All Things: Criterion

Criterion Announces September Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced six titles for Blu-ray release in September: Krzysztof Kieślowski's Blind Chance (1981), Bruce Beresford's Mister Johnson (1990) and Breaker Morant (1980), Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom (2012), James Ivory's A Room with a View (1986), and Leonard Kastle's The Honeymoon Killers (1970).

Oof. That's a hell of a month. I've never seen Breaker Morant, but I know Garth Ennis is a huge fan of it and that's enough for me.

I also haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom, but there's a commentary track on the disc with Bill Murray, and that might be worth it all by itself.
Criterion Announces October Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced five titles for Blu-ray release in October: Gus Van Sant's My Own Private Idaho (1991), David Cronenberg's The Brood (1979), Ettore Scola's A Special Day (1977), Masaki Kobayashi's Kwaidan (1965), and David Lynch's Mulholland Dr. (2001).

The Brood, Kwaidan and Mullholland Dr are all must-haves.

This version of Kwaidan is the original three-hour cut, never before released in the United States.

Restored Rififi Heading Back to the Big Screen

Rialto Pictures has sent us a brand new trailer for Jules Dassin's classic gangster film Rififi (1955), starring Jean Servais, Carl M?hner, Robert Manuel, Janine Darcey, Pierre Grasset, and Jules Dassin.

Recently restored, Rififi will be screened at Film Forum in New City and Laemmle Theaters in Los Angeles.


September 2 – 8 NEW YORK, NY Film Forum
September 4 – 10 WEST LOS ANGELES, CA Laemmle's Royal
Criterion Announces November Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced seven titles for Blu-ray release in November: Michael Haneke's Code Unknown (2000), D. A. Pennebaker's Don't Look Back (1967), Satyajit Ray's The Apu Trilogy (1955-1959), Richard Brooks' In Cold Blood (1967), and Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru (1952).

Ikiru. ****ing FINALLY.
Criterion Announces January Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced that it will add six new titles to its Blu-ray catalog in January: Charles Vidor's Gilda (1946), Giuseppe De Santis' Bitter Rice (1949), Toshiya Fujita's Lady Snwblood (1973) and Lady Snowblood: Love Song of Vengeance (1974), Wim Wenders' The American Hero (1977), and Ethan and Joel Coen's Inside Llewyn Davis (2013).

Criterion Announces February Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced that it will add six new titles to its Blu-ray catalog in February: Mike Nichols' The Graduate (1967), Antonio Pietrangeli's I Knew Her Well (1965), Nagisa Oshima's Death By Hanging (1968), Charlie Chaplin's The Kid (1921), and Jan Troell's The Emigrants (1971) and The New Land (1972).

I actually still have not seen The Graduate for some reason.
Criterion Announces March Titles

The Criterion Collection has announced that it will add five new titles to its Blu-ray catalog in March: Vittorio De Sica's Bicycle Thieves (1948), Les Blank's A Poem Is a Naked Person (1974), Edward Yang's A Brighter Summer Day (1991), John Frankenheimer's The Manchurian Candidate (1962), and Jacques Rivette's Paris Belongs to Us (1961).
Three Kings?

That was my thought. I still haven't seen it.

Think the playing card in the car is Oliver Stone's JFK? The clock is definitely Orson Welles' "Chimes At Midnight".

Probably too much to hope that the angel on the bomb is Dr. Strangelove...

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