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Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer dropped:

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Mandalorian Season 2 Trailer dropped:

Is this true?

Another day, another Star Wars rumor, only this one concerns some alleged drama behind-the-scenes of the hit Disney+ show, The Mandalorian. Following on from a rumor that began a few weeks ago regarding some backstage problems encountered during production, an insider has now claimed that leading man Pedro Pascal departed the show halfway through shooting the second season.

"While filming Season 2 Pedro Pascal really wanted to have some scenes with his helmet off. The Mandalorian creative team wouldn't budge on this. So, Pedro Pascal, from what I've heard from two sources now, was frustrated about this and also was pretty darn uncomfortable in the Mando suit on set. So, he became difficult."

After being pushed back by the creative team, Pascal allegedly then went to the studio heads to try to persuade them to give more on-screen time out of the suit.

"And the final straw, even though he was difficult to be around on set, the final straw was that he went to Lucasfilm, from what I've heard from my sources, to try and get them to intervene on his behalf. And you combine that with Lucasfilm already trying to get involved with story aspects of Season 2, which I've also heard."

"Including focusing more on standalone episodes rather than making them more connected, which I've heard The Mandalorian creative team wanted to do, which was kind of happening at the end of Season 1. So, when Pedro Pascal went to Lucasfilm, the Mando team was like, 'You know what, you should just go'. And Pedro Pascal did. And that happened halfway through filming. Now, as I said, I've heard the breakup was pretty bad with both sides upset."

Where this leaves Pascal and The Mandalorian is currently unknown, as is whether this backstage drama even happened, as it does all sound rather far-fetched. It is understandable why Pascal would want to shoot more scenes without the stuffy-looking helmet on, as, not only must this be hugely uncomfortable, but it can't be easy to perform to your best ability while dressed head-to-toe in Mandalorian armor. Equally, it is good to hear that those behind the show would not budge from their vision, which is likely why the show has been so successful in the first place. In any case, here's hoping that things can be worked out as Pascal, even as just a masked voice, is a huge part of what makes The Mandalorian so enjoyable.
Mandalorian season 2 for me so far:

  • Episode 1: Wow!
  • Episode 2: Ummmm...yeah, ok...?
So anyone else onboard with The Bad Batch? I'm really enjoying it...getting a bit dark. Love the animation once again from Filoni and team.

They are genetically mutated clone troopers...hence the name, Bad Batch. They showed up in The Clone Wars series, 4 episodes I believe.

Ah got it. The trailer made it sound like they were clones but I was confused they didn't look like Jango haha.
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