anderson left.
-I'd like to apologize to the diehard Die Hard fans
-Their coach Todd MacL always makes me think of a koala.
-Kings coach looks like a used car salesman. “Look how shiny those hubcabs are!"
-More proof that the Sens suck. Talbot looks terrible with them last year. He looks solid with the Kings.
-I forgot PLD played hockey.
—He's a 60 point player that earns 9 million a year.
——He could be a factor in the playoffs. Meantime, a salty Kings fan will be quoting you again.
-Seen more penalties by the Kings in the last 5 minutes than you see in entire games.
-lol Someone could pee on one of our players and no one would do nothing on this sorry ass team
-We could play 120 minutes tonight without scoring.
-Byfield was playing exactly like Slaf early on. Just sheer size, compete and athleticism with questionable goalscoring and IQ.
-Kings are not even trying hard.
-They score on their chances, Habs dont. Still a good game. 4-0 doesnt tell the story
-It could be worse. We could be wearing shiny helmets.
-An effortless win. Complete, total control. Master of their domain.
——Did you just start watching in the third?
-If you like trap hockey and a team that chokes the life out of another team look no further than the Kings . Just hideous boring hockey. I thought this style of hockey was dead long ago .
-pezz...you are not the sheriff


-I can accept the losing considering the talent gap, but two shutouts against the same team is terrible.
-Never watched the game -Thank God! People on Facebook were comparing the King's to Jacques Lemaire 1-3-1 Devils. One fan said going to this game was worst $250 he ever spent. Glad I missed it.
-How did they ever rebuild without a 1st overall pick??? Without trading Kopi & Doughty??? And they even had a good goalie in Quick for a few years!!!
We've all been told that...
1. We MUST have a goalie with a sv% below .800%.
2. We must absolutely have no veterans that can score a goal.
3. We must get 5 first overall picks as a result. This is the ONLY way!!
-What we have now is a bunch of 2nd line players pretending to be top line material. I’d take Trevor Moore for Caufield one on one. Bigger, more physical, better scorer and did not have a shoudler surgery that destroyed his velocity/timing.
—What a stupid post lol. (EDIT: it was stupid. Much longer post but I just included the Moore part.)
-Kings best team in the league?
-I liked what we showed in the first half of the game but we were a bit unlucky and then the Kings just smothered us. Pretty much a perfect road game for them, honestly no wonder they've won 11 of them in a row now. They have a really well built roster and a good system, if their goaltending holds up they're going to be a serious cup threat this year.
I like the laziness to assume the 1-3-1 and the devils traps were closely related at all. The devils were all about forcing a dumped puck to the worlds greatest puck handling goalie. The kings are so much more about focusing on neutral zone turnovers. It's completely different hockey.
I like the laziness to assume the 1-3-1 and the devils traps were closely related at all. The devils were all about forcing a dumped puck to the worlds greatest puck handling goalie. The kings are so much more about focusing on neutral zone turnovers. It's completely different hockey.
Yes - so lazy. Kings are far more high-event. I actually find this version of the Kings a lot more entertaining than the grind-you-down Sutter teams, legends though they were.

I suppose lazy generalities and excuses come with the territory when a team starts to get really good, a bit like the tired “they don’t have fans” line.
Yes - so lazy. Kings are far more high-event. I actually find this version of the Kings a lot more entertaining than the grind-you-down Sutter teams, legends though they were.

I suppose lazy generalities and excuses come with the territory when a team starts to get really good, a bit like the tired “they don’t have fans” line.
Definitely much more like a Todd team thats more apt to outscore you than smother you. A lot easier on the eyes for sure. The big question as always will be how does it fare come playoffs.
Yes - so lazy. Kings are far more high-event. I actually find this version of the Kings a lot more entertaining than the grind-you-down Sutter teams, legends though they were.

I suppose lazy generalities and excuses come with the territory when a team starts to get really good, a bit like the tired “they don’t have fans” line.

Laziness, some to an extent. They are clearly associating this team with the Kings of 2012-2016. It makes some sense too because Kopitar and Doughty have been core members both then and now.

I think the real issue here is a combination of East Coast bias and some snobbery. Those fans probably watch few Western Conference games because of the time zone issue. It’s compounded by the fact that most of the hockey media is on the East Coast too. That along with Canadian team snobbery has them looking at little outside their respective regions.

It’s remarkable too because a basic look at the data shows that the Kings are top 2 offensively and to say their game is low event is straight up ignorant.
I don't know about you guys, but i thoroughly enjoy watching my team smother the sh*t out of the opposition while also hanging a 4-spot on them.

I guess some fan bases don't know what good D looks like, so i can understand why it would be hard to appreciate greatness...
The 1-3-1 and our version of it is very different than NJD and Detroit. We aren’t holding players up, just looking to turn it over and counter. We also forecheck like beasts when it’s viable, and we don’t dump and trap unless it’s late in games and we’re trying to ride it out.

We also score 4 goals a game.
I don't think they quite grasp what salty means. I like how they know they're gonna get WTS'd. I expect none less from another bad Canadian fan base that boos their own players.
Laziness, some to an extent. They are clearly associating this team with the Kings of 2012-2016. It makes some sense too because Kopitar and Doughty have been core members both then and now.

I think the real issue here is a combination of East Coast bias and some snobbery. Those fans probably watch few Western Conference games because of the time zone issue. It’s compounded by the fact that most of the hockey media is on the East Coast too. That along with Canadian team snobbery has them looking at little outside their respective regions.

It’s remarkable too because a basic look at the data shows that the Kings are top 2 offensively and to say their game is low event is straight up ignorant.

I expect nothing less from a typical East Coast team who loves to put too much pride on themselves and couldn't care less about anything the West Coast teams have to offer. It's attitudes like this that makes it impossible for me to even pay an ounce of respect for East Coast sports teams thanks to the media being based there. Granted, the time zones separation thing has to be taken into account here, but imagine how much BS they would spout if the Kings were to dominate this season and the next coming ones the way Boston did last year. The [L]east Coast media would be brain-frozen several times over.
I expect nothing less from a typical East Coast team who loves to put too much pride on themselves and couldn't care less about anything the West Coast teams have to offer. It's attitudes like this that makes it impossible for me to even pay an ounce of respect for East Coast sports teams thanks to the media being based there. Granted, the time zones separation thing has to be taken into account here, but imagine how much BS they would spout if the Kings were to dominate this season and the next coming ones the way Boston did last year. The [L]east Coast media would be brain-frozen several times over.
Personally I'd rather go a little farther in the playoffs, but I'm sure Luc would get some mileage out of a presidents trophy.
The 1-3-1 and our version of it is very different than NJD and Detroit. We aren’t holding players up, just looking to turn it over and counter. We also forecheck like beasts when it’s viable, and we don’t dump and trap unless it’s late in games and we’re trying to ride it out.

We also score 4 goals a game.
and that's with a midling pp.

Now Chirping

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