GDT ***Playoffs Rd1 GAME 4 GDT 4/28/24 7:30pm on BSW, TBS, TRU, max***

I like it better than the all black!
Good thing Rittich will start in net for the Kings tonight. Talbot has been exposed badly by Edmonton in this series and the D has been so-so in their back end. Come on, time to stop the bleeding and gain back control so you can tie the series with Edmonton again, LA. No more uninspiring performances, play this game like your playoff lives depend on it.
Winnipeg gets stomped again by the high flying Avs offense. Kings have been run out of the building by the high flying Oilers offense. Nashville just lost to the Canucks 3rd string goalie.

The three lowest scoring offenses in the West are a collective 3-8 so far in the playoffs. Can we maybe start to see a pattern here and maybe possibly start to accept that defense with bad offense has no legitimate shot at winning a Cup in the current NHL?

The new GM will make this his first priority
Other than a couple of Kings miscues in their end, the Kings are looking solid in the beginning minutes of this period so far. Rittich looks more poised in net than Talbot, which is a good thing.
they seem to have gotten the message, this is the best they've looked all series
The Kings really have a fire lit in them in this game. They've ramped up the physicality and O-zone time.
Good stuff from the Kings but they need to score. Doing all this to have the Oilers score would absolutely be the dagger.
See, Kings. This is exactly the type of hockey you should be playing here in the playoffs. It seems you've gotten the memo after your embarrassing efforts in Games 1 and 3. No more playing Mr. Nice Guy hockey, more playing like the gloves are off (even if you're not looking to get 5-minute penalties for fighting).
You hit these punks and you hit them again. We’ve been waiting three years for the Kings to finally give it back to these Oil scum.
It’s good to finally see some passion in this team. Let’s hope it translates into some goals

Now Chirping

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