So I read the NYT review this weekend and it peaked my interest. Dolphin, or friends of the dolphin can you give me a little clarity? I a currently "super-triggered" my anything religious, will this push me past my limit?

Also the description reads like an old Twilight Zone episode.

[perfect, i just googled the episode and it's called "the lonely"; feck all Rod, you're amazing.]

I don't think the religious aspects are too much. More philosofical, but that's just me.

What is annoying is that S2E1 didn't have a S1 recap, ugh. S1 was over a year ago and I forgot some thangs. Better read an online recap before I watch any more eps.
I don't think the religious aspects are too much. More philosofical, but that's just me.

What is annoying is that S2E1 didn't have a S1 recap, ugh. S1 was over a year ago and I forgot some thangs. Better read an online recap before I watch any more eps.

Hmmm. Okay, the New York Times review laid it out as two factions, one of all deeply religious humans living on some planet and the other robots raising humans with their only objective being to keep the humans alive and not religious. Which as a premise sounds fun but if it is just veiled present day, dude, I can't.

Haven't fallen in love with a Sci-fi show in awhile and visually interesting is a category they've created (for me) on all my streaming services. Throwback to my stoner days? Nah. Found LegionX years after the fact, loved it (think i wrote a review). So much so that I tried to re-watch but the main character's mental illness was too sad to watch, season 2 is still pending in my queue.

Okay, I'll give it a try this weekend. Raised by out!
Barry: Season 3


As a native of Los Angeles my tolerance for transplant theater people is admittedly low but factor in a hit-man trying to find his second act while simultaneously living a double life, coping with a destructive (read: toxic masculinity) relationship and mentoring Chechen mobsters all while finding the time to drive to the Valley for acting classes to spend time with his high-maintenance crush. Kudos my guy, you may be living your best/worst life. The only thing missing: being California sober (read: only smokes weed but goes to AA).

Wow, this movie was powerful. Masterful performances all around.

It looks really good but I am at a point in my life where this may be too dark/depressing for me. I won’t count it out but I will have to be in the right frame of mind.

Young English couple (late 20?s) finds out they?ve inheritedan Estate (think Downton Abbey size) jackpot, right? Oh no, it?s haunted by all the people who?ve died on that land and haven?t been able to pass to the other side. The eight ghosts are not fans of people in general, so they want them out and involves their new tenant having an ?accident?. Due to this "accidental" near-death experience can now see and hear the ghosts (gasp, whaaa??!) that haunt the estate. Quirky comedy ensues.

Is this scary? No! Is this a fresh idea? In a way. Are the ghosts goofy and representative of a solid timespan throughout history and are the people sweetly charming? Yes. The storyis more about the ensemble cast interacting and less about the person who can?t see ghosts confronting their partner about her possible break with reality and this is probably a mental illness. We just all accept she can see ghosts and it?s adorable. As most of the things I review here it has an enduring heart and is a nice break from everything going on outside. Happy-go-lucky people, this is for you. =)

(Just googled for a picture and there is a -guaranteed- sh**ty American remake- pass; watch the English version)


Admittedly, I did not start the show until it was completed and off-the-air for like months (?) but, hey,I watched it. Season one lived up to the hype, sort of and that's fine but every season after, total chore. After a certain point with EVERY character my indifference grew; seriously hate-watched season 3 and 4 ( Did OCD prevented me from stopping? unknown). The ending: *sigh* (lower case) fine.

Then why are you posting about it? Great question. The Youtube parodies with different shows opening with the Succession theme song. All hail the bored amateur editor. You've made Succession worth it. Thank you. =)

I love every single one. *muywah* Genius, so many great edits and dumb-fun reworking of another show to fit the mold (even love the reverse when they made Succession into the Arrested Development opening). Could not even complete a top five (better call saul/breaking bad, sopranos, AD, etc) list but the one that works the best for me is "The Crown ''.

Okay, the lack of content/writers strike may have made for slim pickings on the media board but here's to better days ahead boys!
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